Monday, December 13, 2010

PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, JR (PT 3) .... Seeing beyond your PROGRAMME and the 6:00 News ... The TAXATION ISSUE

I know this is probably a most boring thing to post for a monday morning, another bloody posting on the President? ... why the political crap so early in the goddamn morning?, etc. There are 3 primary reason's I can think of off hand, cause I sure as Hell didnt wake up thinking about President Obama, taxes, or bloody politic's. First, because when I turned on the news this morning the first news was Sarah Palin's humanitarian adventure's in Haiti, after all last week was shit about her hunting adventure's in Alaska with her new tele show, and battle with the pussies of PETA over hunting animal's, etc ... the same pussies who reprimanded President Obama for killing a fly! I am so sick and tired of hearing about Palin ... who is just being groomed as I posted in a few other post's over the last year, she's another crook is what people dont see, in a hunting outfit is all. Second is because a blog that I frequent daily called "Tim's Scared Stiff" by a gentleman Mr. Tim Waters, has been really frustrated and concerned over this tax deal that the President is "caving" into, as Tim would put it. Tim's a really straight up Guy too, and one of my favourite blogger's ... and I feel his frustration, as well as several other's that I have read who have been supporter's of our President ... but really feel left down by his move's. The third reason ... is because like the President ... or the communist corporate investment welfare/ bailout recipient's/ elite ... I look at the long vision, not the here and now ... but down the line 5 to 10 year's on everything, which I have wrote in the past ... "You must stay a step ahead of those in the game, because they are alway's a step ahead of us" ... that's just basic street rule's in hustling or dealing in any business ... and this President will be judged on this ... and it can effect his re- election 2012 ... which our enemies are anticipating and banking on, trust me ... they are slicker than owl's shit! Another video from last sunday's/ yesterday's address from the President ... then a few cent's I will add after.



Now ... one can think that I am a wimp and need a foot or two knee deep in my ass for caving in like the President and even supporting his move's on this one, and I understand ... but I have reason's here. First of all ... we are economically fucked for awhile, jobwise, and every other related thing (but actually at the same time, this is/ was very healthy and beneficial as well as long awaited, to bring us to take a look at ourselves and societies and learn), because of the global transition that is being hammered out ... just look at it as the global market's simply readjusting is all (as I wrote in earlier posting's, this will be global, and come in the form of tidal wave's of boom/ bust's from country to country, same thing happened to the global market's during the 20th century Great Depression, just on a smaller scale because the global player's were limited much more and centralized in only a handful of countries is all) ... I have relentlessly pointed this out in this journal for over 2.5 year's now. Also those corporate icon's have the edge over all of us at current ... one, because most American's dont get off their asses and utilize what tool's they do have, like voting, and whine every time shit hit's home, or they cant afford to buy more junk which is an American consumer past time. Also let me state for the record ... I AM NOT ANTI CORPORATION AT ALL .... I am PRO BUSINESS as much as any conservative is (old school real conservative's I meant)! ... there are many great corporation's out there who invest domestically and most importantly "WISELY" ... but this what were up against is generally a small percentage of individual's on the globe who control them and obstruct their free market venture's as well (primarily a small percentage of global investment banker's and their insurer's with a sprinkle of resource's/ energies/ mineral's investor's, who basically crafted a system a few decade's ago, to make us all dependent on them for basic necessities, simply)... so they are all our enemies. We need to understand how thing's work as far as business and politic's and what choices are the most beneficial.

President Obama is NOT turning into a right winger or is a wimp ... he is actually smart on this one ... and believe me ... he has more trick's up his sleeve than you can shake a stick at ... he know's exactly what the game is as well as those who dictate it ... he also know's that all this crap is an attempt to simply get him out of re- election .... understand ... our foe's want HIM ELIMINATED ... PERIOD! He may be a wimp to some of us .... but to these so called elite ... he is their worst nightmare ... let's just say for them ... he is Hell on Earth to be more accurate. Actually those who even dictate regardless of the tax benefit they receive from this, even dont like the President's move, but are so greedy they are going along with it, for the 2 year's of break's, thinking they will take him down in 2012 ... they see what he is doing here, and dont trust him at all .... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... trust me. :) What I pointed out time and again in this journal is the storm to come ... the transition because of this economic readjustment ... and most importante ... "MAKING THE RIDE THROUGH THE STORM SMOOTHER" ... this is what the President is doing for America on this ... making the ride smoother, because the President know's alot that he simply dont want to think about or talk about ... because he actually "care's" about this country and the engine of this great machine who make's it run (those who actually work, create, and have vision ... not buy it). He is a few, going against an army with unlimited power and an iron fist, with monetary resources who can chew us up and spit us out frankly. If we go on instinct here with anger and resist and play the "No" game .... American's will have less to spend next year and it will have it's own ripple effect economically ... I will of course bet my paycheck on it ... I would love to go with my anger and meat grind their asses, but it make's as much sense as if I were to go down the street and try to bare knuckle fight 3 gangbanger's at my age of 54, knowing I cant take the ass kicking's I could at once, and I would go down quicker than the Zeppelin! (no ... not Led Zeppelin) No .... were not going to enter Utopia next year or the year after or after that ... but we simply get cut some slack .... and this will buy us and the President some strategic needed time to deal with a few more hardship's that are waiting around the corner we havent seen yet ... so believe me ... this tax break is needed ... that is why it is so importante to me ... and I keep writing about this.

