Saturday, June 12, 2010

FaceCrook: .... A preview of NEW FACE'S in POLITIC'S ....

I certainly have wrote plenty about the two face's in politic's .... so when I seen this lil ole new familia member after this birth in West Virginia .... I just thought .... a "Natural Born Politician" .... and decided to add the new member to what I call "FaceCrook"! Hopefully it will at least be BIpartisan ....

Two Headed Kitten ... Thanx to MORNINGSTARR*

POST NOTE: I want to add that this has nothing to do with website's such as this . When making this post, the name "FaceCrook" actually just popped up in my head, I was NOT AWARE that there are these organization's online (which I checked after) so there is NO AFFILIATION, nor do I have a damn thing to be sued for.



  1. I never looked, you should have a disclaimer on your site.
    If you want copy and paste mine.

  2. If you had named your website "FaceCrook" you might have had a problem. Actually you wouldn't have been able to, come to think of it. There is the well known but people are always using "factcheck" in their titles.

    About the cat. Poor little thing. If only Republicans were born with two head, we'd know before they ran for office.

  3. Thanx Mr.Tim ... that's cool ... I mean ... it's kind of a disclaimer anywayz, what I do have .... I say I'm not affiliated with jack shit, or represent jack shit, or what else. Maybe one day I'll reword my profile and stuff ... a neighbor told me, it doesnt say anything about me .... I told her, there's not much to say. Music like's? .... well ... alot .... movie like's .... any will do, etc.

    Later Guy ... thanx for the offer too!

  4. Thanx for the tip Ms.Leslie, I didnt know that .... still in training in a way. :)

    That sure is cold Ms.Leslie, talkin about republican's like that .... they do keep that adrenaline goin! :)

    Later Grrrllll ........

  5. I'm so sick, I would love to see that cat try and nurse off it's Mom.

  6. A horse with two asses would be an even better candidate.

  7. Geeezz Mr.Tim! ....That would be a sight! :)
