Monday, February 8, 2010


Another Texas band that I need to post in this journal .... The Edgar Winter Group . Edgar (the white haired Albino)is just one Hell of a composer, and one of America's great contemporary Jazz artist's in my opinion. From Beaumont,Texas ( Beaumont/ Port Arthur Area ... where Janis Joplin is also from) .... not far from the Houston Area .... Edgar and his brother Johnny (not in this video) who's specialty is "Blues", got their start in the late 1960's playing the local dive's in the area, took off in their own direction's and mastered their own style's ... Edgar influenced by Jazz ... and Johnny by Blues, basically.

In 1972 the album called "They only come out at Night" was one of the most popular album's Edgar done I would think ... and it had this song called "Frankenstein" that in 1973 started to really climb in the record chart's, and brought some notoriety. Having lived in the Houston Area back in the early 1970's was I must say some of the best memories of my life ... and spending weekend's at the club's in Houston. Watching Edgar and Johnny give long performance's, back in the day when Edgar would run all over the stage and play so many different instrument's, then drift off into his electronic synthesized journey's, was a show indeed! .... truly a master of the art .... and Thank You Sir for all the great memories! Enjoy!

The Edgar Winter Group- Frankenstein ... Thanx to JONEPS




  1. Hi Ranch Chimp,followed your link over from Truth's.
    I've always dug this song.Saw him when he was with his brother at Devonshire Downs in SoCal. They opened for Jimi Hendrix. I'd taken a tab of something and was able to enjoy the Winters brothers fantastic set. Whatever I'd taken kicked in before Hendrix so there was never any memory of him although technically I did see him!

    Great music choice my friend.

  2. WoW! That was a blast from the past. I met Edgar Winter in Eugene, OR. when I was a runaway teenager back in the early 1970's. I haven't heard that music for a while. Thanks!

  3. Greeting's Mr.Oso!

    I knew who you were because I checked out your profile before through some sight, cant recall where though.

    You done a "tab" of something, and just cant recall, heh? :) Sound's very familiar for the era indeed, dont worry about it ... you were there! :) (were about the same age range, I'm 54)

    Unfortunately I never seen Hendrix ... but loved much of his music and theory, in particular his conversion of instrumental amp feedback being used as part of the composition, and that he was not only a left handed guitarist, but restrung his string's upside down (reverse).... very unique at his time, still for that matter. "Sonic Youth" is a group that does heavy instrumental modification's for instance in this era.

    Thanx for stopping by Mr.Oso!

  4. Buenos Dias Senorita Rita!

    The past indeed ... seem's such a short time ago for me ... oh well, you know the ole sayin ..."time flies when your havin fun". :)

    What a treat it must been to meet Mr.Winter ... I never had (or his brother), but till this day would love to, basically to drill him on alot of his instrumental work and composition, childhood influences, etc. Sound's great though!

    I passed through Eugene a few year's back, took a lil stroll in their downtown .... what a beautiful picturesque city that was ... will never forget it, and it just happened to be a beautiful sunny day in April, lot's of lil inde shop's and eateries, and VERY well maintained.

    Glad you enjoyed the piece, and thanx for droppin in!

  5. It was a weird situation. We were all waiting to see the Grateful Dead in concert the next night, I was only about 14, a juvenile & a runaway. I wasn't thinking about anything except where my next meal was coming from. I remember him because he was an albino.

    BTW, You just dropped off commenting on my blog? Well, I will have a new post up soon, & maybe you'll stop by?

  6. Ms.Rita: Hell .... I never got to see the Grateful Dead "live" either, yet was a fan of Jerry Garcia!

    Stop commenting on your blog? Actually your last posting for instance as I wrote in my posting a few back on "Meat Consumption" is what (along with Infidel753's posting)inspired my posting on that as I pointed out in the post. But I couldnt comment on that on your posting because it is too sensitive of a subject, and I'm not knowledgeable enough on it in particular. Bottom line is ... I'm guilty as Hitler when it come's to killing animal's and eating them, Hell .... I was a "hunter" by hobby, can you imagine in them year's how many animal's I killed, sold, and ate? I also worked on a farm as I posted where we slaughtered chicken's and pig's when I was young and incarcerated on an agricultural/ industrial unit. People commenting on your blog were very knowledgeable in that, and even folk's like Mr.Infidel are opposed to killing pig's (I think he gave up meat eating?) I have been a meat eater all my life since memory serve's .... that would be like Hitler having input on a pro-Israeli posting. Yes .... I read your posting's Ms. Rita.

    Thanx .......... :)
