Sunday, June 21, 2009

Opportunity, Option, Optimism ... and Straight Business ....

What inspires this posting is because again ... talk out of Americans, and their concerns of the time. The usual questions you hear in the communities, is what's happening to the American Dream? What's becoming of our Right's? And are we becoming a socialist government controlled and owned society? There is much worry about our President's moves ... and how he is anti- business ... against wealth, and the list goes on.

This is still the "Land of Milk and Honey" even though I jokingly refer to it in previous post's as the "Land of Milking Money"... the 2 feed each other actually. The President isnt against wealth and trying to lead us into financial hardship, he is doing just the opposite ... and trying to sustain what America is so great for, which is Opportunity, Option, Optimism is all. The whining over this ... especially out of our representatives on the right is relentless ... listening to the conservative views on our President and the road he is taking us down. All this new regulation in business is needed. Why? Because we lost what straight business is all about. This last Administration under Bush for instance ... was for zero regulation ... with an attitude that business will just take care of itself with no outside oversight.

Well ... we seen where that leads to obviously. I remember as a kid in Vegas back in the early 1960's the entrepreneurs who took a desert rest stop for GI's and turned it into the entertainment capital of the world ... folk's that done straight business and had game rules, integrity, vision, etc. On the east coast they were called criminals and gangsters ... in Vegas ... they were welcome. Called the "mob" by many, and talked about for decades as criminals. But these folk's had more integrity and vision, backbone, ambition, than any of these clowns that run the corporate sector these day's ... and were straight up when it came to business! They had ground rules as well ... you screw up peoples investment ... and dont play straight, you may end up in one of many holes in the desert. This is wrong? Well ... whatever ... it kept order is what it done ... and showed example and consequence.

You look at these investors on Wall St these dayz and the associates of them, and the mega corporations with their monopoly type control ... the lack of any oversight, accountability , their outright bold moves, begging for taxpayer money ... then not returning the favour,etc. Someone needs to put a foot in their asses! I guarantee you ... if the so called "mob" was governing over their actions ... they would straighten up real quick! It got to the point where you can do anything you want, screw anyone you want, and you have no consequences for what you do. They have even destroyed what "free market" is all about! It is these folk's that are the true anti- wealth ... who are destructive to capitalism ... and in my opinion..... need to fail! And these weakling's are running the market's and laying the rules! There isnt even any repercussion's for incompetence these day's ... just run wild and dont give a damn about anything ... the tax payers will pamper you and forgive you.

We have no shortage of entrepreneurs, or competent people with innovative ideas, that would love to do straight business if they can get backed financially. More of our money needs to end up in their hands ... instead of rewarding and babysitting those we do now with our taxes. We need these regulation's, and some ground rules, some order ... it's what capitalism is all about and straight business. As common folks with a dream ... we not only have our Constitution ... but we also have a great deal of Opportunity, Options, and a spirit of Optimism. We dont need the crap we have been recently shown and given ... they need us!



  1. Yep, Giancana and Bugsy were downright honest businessmen compared to the big-time CEO of today. They also did fewer people any real damage.

  2. Been along time since I heard anyone speak names like Siegel and Giancana(Been in Texas a long time!).I say this with confidence about some of these guy's were straight businessmen, although I do realize their criminal label's. My Dad worked/played the casino's(he was also a WW2 Vet/Army)This was his life...I was in these joint's despite my age as young as 7/8 year's old... and over in Brooklyn and Buffalo as a kid, I was shining the shoe's of wiseguy's. Why? Because they paid good money! I lived around quite a bit of this as a kid, as I grew up... I read later that these folk's were so called criminal's. To be perfectly frank here ... some of these folk's were some of the most straight up folk's that I have ever met in my life,despite what trash was printed about them to sell copy.If someone ended up dead, there was a "reason", not like these "banger's" today in the street's who just spray fire on innocent's in drive-by's. I reckon I have a soft spot for some folk's.

    Thank You for your visit and comment's Mr.Roger ....

