Friday, June 19, 2009

President Obama HARASSED by Domestic EXTREMIST GROUP ... "PETA" ....

Now I know that this isnt important as say ... the seperation of Jon and Kate (God forbid) ... I mean ... I was sleepless with worry for just thinking that Jon would cheat on Kate! Or not as concerning as trying to figure out what the Supreme Raghead Council of Iran will decide to do about the voter fraud allegation's ... but ... nonetheless this has been an issue domestically ... so I feel a need to post it in this journal.

The other day during an interview with CNBC ... a "fly" (common house fly) was buzzing around the President's head and face while he was answering a question ... distracting him ... and harassing him, although the President did try to "brush" it away and give it ample warning. Therefore the President decided to retaliate ... and swat and kill the fly ... after the interview ... he did reach down to the floor and pick up the fly he just killed with a tissue. Actually I didnt even know this until yesterday (thursday 18, June, 09) ... as I was driving on a North Dallas Freeway ... listening to a local "talk radio" show ... and folk's were calling in questioning why the President would kill a poor innocent fly like that? I thought it was some kind of joke ... but these caller's were serious!

Then I went online later to read that the VP for Policy of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal's), Mr. Bruce Friedrich, made a statement about the President doing this (newsread here) ... and reprimanded the President for his action's. This is the same group who said previously they were pleased with the President ... on his denouncement of factory farming and Canadian Seal hunting, and First Lady Michelle's stance against wearing fur. For Pete's sake ... what the hell do they want?!! They went as far as to send a "Katcha Bug" device to the White House for the President to carry with him ... which is basically a "humane fly catcher". Now can you imagine what our foreign adversaries may think if the President showed up in one of these fly infested nation's to negotiate/ talk with it's leader's ... and during the talk's ... the President pull's this out to humanely catch a fly? ... and we wonder why we get threat's or intimidated? The President was instructed by Mr.Friedrich to "Brush, dont Kill". The President did try to brush ... but understand a fly's nature ... it will keep coming back as though you are "playing" in most cases doing this.

Perhap's Mr. Friedrich could use some knowledge on the nature of the fly, since he is so concerned for their welfare. Sure ... I am one that brushes the flies off ... but if I for instance am online like this, busy ... and it keep's getting up in my face ... the SOB WILL DIE! ... you can call it an act of "hate" on my part. I had a job a few year's back ... where I was called on by fellow employee's whenever a stray fly was buzzing around ... because my co- worker's were fascinated by watching me catch flies in mid air ... keeping them alive in my hand ... then even somewhat taming them ... to where they didnt even try to fly off when I opened my hand to let them go. This is no joke ... folk's at work use to treat it as a spectacle to watch me do this ... and wonder how I did it. Actually it's quite simple ... I would tell them ... and fun ... for me it's somewhat of a sport I reckon ... but it's simply understanding the movement and reaction's of the fly is all, and being quicker than it, without acting so ... they never see me coming, or are even aware of me ... is my "trick" you can say.

PS: If you never caught flies in mid air ... and want to ... just for fun ... I'll explain here a start. From my experience ... most of these little creature's will just play or resist I learned at childhood. Watch the movement of it for a little bit, so you are "ahead" of it before it move's, they are faster to us, simply because of size/ weight and the amount of space.Brushing it away mostly will make it play and stay. Just stay still ... then quickly... not with the whole body, but a flick of the wrist, aim for the area you see in it's pattern ... not directly at the fly ... but about 5"/ 6" inches away from it where you assume it will head, so that you both meet the area at the same time.Snatch and close hand, cupping your thumb over index finger. You'll feel it buzzing around in there, shake it around within ... and it somewhat disable's it to where it wont fly immediately, open your hand flat ... and it just stumble's around (or toss it out). If it's on a flat surface ... same method applies ... you move about the same distance from it, above it ... when it catches your motion it will act to move ... you simply want to meet at the same place and time of it.



  1. the Supreme Raghead Council of Iran

    Can you imagine how many flies those guys must have buzzing around them? Maybe the one that buzzed Obama was an agent of theirs on a secret mission.....

  2. Either them or the Chinese,... one!

    :) Later Guy.........

  3. By the way Mr.Infidel, I have considered your question and suspicion's on this incident.... and called my "Redneck Council" to an emergency meeting on this matter!(Our slogan is ..."Kill a Commi for Mommy". We decided to instruct our President to indeed catch a couple of these supect's with his catcher... we will then send them to Guantanamo Bay for questioning and "enhanced" interrogation techniques. Thank You for your info and patriotism!
