Tuesday, May 25, 2010

TEXAS "BORED (Board)" OF EDUCATION: (Part 2) .... A Lone Star "Conspiracy" to "Corrupt" a State and Nation ....

This Part 2 of "Texas Bored (Board) of Education" .... is to simply show how deep and complex the agenda's are of politic's in our nation (many nation's for that matter). And that is what all this horseshit is all about, nothing more .... it hasnt a goddamn thing to do with "thinking of the Kid's" and other pop culture politically correct bullshit .... it is ALL about politic's, and programming thinking, of the "youth", because as child psychologist's will tell you .... the early year's of children's lives and what they are taught and experience will have a strong impact on what they will follow and think as an adult. Dont misunderstand me here .... I am NOT against at all teaching alternative perspective's and looking at the entire picture .... I am all for it and in agreement actually of some of what is proposed to be taught and change's. However .... I dont feel that this is a workable approach at this time. If they were so concerned with alternative perspective's and viewing all side's and angle's of recorded history .... they wouldnt try to eliminate at first term's like "Slave Trade", giving it new term's to sugar coat it into some shit like "Atlantic Triangular Trade" or other similar horseshit .... call it whatever the Hell you want .... but leave in all the other too, and dont make it so a school kid has to answer the question on an exam quoting your politically lopsided horseshit point of view or opinion to pass the grade. Also this is focused on mostly what "children" are taught, grade school level .... they all know goddamn well that in high school and college you get more alternative perspective's and theories .... this is simply to open a back door to let other item's of their agenda have area's to slip through .... they all know what the deal is and what their intention's are ... and I can assure you, it is NOT about trying to broaden kid's education ... but to put a cap on it as is. And to manipulate it to their standard's instead of just wanting to have a clear look at history.

We all know the slave trade game and the marketing behind it anywayz .... it was huge business at that time .... anyway you slice it .... but the bottom line .... it wasnt a goddamn corporation and was what it say's plain and simple .... trading slave's, who were considered by many folk's of that era, as "sub-human" not being as part of the same species of human for that matter, but somewhere's between human and ape.... and many black's were looked at as more ape than human, so dont feed us your sugar coated horseshit. They bought them, sold them, traded them like a commodity and fucked them.... period. And I mean that literally .... white slave trader's were fucking the slave women, white slave owner women were fucking the slave men ... and even the men of the church going white slave owner's like pedophile's were fucking the slave children. This politically correct nonsense is about as stupid as "coyote's" (human smuggler's) of today who bring "wetback's" from across our southern border .... referring to their business as "importation of alien undocumented guest worker's" .... they dont say that shit .... only political flunkies trying to be popular and fashionable use horseshit like that .... the coyote's will tell you straight up ...."We bring in Wetback's". Slave's were considered as NOT human .... but property .... just like in 2010, immigrant Arabic Muslim men who tell me that their women are their "property" .... and in those day's, black's were sub human property .... period, and this mentality was wholly supported by christian's, their value's and their churches .... period. They supported it wholeheartedly as an intrical part of christianity, and would tell you straight up .... "We dont allow Nigger's in our church ... nor does God care about Nigger's". C'mon .... since everybody love's the truth .... tell it all .... let's really get a "clear" perspective on history, heh? .... fuck using the "N-word" even .... tell it like it is you cowardly parasite's .... c'mon ... "share" ... let's explore "truth". :)

But all in all ..... I was sucker punched on this one .... I sure as Hell didnt see this one coming .... I was more concerned with these fundamoralist parasite's trying to teach my kid's Biblical stories in science class as I posted here in Part 1, I didnt expect this sugar coating crap of history, especially the founding father's nonsense and debate and some other crap. Thank goodness with today's digital technologies in printing and publishing, state's are in a better position to not have to buy Texas textbook's if they choose not to. And this is one where I am glad the nation is up in arm's over Texas .... we need all the support we can get here!

***** CNN/ U.S.: Texas OKs school guidelines after ideological debate (newsread/ video)



  1. They supported it wholeheartedly as an intrical part of christianity,

    Well, it is an integral part of Christianity. The Bible says people can have slaves. It even says you can buy them from nearby foreign countries (more business for the "coyotes", if the extreme fundamentalist nutters like the Dominionists ever take over).

    It is rather suspicious that slave owners in those days claimed to think black people were ape-like but were also, as you put it, "fucking" them. Most people are not interested in having sex with animals. Presumably they wouldn't be interested in having sex with people they genuinely thought of as being animals. Some convenient double-think at work, I suspect.

    the early year's of children's lives and what they are taught and experience will have a strong impact on what they will follow and think as an adult.

