Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sexual Problem's, Phobia's, Confusion, Hypocrisy ... of American's and the species ....

It is rare that I would think about writing post's on sexual habit's,eating habit's, or even toilet habit's.... but looking at how IMPORTANT of an issue this is in our country and most of the species... I feel to add in this journal on the subject.

And this trashing of folk's because of these silly thing's is ridiculous.But it seem's that our live's are consumed with sex phobia's, gossip, dicrimination, crime, deprivation of equality and right's, clergy of the respected church's,our representative's in government,etc,etc. It is absolutely nut's! I mean ... does it actually worry folk's what David Carradine done behind closed door's... and his sexual desire's? Or that a man like Sen.John Edwards had a sex affair? With all that we have to concern ourselve's with.... that is REALLY serious... does any of this really matter? The list I could post here is endless actually.

We have this "dont ask,dont tell" policy for example in our military for starter's. I dont know what the purpose was behind it, because I never really read up on it, because to be frank... I really dont care what anyone does sexually, or even if they put their elbow's on the table while eating or say "grace" before meal's... or whether they use conventional toilet's or the toilet's like wealthy folk's do.... that may water spray your anus for wiping/cleansing after you use the toilet.Maybe I would be considered weird... but those thing's really dont concern me. Nor did I have any problem's with meeting gal's or dating gal's over the year's, or care if a guy who was sharing a bunk with me in anywhere's was gay, or otherwise.I reckon the dont tell thing would be not to frighten guy's in the military who would feel odd about sharing a bunk,tent,shower with a guy who like's guy's sexually... who the hell know's?

We say we should have all these taboo's on sex ... you turn on a tele in this nation.... you have a gal dancing with only her breast nipple's covered barely, and a shot of her crotch area... that barely has enough cloth to cover the genital, and the camera is as close as you can possibly get.And if it is a nude person... whether it's male or female... a black box looking block-out is covering these area's.My wife was breast feeding our daughter one day while we were shopping... and everyone in the store damn near was gawking at her.Why? Is this not natural? We show chimpanzee's and other's doing it on our educational network's.We put out this thing and say.... look...but dont touch... and what is the "right" reaction to have or whatever.We take the oldest known profession to human's(prostitution)and condemn those doing it... who basically do it... because so many of us are purchasing their service's.The confusion and hypocrisy both is incredible... it's about moral's? Who's moral's? And what era... or what tribe?

Most of us use the same bathroom at home...male/female share... yet when we go in public...we have to use a bathroom with designated sexes? Is that not sexist? or even discriminatory? If I need to take a leak... do I need to look for a restroom for male gender?,or piss my pant's? And if you were to urinate on a public sidewalk... it is a crime? and, Why is that? I mean... if you have to go... well... you have to go. If being gay should be open as well in the military... should not bunk's,shower's,dressing room's,etc,be unisex? Shouldnt all restroom's be as well?

I look at all the crime we have as far as sex crime's... I think one of the reason's there is so much sex crime's is because of how taboo and sexually isolated we make ourselve's. Why do I think there is nothing "wrong" with unisex restroom's or what have you? Because for one... it isnt true equality... and also if anyone does commit a sexual offense toward's a non participant person(s)... we have law's in place to deal with them... for one... they call it "sexual assault". At least... should that option not be available? For those who claim to be liberated(left),if you have any hang up about any of this ... you are not as liberated,as you claim to be or believe you are.For those who are right wing... and of the current era popular moral value's, did not God put breast's on women to breast feed their young? Why do you see this as "wrong".... why do you see sexuality if not done by some person's specification as "wrong",is there a "right" way to wipe ass your too? After all... God did not write the Bible.... man did. If you claim that he was inspired by God.... well then... so was Rev.Jim Jones, Vernon Howell(David Koresh) as well as Adolf Hitler, and the list goes on. And why does even males get to spread the good word(gospel) in most cases.... when in the gospel... it say's that after Jesus arose from the dead... he first appeared to "women" outside his tomb... and told "THEM" to witness as to what they seen and heard? Has he not appointed them right there to be priest's/preacher's? Did he not invite a prostitute to dine with him as well?

