Sunday, March 6, 2011

WHAT do you do if you "Wake Up" the morning of MAY 22ND 2011?? (The End must be Near PT. 2)

This posting of "The End must be Near" PT. 2 ... will be to take a look at the newest "end" date, and those who are devoting their "love" to let us know ... and I just want to be more "politically fashionable" and "loving", and cover some of the more seriously grave issue's in this journal as well.

"The End must be Near" PT. 1

Some newsread on these modern day Heroes here

CNN: May 21, 2011 'The end is near' group warns ... Thanx to CNN

Look ... I cant tell anyone when the end will be ... but I do agree in the above video with this group when they say after the big earthquake, bodies will be just lying around, "not even buried" ... because that is usually the aftermath of an earthquake as far as I know. Also like in the video, I was wondering what should I do if we wake up May 22nd 2011? Frankly I wouldnt know what to do (?) I wouldnt know whether to laugh, cry, take a shit, or wind my watch, or just put the ole Ruger to my head ... being of course if I was a member of this pop culture group above. But I can speak somewhat for those who run our country here. If you wake up May 22nd 2011 ... you can take out that 2nd mortgage, get a new car loan, a couple new credit card's, feel a tad more secure enough to get in debt again a few more thousand, and also vote for those heroes in Washington one more time, who been on the job for decade's still doing ... well ... what they alway's been doing. Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh.

Right now ... I reckon I'll run next door to "Arby's" ... pick up some jumbo sized roast beef sandwich and smother it with "Horsey Sauce" (horseradish) and Jalapeno Pepper's, and enjoy the rest of this 60's temp's beautiful sunny day. :)



  1. I wouldnt know whether to laugh, cry, take a shit, or wind my watch, or just put the ole Ruger to my head ... being of course if I was a member of this pop culture group above.

    They'll just go back to their Bible verses or calculations of Ouija boards or however they arrive at the date, "discover an error", and announce a new end-of-the-world date. That's what these groups always do when the date comes and goes and they notice that the world is still here.

  2. I just wrote a long comment Ranch and Blogger ate it, just know I will rewrite it in the morning but my major point was that on May 22nd I plan on having a party for no good reason at all other than doomsday makes a great excuse.

  3. Good Morning Infodel!

    Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... I dont know how they get the date's, I meant to post another posting I done on the other near date of Dec. 2012. :) Which is because the Mayan calendar stop's. I know a tad about Mayan culture, and what they say is also false about that, but folk's thrive off telling folk's this crap, and a schlew of folk's follow it. There is centuries of history as you probably know of this doomsday prediction stuff ... in some cases it has led to folk's commiting suicide and even financial devastation. I do know if I was a politician in these budget tightening time's, I would focus on these group's that get tax exempt status, because it is neither charitable, or even of any benefit whatsoever especially to the poor and/ or indigent as well.

    Thanx for your voice Guy ....

  4. Ranch Greeting's Bum!

    Sorry about the comment being ate up Bum. I dont know what's wrong (?), but it also ate a lengthy comment previous that I made to Infodel too, so I had to do a test comment, which worked, but it ate my other comment after that too. So this time I am using a different browser. I have ran across this stuff here and there myself leaving comment's on other site's as well as mine, some site's I never could get my comment's to go through, so I just stopped trying to leave them, probably some update's thing or something.

    But anywayz Bum ... that's a great reason for a kick ass party I reckon, as you put it! :) But actually with the history of this stuff most folk's will get hip/ keen to the score eventually. I felt some sympathy for the vet lady that got back from Iraq in the link, who put her life on hold to help these folk's get their word out, after she just got back from a bloody war, geeezzz ... I mean ... how do you get soaked into that crap? Geeezz ...

    Thanx for your input here Bum ....

  5. WELL, only the Chrisitans say that, look into the rest of the religions and faith... For Hindus, it ain't even a worry. Because for them, they have still around million years for the end of the world, though we are in the last 4th cycle where the decay of human nature happens slowly. Even if there is a end, for these people, the new cycle starts afterwords and we all will be born again (not the BORN AGAIN!!! LOL)....

  6. More information on this here :

    one year of the demigods is equal to 360 years of the human beings. Thus the current last "yuga" we are living will last 432,000 years. In the Roman Calendar it started around 3200 BC.

    the reason why in India or in China or in any part of the Asian continent, nobody is talking or worried about the end of the world !!!

    Though many countries don't have Hinduism.

  7. Good Evening Prash ....

    Thank You as well for posting the link to "Yuga" here. I dont know much about this in Hinduism, read a little of course year's back. A Guy I hung out with in London year's back who was a punk rock style musician by the name of Kam Jandu was born in India, brought to London at around 2 year's old, and he said his familia was into Hindu belief's, I dont think Kam was very religious however (except for beer/ ale drinking) :) , I also know a Dallasite, Byron Montgomery, (also a musician of jazz/ rock) who is into the Hindu religion.

    I actually never thought that there would be an "end of world", I have alway's looked at what science has found and based it on that I reckon. I mean, that even the theory of the "big one" (meteor) that hit and wiped out the dinosaur's for instance (if that did happen, and I believe that it probably did) didnt even result in the world's end, even after thousand's of year's of darkness from dust or whatever ... life again on land started to evolve, and new species are also alway's evolving, and I feel intelligence is simply part of nature in all life or most. Even in the deepest depth's of the ocean's we are discovering all kind's of new life species as well as deep below the earth's surface, and life form's that exist in enviroment's that our species couldnt. So I never had any reason to believe in the various theories of the world ending. Although I am sure as the moon move's further away from the earth and as the sun change's over the year's and time, there will be change's of course here too.