  3. If America loses it's plus points... then America is not America anymore...I hardly know your country to talk about it. I can tell me more if I live there, ya, i am thinking about it... :-)

  4. Thinking about moving to America Mr.Prash? ... Why not! It still is one hell of a great country!Lot's of climate's and terrain's,sprawl,etc.Lot's of unique cities as well.The big political and motor drive of the economic's would have to be the Northeastern Corridor, many cities of importance very close together, I lived in alot of US cities at one time or another and been just about every area of this nation. Lived in New York City... great town... a car? who need's one there? And a flavour like nowhere's else in America!I love NY! But the cost of living and taxes and so forth are steep,but I am sure nothing like Hong Kong! Chicago... upper midwest... lived there too... great town... laid out like New York... great transit,and just all around... one hell of a town.Probably my favourite US city... I only visited...for a week... but can tell alot about a place as well when I am there... that would have to be Portland,Oregon.... it is about the most liberated town in the US.. not too big or small, very good transit,clean, a great alternative music scene and art's, probably the only other town that is similar in music venue's would be Austin,TX,and scene of such.Lot's of inde shop's as well, not at all over commercialized like most US cities.Cost of living aint bad... crime seem's fairly low by US metro standard's,beautiful countryside,mountain's tree's, etc. Moderate climate, just a great town! LA? .... one beautiful area, largest urban jungle in the country, but having a car is a plus, massive urban sprawl, the taxes and regulation's are pretty steep these day's, the smog makes the sunset's so beautiful as most Angelino's will tell ya. Real Estate though is high as hell,weather is moderate all year...Inland Empire cities are the area's that can get pretty hot weatherwise... coastal area's are mellow.Miami area is beautiful... and warm all year round, a little humid... some of the best Salsa joint's in the land... very colorful, and a flavour like nowhere's else,low taxes and property,subtropical urban atmosphere ... absolutely beautiful place to live too.Texas is a big money making machine, 2nd largest state next to California population wise, hot summer's, but many different terrain's like California and winter's, huge in land.. low tax,low real estate,little regulation's, excellent place for entrepreneur's, Texas is about "money" though... some very commercial and plastic urban area's, all modern... and they move quick... if you cant make money here... you must not be trying to!Dallas/Fort Worth where I reside is laid out like LA... massive urban sprawl, ton's of freeway's, heavy latino/mexicano culture, probably one of the largest selection's of eateries/dining in the nation, with cheap prices by US standard's, about half the population of LA/Long Beach Metro area... with a lil over 6.5 million compared to LA/LB's 11 million. Hot summer afternoon's upper 90's everyday(June,July August)... sometimes 100 like today, beautiful summer night's, a car is also good here like LA.... because of the massive land sprawl, rest of the year... moderate weather... lot's of beautiful sunny day's.But it snow's here and freezes at times in the winter, not much though. Texas coast is sub tropical... Houston area a huge industrial type town... very versatile as well... as far as economic diversity... great coastline and beaches close by.San Antonio is absolute beauty, laid back,probably the heaviest mexican culture in the USA, and quite a unique town, close to Austin... a very liberated type college city, also the State Capitol, more live music venue's than any town in the country actually...Austin is about art and music basically. West Texas is alot of desert and mountain type terrain... like in the old western movies,lot's of the old west atmoshere...El Paso is a big town...and border's/shares with Jaurez,Mexico as a metro area... very heavy mexicano culture.

    Hope you had a great time in Bangkok! I know I sure as hell would have! Lucky Dog... arf,arf!

    Take Care Mr.Prash....

  5. thanks for, such a big msg just for this "Mr. Prash" as you put it.

    If it is your country, the cities I have in mind is : NYC, Boston ! Otherwise, it is Sydney, Montreal, Sao Paulo and Mexico City !

  6. I just have a habit of writing "Mr." or "Ms.",Prash, that's all.

    I lived in NYC(Brooklyn),and lived in Toronto(Central West), those are both great town's, a little cold in the winter though.Visited Boston a few times,cant say much about it though,except get ready to "buy" a parking spot for about $40K to $300K to park!(If you own a car)Spent a couple momth's in Montreal, which is an "island" actually like Manhattan/NYC.Montreal is such a nice town I must is a plus since you probably are fluent in French, I would guess that French is the main language there, it seemed like everything was French when I stayed there,and historically beautiful!Kind of "romantic" ... at least to me. Other than that... my choice south of the border would definitely be Sao Paulo for sure..... I have never been there, but sure as hell want to go there one day.

    Thank You Mr.Prash............
