Tuesday, July 12, 2011


In 1945 another era of the two decade reign of Benito Mussolini and Associate's came to an end. A time for Italiano people of just too much war, unemployment, need for infrastructure improvement, and just being dictated to by this regime through repression and violence ... folk's just had enough and simply were not seeing any change basically ... thus an era end's and start's anew.

A new era of frustration's and revolt is beginning ... today's politipop dictation is manipulated behind the scene's far more stealthy and cleverly than of those dayz in the 1940's ... everything is bigger and better, and made to look like what it isnt, media's are even bought and controlled, more and more money now is going to even a smaller and smaller circle, all the globe's resource's are being ratholed as well, we are being conned into fighting over senseless issue's to ignore what the reigning power's now are doing ... todayz dictation is done through buying power, corporate maneuvering, and control of the globe's resource's, energies, and financial market's ... the playing field today much bigger than anything of the past, and scattered across the globe, in all region's at once. The terrorist's we are constantly warned of almost daily are even a bigger threat to the new dictator's of the globe, than to us. How much more and how long more will people put up with the rubbish they are fed, in this new era?

An excellent video below, with great music and visual art's to highlight progressive political change here ... not sure who the artist is on the music/ vocal's, but excellent piece as well! ... Enjoy!

Killing Mussolini (BENITO MUSSOLINI 1883- 1945/ CLARA PETACCI 1912- 1945) Thanx to Mark Felton Productions **** I had to change out original video, because original was taken down off YouTube for it's content


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