    Well, of course -- it's about power. The religious can see very clearly that their power over society is slipping away. Indoctrinating young people is a strategy for getting that power back.

  2. I hate to tell you but many of my southern kin still refer to Blacks as monkeys. Infuriates the hell out of me.

  3. Okeedokee here I go, This is an example where the feds should take something over. A standard for all schools. Bring in the best minds and historians on this issue. Come up with the standard and teach the goddamn thing. it's the only way I can see every kid can have the same background,opportunities, and ideas of the great minds in history. That would exclude Fred Flintstone. Can you imagine these poor kids on entry exams for college. What are slaves? Who was Thomas Jefferson and the Earth is only 6000 years old.
    Around where I live sheep is the date of choice even today. To bahhhhhed huh. (another reason for me to move)

  4. Mr.Infidel: Yes, it ALL is some weird thinking, I am sure both of us could go endlessly on the nonsense people are taught in christianity, and all them other dominating religion's, it's all phoney baloney crap, the bible was all redesigned over and over, and basically all the different bibles and book's are to pick and choose, which one fit's your lifestyle. If any of these halfwit's wanted to do somnething constructive, they wouldnt let this Gulf of Mexico oil spill continue, or ask school kid's to give BP suggestion's in a suggestion box .... they teach the kid's "God can do anything and fix anything" .... well ask God to fix the spill then. Now you can see why I dont get into the subject of religion too much, because it's all a crock of shit, or a convenient excuse to fuck people, kill people, rape kid's, start war's, take money, or any other twisted shit you can conjure up in your brain.

    Thank You for your input here Guy!

  5. Mr.Tim: Actually Mr.Tim .... Texas has some really off standard's .... all the school district's here are independent for instance .... even in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex .... you probably have over 20 different school district's, Dallas being the largest in town, they even have independent cities within the City of Dallas, that have their own government's and school district's. Take Los Angeles Area for instance .... they have what's called the Los Angeles Unified School District, it cover's all the cities of the Greater Los Angeles Metro Area, and has a standard. You have the standard of Austin of course, but also hundred's of school district's across the state have even their own rule's and other standard's, but fall within the basic standard's to a degree, it is difficult to explain, it's just weird in that way. Yes .... of course .... I think also that Washington should be more involved in this absolutely. Thank You for you opinion and point here Mr.Tim.

  6. Ms. Leslie(TNlib): I have to think that anyone who think's of a person of color/ black as "monkey" has to be just intentionally insulting .... surely not any person can seriously think that about any other person, or I mean .... think that the species is different because of skin color, that's about as pointless and senseless as thinking the earth is flat. Sorry about your frustration's grrrl, on that. But that is incredible thinking.

    I did read your posting the other day on the Texas School decision, it pretty much was too the point, I just didnt comment, but I read alot of posting's that I dont necessarily comment on throughout the day.

    Thanx for your voice and stopping by Girl ......

  7. I did update this post in the first paragraph where I said that "childhood psychologist's" will tell you, etc. I reworded that to "child psychologist's" .... and NO .... for the record ... I did not attend grade school in Texas or anywhere's close to Texas! :)

  8. What these people school boards fail to realize is that history was already written and it's all out there on the net in university web sites. Kids as they move to high school will be using those resources. They aren't stupid but when they realize they've been lied to you'll see a big shift.

  9. Mr.Demeur: Good point .... you got that right! Even as adult's these day's we are fed BS daily, and those doing it are so obvious about it, and act like they dont give a shit anywyz. :)

    Thanx for your comment's here Mr.Demeur .......

  10. Ahhh, but it just keeps on coming and coming.

    Until they win everything or we sweep them out the door and into the prisons.

    Thanks for your take on this most pressing national issue.

    You've got a great blog.

    May I blogroll you?


    P.S. And, of course, this is all cherry-picked "founding father" data as they are all down in black and white on not wanting any God-people of any type in charge of the government.

    But all in all ..... I was sucker punched on this one .... I sure as Hell didnt see this one coming .... I was more concerned with these fundamoralist parasite's trying to teach my kid's Biblical stories in science class as I posted here in Part 1, I didnt expect this sugar coating crap of history, especially the founding father's nonsense and debate and some other crap.

  11. Thank You for your input and voice on here Ms.Suzan. Absolutely you can blogroll me or whatever, or even take anything you may like from my site, also I have no rules as to what you can say, I will let anything through, no matter who it is, or how vile any comment is as well, there ARE NO restriction's here. I will also be stopping by your place as well. Understand also that even though I do use my own personal discretion and try to not post anything, let's say too graphic, I will give it straight and to the point, so much of what I may say can also be unpleasnt to some .... you can simply say .... I have a personal commitment of sort.

    Again ... Thank You and have a good un! :)
