Tuesday, June 1, 2010

LOUISE BOURGEOIS: 1911-2010 .... "Supplica a mia Madre" (Galas/ Pasolini) ....

Louise Bourgeois

This posting is to pay homage to the outstanding creation's of the sculpture/ artist .... Ms. Louise Bourgeois who passed away yesterday May 31st, 2010ce. Her work's are at the top of my list as far as art .... and her spirit/ influence will continue.

Fortunately I was able to find a video show of some of her art with another favourite artist of mine doing the music score .... Ms. Diamanda Galas doing the classic piece ( Pasolini/ Galas ) called "Supplica a mia Madre" (Italiano for "Plea to my Mother"), ( more of Ms. Galas here ) I had the opportunity to meet and chat with Ms. Galas about 20 year's ago .... and she is more beautiful in person than on camera even .... and her music/ art is a beauty unparalleled as well! .... Enjoy ........

Louise Bourgeois ... Thanx to LCK GD




  1. RC
    I'll pass this on to my son,thanks...


  2. Hey Brother Tim, I would assume that your son definitely know's her work's!

    Later dude .......

    I loved it. I could never be considered even close in talent as an artist, but
    I once helped friends decorate for an elaborate halloween party the theme was "mad scientist lab"
    My favorite contribution was a prop I'd made which was a cloth type doll I'd suspended in colored liquid in a large pickle jar) It was a real work of art umbilical cord & everything. I titled it "Fetus Abortus" Unfortunately, it was considered too risque & possibly offensive to the conservative rural population around here, so my fetus was aborted from the show.

  4. Whoaa ... what a story and piece of art indeed. It may not just because you are in a rural area, I mean .... these type's of image's can be graphic to even city folk's or any folk's ... some thing's are tougher to look at for some. But sound's like a real work you done there. Thanx for sharing Ms.Rita!
