Thursday, June 10, 2010

DEBRAHLEE LORENZANA PART 2: .... the "Slutz and Nutz" defense ....

This posting is Part 2 of Debrahlee Lorenzana .... Part 1 here , or previous posting. But this will be to focus on the circus show this will become, and the construction of defense for CitiGroup, as these folk's will call in this video below, what is known as the "Slut's and Nut's" defense. And if you like to get your news with a tad of humor, I alway's get a real laugh out of Ms. Joy Behar! After the video below ... a few more cent's from the ole Chimp here.

HLN: Fired for being too sexy? ... Thanx to HLN

You just knew this was going to happen ... and you can bank it will! This is some of the same stuff I been reading over the last few day's that I spoke of in part one, and also why I said this will be an uphill battle. And everyone here has valid point's and a bitch to pitch .... but fair is fair, heh? So why would I still support this gal Lorenzana? I am sure as Hell not a feminist .... or running for office or any other pop culture crap. But I am just being plain and fair here, based on what this democracy is about and law's .... if we truely respect them in any fashion at all.

I hear the arguement's, and understand the frustration's of fellow brother's when it come's to sexy gal's .... I will be very frank here and a tad personal, okay? There are fella's like me too .... plenty of us .... who frankly dont give a rat's ass whether a woman has big breast's or not, it doesnt mean were "queer" ( as this goofball in the video suggest's ). For me .... no woman is alike ... really ... I have seen attractive gal's whether they were large, skinny, flat chested or fat chested, dark hair, light hair, different age's, ethnicity, skin complexion, and any other personal variation, personally I think Joy Behar look's great! I just admire gal's, and not just one specific type .... so this idea that guy's strictly go beserk over big breasted women to me is a myth, I mean to each their own, heh? But I known alot of other guy's and their variation's in taste's as well. And to me whether a gal got a breast modification to look a specific way ... aint no different than all the guy's now that are getting grey hair's like me that try to dye their hair for job reason's more than dating now, or trimming down a couple size's to look younger, more vibrant or whatever reason .... let's not BS here .... I heard a Dallas Plastic Surgeon the other day talking about how his male clientele been booming in his business. Where he said ... a decade ago, it was mostly to attract women ... but now guy's doing it because of the competitive job market. The same here can apply to a gal, she has a "reason" that may not just be to get guy's to strictly ONLY gawk at her ... but maybe to even further her career. Bottom line ... cosmetic surgery has become common in both gender's. No ... I havent had any myself, and couldnt afford it if I wanted it, and doubt my United Health Care Plan would cover it. I had to have reconstructive surgery once that I wrote about in a past posting on police brutality when I had my nose and cheek structure in my face crushed/ broke, I was in my early twenties then.

But this video of Ms.Lorenzana is basically what I credit to all this shit hitting the fan. I dont give a rat's ass whether she said she wanted to look like a Playboy Bunny or not ... if I was a judge/ juror .... this dont have a goddamn thing to do with this case, and what her personal fantasies were almost a decade ago .... or if when she was 10 year's old, she would like to try on mom's high heel's and prance around in the mirror, and dress up which just about every other little girl like's to do along with dressing up lil doll's like Barbi ( even doll's are attacked ), or whatever the Hell they call them today .... my little girl's done the same for Pete's sake! This is about one goddamn thing only ... and that is .... did her dressing play a factor in the determination of her termination from CitiGroup? And why is it her problem if some fellow colleague get's all bent out of shape when she is clearly dressing according to regulation or code's specified? Perhap's the gent need's therapy on how to focus on his goddamn job when he's getting a paycheck! Yeah ... I like pencil skirt's and heel's too ... but I'm not getting a paycheck to fantasize or be entertained! All this BS is all beside's the issue and just a crock of shit that will be constructed by Citi's defense is all. And if they did have a seperate dress code for Ms.Lorenzana ... the SOB's should have put it in goddamn writing ... for everyone, specifically saying .... "Attractive figured women or women with breast modification's should dress more undesireable" ... this is more corporate BS.

And then this fella in the video has another angle by asking if it would be right to let a gal tattooed with swastika's to work at a Kosher deli? You can create a hundred different scenario's and sound justified ... but the bottom line is they hired her despite her look's and played these unofficial game's with her for month's, I am sure when she interviewed for the job at first she didnt wear her "ugly clothes" and wear a paper bag over her head. They hired her, they screwed around for month's and played these game's with her ... and if they were going to fire her for incompetence ... the way a court should see it, is they should have fired her after her first warning, and not played these continued guessing game's. I also have no pity for her current employer now complaining that she is bad for their image because of this and her personal life .... why did the Hell ya'll hire her for in the first place? .... ya'll knew this crap could get ya'll's knicker's/ drawer's in a bind.

Enough said ... and best of luck to Ms.Lorenzana ....



  1. I see playboy in her future. And be sure, she'll make a lot more money.

  2. You may be right there Mr.Tim. No doubt there can be many opportunities elsewhere's.

    Thanx for your idea's Guy ....

  3. One thing I would like to see Mr. Tim .... is for her to stick to this and not give in, breakdown or any of the related. That is my main reason for posting these type's of stories, I know it's not as important as so many issue's. But when I see one of her type's in the trenches go up against the empire .... it's kind of like watching a great boxing match up for me .... adrenaline wise, in a weird way .... you know ... like the underdog facing the defending champ. And this is one of many small issue's to many of us, that run's rampant, yet we are so pre- occupied with all the other crap they shove down our throat's to intentionally distract us from what they do.

    I'll shut the Hell up now .........

  4. Where I work, they just imposed a dress code a few months ago. The main effect is that the women dress more boringly. Yes, sexy women can be distracting, but they also make the environment more pleasant, and grown men have plenty of experience dealing with such distractions without getting too, well, distracted.

    The managers who make these decisions and get worked up about how people dress are usually old and out of touch.

  5. Mr.Infidel:

    So ya'll got hit too recently heh? Well I can understand having some restriction's on attire of course, for both gender's, we have gotten so frightened of who we arouse sexually, yet it's crammed down our throat's on every tele show and commercial damn near, and pounding guy's to by Viagra, and gal's now to buy all the sexual arousal drug's, we are such a phoney society all around Guy. .... I just think we have gotten ridiculous on some of it. At that Fortune 500 company in last posting I spoke of with Kim .... we also has political correctness classes we had to attend, as far as how to treat the opposite gender on the job. I am an old fashioned kind of fella, and had a habit of holding open door's for ladies .... well technically ... that is in a way I reckon degrading or so to some women. Anywayz .... Kim joked about it one day at lunch going into the restaraunte .... she insisted she would hold the door open for me! :)

    In 2010 .... I am almost frightened to show that type of attencion to some gal's, either they will bite my head off, or the cop's will arrest me perhap's! :) Yes .... I have also been known to pull over when I see a gal has a flat tire and change it for her .... thank goodness none of them were hardcore feminist's, they probably would have whacked me with the tire iron.
