Thursday, June 30, 2011

What is "Gay Marriage"? ... A FORM of marriage ... PT.2 (A NATIONAL BRIEFING)

This PT.2 of "What is Gay Marriage" is simply an update inspired after my July 2008 posting on this (Part One is a briefing of marriage over the centuries), because of the recent significant move's of the legalization of such. I was so dumb to this for year's, that until maybe less than a decade ago, I alwayz thought gay marriage was legal! Why? ... because for year's we seen wedding ceremonies at Dallas Gay Churches, going on ... and many year's ago for instance, my wife and I were invited by our gay couple neighbor's to go to a "Red River Shoot Out" (Texas/ Oklahoma State College Football rivalry) watching the game at a private gay venue ... a big party of course locally, and when we met gay couple's ... well ... they introduced themselves and spouses as such ... so we thought they were ... well ... married. Here we are starting to legalize it in 2011, and I thought it was legal for decade's .... Geeezzz!

Below I wanted to post some responses of a few blog's that I frequent regularly, from folk's who are heterosexual, married, relationship's, different career's, father/ mother's, grandparent's, career military, etc ... from the East Coast, West Coast, Mid- America/ South. I cant think of anyone straight (and I known alot of people) ... that was ever effected by gay couple's in any negative way, or their marriage damaged, etc. Let's get this shit on the road and out of the way ... because in my opinion ... gay folk's should have only had to pay half the taxes as the rest of us, since they only had half the right's of the rest of us.

INFIDEL753: ... Victory in New York

AN AVERAGE AMERICAN PATRIOT: ... Gay marriage victory: New York joins Massachusetts, Conneticut, Iowa, Vermont, and New Hampshire

PARSLEY'S PICS: ... Four Brave Men

SCARED STIFF: ... The Vote


Raw Video: NY Legislature Legalizes Gay Marriage ... Thanx to ASSOCIATEDPRESS

This video below is a "Post- Update" of a YouTube link/ video that was sent to me from another blogger I visit in New York City named PRASH (who also had a posting here on this as well) , in his comment he left. I wanted to post it because it make's clear common sense, and is something of course I wondered about on many avenue's ... I mean ... like I mentioned above ... if you dont have the right's of every other citizen, why should you be as obligated as every other citizen? (I was referring to taxes above) ...

Jonathan D. Lovitz of Step- Up Squad Talks About Gay Equality and Jury Duty Blocking ... Thanx to JUSTINRETURNS2



  1. folk's should have only had to pay half the taxes as the rest of us, since they only had half the right's of the rest of us.

    Just gave thousands of republicans a reason to "become" gay. I think most of those twits would sell their grandmothers into slavery if it allowed to stop paying any taxes.

  2. now we should ask this gay guy to go back and do his jury duty :

    Congrats to New York, btw !

  3. Good Evening Bum!

    Good point you brought up on the taxes, honestly though, all shit aside Bum ... we as a nation are being "had" on this so called budget crisis, entitlement reform, and a schlew of other shit ... bank on it ... I been calling this shit since the start of this journal 3 year's back or so (when Bank of Hank Paulson was down on one knee begging Nancy Pelosi for a bailout push, late 2008), as a scam, and it's getting clear as day now, because they are moving it all in the direction I suspected, just like we got burned on HCR, and just the other day the Court's upheld the Constitutionality of forcing folk's at that, to buy private insurance (yet no public option, or any option's for that matter, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh) ... that there show's you what were up against without having to say a thing about it ... that shouldnt have suprised anyone. American's brother are getting fist fucked inside out. I been hip to this shit for year's, and is why I been preparing for this shit and writing so much about it. The pathetic part is ... these folk's biting us and ripping us off, are some of the lousiest liar's and hustler's that I ever seen, I mean ... their so easy to read/ make ... yet so many folk's fall for this shit, or turn a blind eye to it, which make's us overall even more stupid, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... here's the trick brother ... fuck them, before they fuck you :)

    A lil off subject, but connected, assured ... Thanx for your input here Bum ....

  4. Prash ... "Hey, How Ya Doin" (an old New York greeting phrase) :)

    Thank You for the link Prash to the YouTube video. I updated this posting with it and a link to your post. Hope your enjoying summer in the City after that last winter Guy, cause it wont be long till your bundled back up shivering ya'll's asses off! :) The Park Dancing brought back old memories that you posted on ... there was someone alway's on the street, in the park, down on the subway's, putting on some kind of skit's, one of the memories of the City I cherish from childhood, oh ... and the roasting of chesnut's on the street's smell in the winter :)

    Thanx for your input here Prash ....

  5. folk's should have only had to pay half the taxes as the rest of us, since they only had half the right's of the rest of us.
    I like that. It sort of sums it up as well as the bullshit of always putting down what we don't understand. Nice Post and thanks for including me.

  6. Howdy Tim ... and Thank You for your posting too! I just have alwayz tought that way. You see Tim ... what we fail to do as American's, is excercise the tool's we have, and to stand for what we "know" is "right" for us. I mean ... we alwayz hear how blessed we are and how so and so in another land is getting their ball's and head's chopped off, etc, etc ... and I'm sorry to hear about those in them land's, they need to stand for themselves as well. But here we never had that kind of shit, and it's not that we care to have that kind of shit either, nor should we give a shit what some church, corporate establishment, or politician think's is "right" for us ... fuck them, we are who pay's their way, and they are supported by us, and suppose to represent us, not the other way around. I do what's best and right for me, and those close to me ... I wouldnt even have bailed these SOB's out in the last financial scare ... fuck them, let their constituent's and fel;low investor's like China, UK, Japan, and the Saudi's bail their asses out and through the IMF/ World Bank and such ... dont have us bail ya'll out after you made your own bed with bad bet's in other nation's with our money, and ask us to bail you while we get the f'n tab, then have "us" to borrow from them land's on our/ people's expense account ... I may have been born at night, but not last night. Our right's? If they dont give them to us, just f'n take them, and take charge and tell them for a change what we are going to do, for one thing, get rid of their incompetent asses! Your damn right a few republican's jumped up in New York to pass this ... if they didnt, they'll be looking for another f'n job ... fuck them all!