You can see why also I am not with the right or left ... I went beyond that point year's ago actually.


  1. My 28 year old daughter recently had her neighbors complain about her sunbathing in her two piece bathing suit in her own front yard. It's a mobile home park & the neighbors complained to the manager who told her she could not wear that bathing suit in her own yard. It's a bathing suit she wears when she takes her son to the public pool & no one complains there, I know because I've there been with her. I can not figure why something like that would be so offensive that someone would feel justified in complaining. I mean images of women in bikinis are everywhere, billboards, TV...
    Like you say, "The confusion and hypocrisy both is incredible... it's about moral's? Who's moral's? And what era... or what tribe?"
    I think, it's more about control then morals. We are taught at an early age what vile sinful creatures we are & how if let go we'd lose control & run amuck or something...murder mayhem & anarchy would result. Oh course, self control & self respect is a good thing, but thanks to religion we've turned it into a shallow concept based mostly on appearances. Religious people fall short of their own standards all the time. Proving to themselves what vile disgusting creatures they are. It's a vicious cycle they can't win. Well, the solution is making other people look worse then them. :)

  2. That is a dirty rotten shame Ms.Rita about your daughter being complained about on her own ground's! To be honest... some neighbor's can really be too damn nosey all the way around and a real pain in the ass!

    There is an apartment complex in Houston I recall... that is a nudist complex... and fairly large,(several hundred unit's) ... but they have rule's of the complex... that whether you go to the pool of to the rec center or laundry center, or whatever... you must be "nude". Well a gal that was a resident one day decided to go to the recreation center with clothes on... and more than once... she was evicted...she ended up sueing the complex... I am not sure of the result's in small claim's court though, never followed up on it.

    I've known alot of religious folk's over the year's, not that they go to church and say grace at meal's or anything... but they say they believe in god for instance. My mother-in-law(RIP)was religious... but didnt believe the bible... I asked her why? ... she said because god didnt write it! I actually was close to my mother-in-law... she was great and lived with us for about 10 year's or so, I miss her.

    Thsese folk's are just busybodies with phobia's and have their head's up their asses... and it hasnt a goddamn thing to do with religion... if they were so damn religious... they wouldnt be the hypocrite's they are... even their own saviour would disown them!

    Thank You Ms.Rita... have a good un... :)

  3. Another thing Ms.Rita....your daughter may be able to file a grievance with the park management or even with the city there. That is illegal and also harrassment... there is nothing illegal in no state of this country about wearing a bathing suit in your yard.In Dallas folk's were whining about topless gal's who were leased out to mow lawn's, wearing hooter short's,etc... but they were topless too... so they had a ligit gripe(to me it didnt matter anyway's), but they were forced by law to wear breast covering's while contracting their mowing service's. Looking at this from a legal perspective... your daughter is legally the victim here and it is clearly harrassment.Now the ground's of defense the management can use(not all sure of Oregon's lease contractual term's though) is that since they are the"owner's" of the property in which the trailer sit's/reside's, as a "community" they may be able to complain as a whole of some kind of "code violation" but even that can be questionable with good defense srategy... I would be furious!

    Take Care Girl! ... :)

  4. I'm going to complain to the management of my apartment building because there are no women in bikinis sunbathing where I can see them.

  5. Um,um,um Mr.Infidel ... that's not only a shame.... but should be a damn crime! :)

  6. I was more indignant then she (my daughter) was about it. She said it was otherwise a nice place to live & if she had to pick her battles not being able to wear a bikini was low on the list of her priorities. I guess it's A small sacrifice compared to other things.

    It just irks me that some people can be so small-minded & vindictive. OK i'll quite bitching. :)

  7. That's quite alright Ms.Rita.... bitch all you want and can... it's fine by me... that is what this comment's board is about. I am not at that point in life actually where I just sit and stay on these thing's, perhap's when I get older I will mello out some they say. I get a lil aggressive at times when someone get's into my business like this I reckon. Your daughter I reckon just does what worx for her.

    Take care.........