    There are alot of theories and belief's of course and it's fascinating to look at.

    Thanx again Prash, for your word's and link. Hope you are enjoying the "Big Apple" (NYC) ... love that town! :)

  8. I also want to add here that what I said above in the comment to Infodel about "false", I wasnt refering to the Mayan's, but those trying to interpret what the Mayan's meant or said/ wrote. They were a very simple people, that mastered thing's like math, engineering, astronomy, time, etc very accurate I may add. Also much of the Mayan culture has NOT even been discovered yet, probably less than 10% by now, because of trying to get to the temple's/ structure's/ cities has been too difficult because of the dense forest's/ jungle's. Also most of the discovered writing's were destroyed by the christian spanish that invaded the land's hundred's of year's ago (which is an ole familiar tune with christian's past action's and persecution's) ... YES ... there is a scroll that show's at the end of the scroll, a massive flood, but so far there is NOTHING about the "end of the world" talk ... so all this is nonsense. They simply believed in nature and time and change is all (something I wish our political leader's believed in, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh) , and every so many thousand's of year's, the earth change's in it's cycle's, and goes through event's, which science clearly show's us does.

  9. Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... I dont know how they get the date's,

    In case anyone's interested, here's how.

    As for what the Mayans thought, who cares? They were just another bunch of primitives who knew nothing about anything -- just like the primitive people who wrote the Bible.

  10. I knew you didn't believe in this crap theory of these cult people. I just wanted to point out why such propaganda never gets to the other part of the planet.

    What is funny is, even the christians in europe don't believe in these things. Some of French friends told me that it is so Anerican. But again, that is the beauty of this country, you get to see everything here :-)

    Big Apple is loving me so far, I am starting to use words like "buddy" and talk to people very easily and don't hug or kiss friends when I meet them in bars and restaurants !!! (French influence in me always forced me to lean towards friends to give a cheek kiss..., not a good idea here !!! :-) )

  11. Infodel: I was just using a lil humor by saying that "I dont know how they get their date's" (meaning nicely, I dont give a rat's ass) :), of course I have heard many different way's how they do, but it's never really concerned me is all, as I explained ... it isnt likely there could be such a thing as the end of this planet ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... I think it's gonna be here awhile.

    As far as Mayan's as a primitive people, by our standard's today they are, however, it wasnt never religion's of the Mayan's that fascinated me, their art, building urban area's in these jungle's, agriculture, the root's of today's Mexicano diet/ food's ... and they also had one of the first written language's on the planet, their engineering was competitive as far as architecture with far away land's/ people's such as the ancient Egyptian's, when Mayan's were building cities, and what resemble's today's modern apartment style complex living, European folk's for instance were still living in hut's ( a few thousand year's ago ) their studies of astronomy (astronomy, NOT astrology)and time (planetary movement, etc) was so accurate as far as determining eclipse's and so forth, that till this day, they are only off in their timing by a half minute or so, their mathematic's was second to none, definitely for the era, and by even today's standard's ... we have high school graduate's of American's, who cant even figure this stuff out, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh :) ... so of course, I disagree with you. But the history and these thing's fascinated me ... not religion at all, so I reckon you can say, I never cared much about that, to each their own though.

  12. Prash ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... What Christian's of today believe whether it's EU countries, America's, etc ... is far different than what they believed in the past centuries, these type's today of course would be tar and feathered as heretic's or such by those of the past. Religion's to me Prash are simply no more than like culture's, I just never seen any connection with anything that would resemble the definition's of "spirituality" or such, they all have "follow the leader" type system's, but seem more like simply social group's to gather and feel at ease with each other or whatever, same thing basically you get in a cultural gathering or a social club of choice over drink's, they have an "assembly line" type system of way's to interact and follow, etc. But, I am all for the freedom for folk's to believe whatever they want ... no ... I dont believe in the end of the world stuff though personally speaking .. like I said, to each their own though. I just dont feel that they should get some tax exempt status because of whatever anyone "believe's", I mean ... that's simply a convenient way to avoid taxation is what I am saying. I mean ... if I set up an organization that say's the moon is made of green cheese made by a dairy diety, should I be exempt from taxation and my little flock of sheep? (actually the "sheep" still have to pay taxes is the really ill part). :)

    New York! What did I tell you month's ago Guy, as far as getting settled in? Ya see! :) You dont hug and kiss as much? Well, that's understandable. :)

    Hey Prash, funny short story here. One day I seen an old buddy "Lotfi" who is from Rabat, Morocco, he just got back to Dallas, we met on the street in Uptown, but we hugged and did the pat on the cheek thing, because it is part of his custom of course. A Mexican American guy we know who was on a balconey yelled out "Hoto's!!" (spelling?) which mean's "queer's" in spanish, we both looked at him holding our crotch area, and said "We got your Hoto here Homeboy" :)

  13. BTW Infodel, Thank You for the "link" to Associate Professor Meyers on where some of these prediction's come from or such.

  14. BTW Prash ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... as far as what American's "think", "believe" etc ... to other's like in EU countries or such ... I had to laugh on that one ... I can only imagine what some may think! :) I mean ... I was born and raised in America Guy ... and I think were really fucked up! :)

  15. For reference in this post comment's, a little background of Mayan culture, achievement's, etc.