Enough said ... and Thank You Mr. President for your tolerance and sharp thinking, awareness, and "calling" this one especially ... you are making a beneficial move Sir!

POST NOTE: The title of this posting concerning the 6 O'clock news is not meant to insult news ... I actually love news media for all they contribute and their hard work .... they are just doing their job's. Also understand that the President's bipartisan approach although not pleasant ... is simply because as I posted in my earliest posting's on the President ... is that his thinking is more like the near future thinking of our children and grandchildren, who will not have the political way's and divide that our/ my generation have ... they will actually learn from our mistake's and be cornerstone's in the new arena as far as getting faster and more efficient progress, much faster than we were able to, because of our way's, and the thing's we prioritize. All this of what we see now should and will be obsolete in just the near future for our grandkid's and up ... especially these petty nonsensical bitch fight's over nonsensical shit that dont make our standard's of living and/ or quality not significantly better, along with this extreme polarization, corporate nation bombing's and rebuilding, especially all this deadbeat politician crap, where you have rep's that serve 30, 40 or 50 bloody year's ... still fighting the same shit they did day one in their career, etc. Also ... I am one who DOESNT mind paying more tax ... it's a matter of who get's it, and what it's used for ... but especially if I had a fair amount of wealth ... I know I would make up for any taxation's on other avenue's.



  1. Nice post, heart felt.. Thanks for the mention to..
    Let's hope your right, there is to much at stake...

    Just a quick did you feel when Bernie Sanders made his case. I was really proud of him.


  2. Thank You for your reaction here and voice Tim. As far as Sen. Sanders speech/ arguement, as odd as this sound's maybe .... it was excellent and Bernie hit it right on the money ... that is what were up against and the cold fact's he presented ... I couldnt even attempt to dispute what any of he said. Look Tim ... Many democrat's have made even excellent arguement's against the President's proposal (Sanders is an inde) ... and I am not "right" or "wrong" here ... there is no right and wrong here ... and no one is winner's either in this actually ... that's my point brother ... we have a fucked up situation, that I probably have at least 100 posting's on in this journal, that I been writing about for over 2 and 1/2 year's now, and every goddamn thing I expected to materialize .... did, and not just modestly ... but like a goddamn carbon copy of what I wrote, so that there tell's me my figure's/ calculation's are working, as far as job's, domestic, foreign, finance, war, etc, etc ... simply because I looked at the entire picture, history, trend's and the reality of the current condition ... put my calculator in my head to work and came up with these figure's. Now .... due to the current condition our choice is this ... and either way with a touchy economy ... it is alway's a gamble brother. Do we want to have a political fist fight with the GOP .... who carefully as I pointed out orchestrated and timed this game perfectly, and already have their agenda as well as their anonymous financial support set even for 2 year's from now, and see possibly 2 million+ American's lose unemployment coverage, as well as a hard freeze of all domestic big money investment for the next two year's from those who HAVE ALL of our money now? And they can do it too ... they dont even need this country anymore frankly, as I pointed out to you month's ago .... right now, China alone is investing $1.5 trillion into their country alone and has the fastest growing economy and new middle class on the globe ... who we are in debt to out the ass as well, these folk's at the top will spend every dime they have there and India ... the point is ... we will lose alot as the price ... and only boost our ego, but accomplish nothing, but a bitch fight as usual. Or take the route that will make thing's in the meantime a tad smoother? Dont worry ... China will get there's in time ... they dont even see what's coming yet when Russia several year's from now will be at their throat's, but in the meantime ... we are NOT NO#1 in jack shit brother ... more like 2nd, 3rd, or 4th ... with the exception of mass stupidity, thinking we can borrow and buy our way out of everything without just reahashing the same ole same.

