Monday, January 24, 2011

KEITH OLBERMANN, CAROLE SIMPSON, LESLIE PARSLEY ... a Look at Journalism/ Media in America (Nation of BS Part 5)

This Part 5 of "Nation of BS" ( Nation of BS Part's 4, 3, 2, 1 here) ... will be to take a look at journalism in America. For one, because I dont know much of anything about journalism and/ or how news coverage is chosen by those who run the show's. Dont get me wrong though, I have alway's tried to keep an open eye, just out of skepticism ... but the whole media's thing is really much more complex than I have imagined ... and until just a few year's back and being online, I never really had any view's toward's journalism, I mean ... I watched the tele news and read the mainstream paper's, but was more naive than I should have been. But also found this outstanding insight on this subject via a blog that I frequent "Parsley's Pics" ... who is an "actual" writer ( I am not an experienced or actual writer ), and has some in depth knowledge of this, and Thank You Ms. Parsley.

Bottom line is I have to wonder how much news is tainted more than ever it appear's. Alot of this is manipulated by politic's, political correctness, and so forth it appear's, but too, I feel that corporate influence, and even mega religion's are much influence ... but I wonder where are we going when everything that people say has to be analyzed first for it's content? And even though I am a democrat voter/ supporter ... I even feel this way about those right wing journalist's, who are quickly just labeled racist, nazi, or similar for everything they say, I frankly dont want to shut up especially any of these MSM professional's or inde's ... regardless of how much I may not agree with it ... if I do ... I dont get the whole picture and feel short changed is all. But I also have said over the year's, that free speech is alive, it's just a matter of paying the consequence's for what you say. It is just disappointing to me that this even goes into the blog's today, forcing many of them to have to follow with this apparent disease. No ... I dont know enough about any of this to have any solution. But found it to be a topic of concern, so wanted to take a look at it. So here are 3 view's of the reality of this mess. Video's below concerning the boot that just went out to Keith Olbermann of MSNBC (who I think does a great job, being in the MSM, opinionated? sure ... isnt everyone?), then some view's from the mainstream journalist/ reporter Carole Simpson , and the analysis above from an independent writer Leslie Parsley.

***** CNN: Keith Olbermann signs off from MSNBC ....

***** 3CHICSPOLITICO: Carol Simpson Tells Howard Kurtz: "No One Is Talking About the Lack of Diversity in the Media" ....



  1. Thanks for the link, RC. I'm hardly a "real" writer. Anyway, I don't want to cut off any news source, regardless of their slant. But they must be a real news source and not a propaganda arm of either political party. The main things is, no matter who says what, check it out. If your mother says she loves you, check it out.

  2. Well Leslie ... maybe your not in that business as far as on a salary/ contract or such ... but to me, your a writer.

    You know ... I try to watch everything, but you can only watch so much, and stuff will get by you. I am one who like's to take what a person say's for what it is, unless I really find thing's that stand out as questionable. In my opinion's I myself favour a side, but will try to be fair, but yes .. I will support the side all I can that I favour. There are also some who WILL NOT sell out for a buck or any other reason, not as many though.

    But Thanx for your input and post Leslie!

  3. As you say, free speech is alive !!! I've visited countries in Asia where people don't know the meaning of that and also of the word "personal opinion" etc.... countries such as China, Vietnam, Laos, Burma etc...

    In America, though journalism is so manipulated (rather i would say influenced by journalists' political stands)... the free speech exists, for that I praise your country !

  4. Your word's here Prash are most welcome ... I am talking about the USA, and I reckon some time's dont realize how good of a thing we have. I havent had the chance to go to the countries you mentioned, but had read up a lil bit on some of that, and I know you had first hand experience there. Here I wonder how much the money and political parties influence is in media's too, but there it is government/ military influence/ law ... which is a different ballgame. I cant even imagine thing's like going to prison for year's for just speaking against (or just slightly not in favour of) a political party, and other thing's I have read/ heard.

    Hope thing's are going well in the Big Apple Guy! Bring's back alot of good old memories Guy ... just to mention New York. Ya'll have a good un! :)

  5. RC,
    I thought you may be interested in this statement by Rachel Maddow that makes CNN a co-conspirator in a Tea Party Express scam:

    "CNN presented an alternate reality of their own making, one in which their debate partner officially speaks for the Tea Party and in which the Tea Party is a co-equal third party of equal stature to the Democrats and the Republicans. And CNN has a competitive and potential financial interest in selling you that alternate reality as if it is news."

    It should also be point out that Sal Russo, the PR guy heading the TPE, received donations from citizens who believed the TPE was a 501C non-profit charity when in fact all funds went into the coffers of his PR firm ... meaning Russo was fraudulently fleecing contributors to line his own pockets.

    What a slimy stink hole CNN got itself suckered into!

  6. Thank You for your info here Octopus, YES ... that is interesting, especially how much I have taken interest in CNN. I have heard nothing of this, I also like Maddow as well ... so I would like to look into this more, as far as what she say's.

    Have a goof un, and thanx again for this input here.

  7. Sorry Octopus .... I meant have a "good un" NOT "goof un". :)