    Geeezz, it's already 4:40am, I need to get to bed, been watching some good ole all American pornography online :)

    Thanx for your word's here Tim ...

  7. until maybe less than a decade ago, I alwayz thought gay marriage was legal!

    Well, that's reasonable, because -- as we're now finding out -- having legal gay marriage makes no difference to the larger non-gay society. The religio-nutters are always telling us that if gay marriage becomes legal, then marriage will disappear, God will send fire and brimstone, people will be having sex with dogs in the streets, etc. In some places gay marriage has now been legal for almost a decade and, except for gays getting married, nothing has changed.

    gay folk's should have only had to pay half the taxes as the rest of us, since they only had half the right's of the rest of us.

    This is an interesting concept -- I suppose there would be a "gay tax deduction" people could claim -- what kind of documentation would you have to attach to prove you were entitled to it? If you got audited by the IRS, could you defend your deduction by sodomizing the auditor?

    As for the guy who got off jury duty by being gay (or, to be more exact, by saying he could not judge impartially because he was gay), I was once on a jury pool and objected to the swearing-in verbiage because it mentioned God and I'm an atheist. I wasn't even particularly saying it to get out of jury duty, but I got one of those "no cause" dismissals. If the judge or lawyer thinks something about you could create even an appearance of bias, they probably won't want you.

  8. Never thought about gays only paying half their taxes. Great idea. Maybe you can start a new movement - and maybe even carry it over to a few other groups like women, minorities, voters, etc.

  9. Buenos Dias Infodell!

    As far as the jury thing getting dismissed, I never even thought about that before about the swearing on the Bible and not believing it ... I dont think they use the Bible anymore these dayz as far as swearing or such, perhap's because of that. The reason I say this, because at recent court hearing's/ trial's I have been to in Dallas County, there was no Bible swearing in done, they simply said the word's about telling the truth and understanding you would be subjecting yourself to perjury. etc, for not doing so, etc. But some state's I think still use the Bible in court's, maybe some other Texas counties do for all I know. But it's the truth Guy ... for too long folk's such as Gay's got shorthanded on the right's issue's, and especially in military, yet were putting their lives on the line like any other soldier in combat, etc.

    Sodomizing an auditor for proof that you qualify for a tax deduction? Interesting point, how would you prove it? Must be some kind of way I reckon ... after all ... the Catholic Church and it's priest's been sodomizing for decade's and they certainly get a across the board free ride exemption!

    No shit Guy ... even my wife thought there was gay marriage, years ago ... Hell man, we never asked our neighbor's for marriage certificate's, and seen the wedding's as well often, only a few block's from where we lived at a gay church ... but we also never asked a politician for his/ her birth certificate either ... and YES ... I was a voting pot smoking Republican, all them year's.

    But the reason this pissed me off, as far as dragging this out so long on issue's like this, was because we have to spend so much time fighting for bullshit that should have been legal and basic right's for year's and not spending enough time on issue's when at a time their robbing us/ milking us, getting us more deeper into foreign problem's, that havent a thing to do with us, etc, and I think these rep's (some) do this purposely in politic's, to drag out shit and have alwayz little deal's and dog biscuit's they toss us as treat's when they need vote's, and push come's to shove.

    As far as the religious nut's thinking gay marriage will have folk's having sex with dog's in the street's, the skies falling in flame's or whatever ... you know too well how them folk's are, they love misery and punishment, like apple pie and ice cream, as well as starvation, plague's, and the rest, so they can pray, persecute, run and help/ save to make their lives have meaning.

    Thanx for your word's here Infodell ....

  10. Good Morning Leslie ... actually another good point you contribute here as far as equal taxation vs. equal right's, even in other sector's of society. It's the truth Leslie ... I didnt even know until also recent year's that marriage between mixed race's was outlawed until around 1970 or so? (I reckon) ... I mean ... Hell ... those folk's had all their civil obligation's too, and fought war's, etc. I was dating gal's of course of different race's as a young Guy (as you stated you have as well as a young lady, experiencing racism in Houston), including of course my own race, but never thought it was unacceptable, or certainly illegal to marry, I simply didnt know, all I knew was some folk's didnt like it, but that's it. Like I said Leslie, I never kept up with much of this stuff until recent year's and getting online.

    But Thank You for your point's here and sharing your posting ....

  11. A gay marriage is a Happy marriage no matter whose it is. It really peeves me, creating a problem where there is not one just to follow a selfish agenda as is always done now since Bushie.

  12. Hey AAP/ Jim .... Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... yeah, ole Bush was quite a character, eh? I dont think there has ever been a President that pissed me off more then him, and I voted for him in 2000! Please dont drop a "bunker- buster" on me :)

    Thanx for your word's here Jim and sharing your posting on this ....

  13. I agree RC! Knowing before he was even elected that he was a worthless lying shit is what made me start writing and try to get the truth out.