  3. Also Tim ... even though I didnt write this ... I will here .... right now is the best time (yes .... in December 2010) to even find a job ... the best chance there was in well over 2 year's .... with job opening's currently for big and small business across the board in this country ... with only currently 4.4 people applying for each opening statistically that's hiring. The last bloddy thing I would want to do as a President with figure's like this ... is have 2+ million lose their benefit's, then all get hit with an across the board massive hiring freeze in the first half of 2011, as well as the reduction in consumer confidence/ spending that would stem as a direct result of that, because you can bet your ass ... with an across the board tax hike ... those companies hiring will also lose confidence on investing in more hiring as well ... it will have a ripple effect ... how severe ... I dont know ... but it will have significance mathematically speaking ... and as Suzy Orman pointed out a couple year's back that I posted about ... THERE ARE NO INCENTIVE'S TO HIRE ... if you can get the result's you have now with the employment number's you have now ... why ... would you possibly hire? Unless it's out of love and compassion or charity of some kind, and the world does not operate like that ... it's mushroom cloud math and thinking to think it does.

    Thanx Guy ... have a good un

  4. BTW Tim ... the Baltimore Ravens who are like 8W/ 5L, will be @ Houston Texans 5W/ 7L tonight on ESPN ... which Ravens need's to stay in the front line's ... but it's fixin to come on in about an hour and a half I reckon ... just been watching all the NFL highlight's from yesterday on any of the game's I missed. :)

  5. Dude did you see that stadium roof collapse.. Man glad nobody was under that...
    I just wanted your feedback on Bernie.. I lot of folks thought he was just pissing in the wind. One guy said if he went longer he would have to be in depends.. I think most were impressed about his conviction. It's nice to see these days.. I missed last night's game..Alex and his girlfriend we here so it was movie time...

  6. right now, China alone is investing $1.5 trillion into their country alone and has the fastest growing economy and new middle class on the globe

    Ranch, I about had a cow a couple of days ago watching CNBC one morning right before my shift ended. It was around 6:30am and they had usual crew on that moment of one seriously unemotional chick, some white guy, and a Hispanic fellow talking about how China was pushing hard into "green technology."

    The bogus white guy was saying he just couldn't wrap his brain around the idea of the "state" pushing technology that might not work. My brain about exploded with two basic facts, that our super-genius business types about melted down the economy like some kid playing with matches and that like you mentioned Red China is kicking our ass in free-market capitalism.

    If the rest of the business community and business journalists are as clueless as those three I'm learning Chinese.

  7. Bum ... Absolutely ... China is into everything these day's, and alot of it was inspired back around 20 year's ago or so by American and European Investor's on the high end. Understand that is what this war in Afghanistan and heavy involvemt in Pakistan is ... yes ... about regional instabilties, but not as the masses of American's think ... in other word's ... not a goddamn thing to do with humanitarianism, fighting terror against people, or the other lame bullshit that most people seem to think that dictator's care about ... put it this way ... if any of those who dictate actually gave a rat's ass about right's of even homosexual's, women, dog's, cat's, or any damn thing ... they wouldnt be WHO THEY ARE ... and we wouldnt be WHERE WE ARE at .... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. :) It's about business Guy ... and China and India .. along with Russia in the distance was the grand prize for those in this arena ... understand first of all ... both China and India have over a billion people, making it over 3X times the US population in "each" country. I think you get my point here. A post below in the link, I done I reckon 1.5 year's ago ... on a lil about China and it's "technocracy" who I called the "Sleeping Giant" here in this posting which I plan on a part two next. Understand also ... that I may sound anti American in this and it's not pleasant for those who are gung ho on keeping thinking that America is still what it was a half century ago. But I dont write to be fashionable or politically correct and loved, I write the "reality" without the bullshit.

  8. Tim: Your son Alex and his girlfriend are watching movies when NFL Monday Night is on!!?? There should be a bloody law! Tell them to do something constructive like go in the other room and have sex or something and turn on the game! :) (just kiddin guy)

    Yeah dude ... I was checking that shit out at the MetroDome in Minneapolis right after it went down. You know ... I have wondered about that so many time's over the year's mainly because ... Minneapolis usually has alot of snow in the winter, and because from what I gathered ... it is a lightweight constructed/ engineered roofing, that is partly held up by air that is pumped into the facility ... giving it a sort of "bubble" effect if you will. So I just reckoned that folk's had some type of electrical heating leghtweight element's in the roofing itself, that is thermostat/ programmed to reach certain temp's during hard snow's to keep it melting and running off, which also the run off of such mass could also be enviromentally useful catching the run off and recycling, for use within the facilities. But ... Oh Well ... I reckon they didnt. Lot's of great game's in that placed I viewed over the year's on the tele.
