Wednesday, May 26, 2010

DEAD KENNEDYS: .... "Take this Job and SHOVE IT!" .... and .... "Holiday in Cambodia" (Live) ....

The choice/ induction for this journal's music/ arts selection will have to be one of the hardest working American band's, that originated out of the Bay Area (San Francisco) .... The "Dead Kennedys" .... just downhome, ass busting live performances, great music .... and one of the greatest punk rock band's in history. I have been a fan of their's for year's .... but it was a blogger Ms.WinsomeDove .... who brought up this band in some comment's, several posting's back .... who is a fan of their music, that inspired this posting here.

Below I chose a couple of their classic's to post .... the first is fitting for the time's .... a remake of the country classic .... "Take this Job and shove it" , originally by Mr. David Allan Coe ...... the next song called "Holiday in Cambodia" (Live) Enjoy!! :)

Dead Kennedys- Take This Job and Shove It ... Thanx to TAKTWO2

Holiday In Cambodia- Live (Full Length Copy) Thanx to ELGUB



  1. Think I'm a little too old for this. You really and truly listen to it?

  2. Nonsense Ms.Leslie ... you are never too old to love any art form, this just may not be tyour particular cup of tea so to speak as far as art .... but your certainly not too old.

    Uhhhhh .... believe ot or not .... yes .... I actually love listening to this .... you ought to see my home music collection .... I also have old schooler's like Billie Holiday and BB King as well as these folk's in there, as a child I cherished alot of blues and soul music actually, James Brown was one of my childhood idol's .... any music I post in this journal, is some of my most loved and cherished piece's as well. But yes .... I do have quite an appetite you may say .... and feed it through a variety of art.

    Thanx for stopping by Ms.Leslie! :)

  3. Also Ms.Leslie (TNlib) .... I want to point out that I do like many large main stream artist's, even of the past as well, such as various Beatles song's etc. Because a buddy asked me once recently about posting more mainsteam group's who is an old Led Zeppelin fan for instance. As I done a few posting's back with Uriah Heep as a favourite as a young teen. I try to focus on posting more of the also great artist's that perhap's dont get the wide publicity of the larger label's .... simply because there is so much great art and music out there, that frankly dont get alot of show or airplay, only on inde, non corporate station's such as Dallas' 89.3 KNON, as I am sure you have in Nashville as well. And many folk's are unaware of some of the great art out there, because it isnt publicized as much, due to decision's in those major industries who pretty much dominate the mainstream market's. Back in the early 1970's for instance, many of those great rock icon's and the great Motown artist's of Soul/ R&B, even the early 1950's rock and roll, like Berry, Presley, Big Bopper, etc, that started then actually had freedom to play what they wanted back then, and because it was "new" and not corporate controlled, it got quite a bit of radio play, in the mainstream, these day's that is rare, because how much the industry has changed and of course .... were able to capitalize off the art of those and done well, now being more in control of what is marketed and to who, they even are more into telling artist's what they are going to play, and even rearranging their format's and recording's, so there is much more manipulation by the industry. I've known people that were on some fairly good size recording label's as well I have talked to about this. It's aggravating to some artist's as well.

  4. RC
    I like the holiday one but not so much the other.

  5. Good Morning Mr. Guitar Tim!

    Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh .... The reason I love the first one "Take this Job and shove it" is because it sound's so hilarious the way he sing's it, considering the original version .... I just absolutely get a kick out of it when I hear it! :)

  6. hello sir, i'm not dead, just broke a wing. thanks for the mention and the dead kennedys-glad we have have something in common with our similar appetites.... billie holiday>holiday in cambodia; love it all. later... but not too much i hope

  7. Buenos Dias Senora Winsomedove!

    Good to hear your well ... and I reckon busy too! Yeah .... I like alot of different music, so I rreally cant be put into one category, but then, for me in life period ... variety has been the spice or juice. Do love alot of the classic punk though obviously. :) Thanx for you voice here, I'll be droppin by, take care .........
