Wednesday, July 13, 2011

CHRISTIAN LOPEZ: ... YANKEES fan Meet's the TAXMAN, the "RIGHT" thing, & a look at the $150,000 American College Education of today ...

First of all ... Congratulation's to Christian Lopez and also to Derek Jeter/ NY Yankees. Now, the most focus on this in the media's has been over the so called "evil" IRS wanting to collect taxes from Mr. Lopez on the so called gift's that he received from the Yankees, which was no biggie to Mr. Lopez, or myself, Mr. Lopez put's it to the point in his statement about that. What caught my atencion most in this, was the fact that Christian still owes $150,000 in student loan money, who has a degree in Government ... and work's as a store clerk at Verizon. And since Christian is in the light right now, I wanted to use this story, to also take a look and give thought to the cost's of further education to so many young American adult's in this country, and the position's/ job's that so many more these dayz end up with. I have a niece myself right now trying to get a college education, and is currently fighting in Afghanistan to get that.

When I use the term "right thing", I use it carefully ... being that there is two side's to that as well. The first being the politipop- culture "right", being to do whatever is popular whether it's right, wrong, or anything else, simply following the herd mindset, then there is the more balanced "right" thing ... being sincere as far as ethic's, integrity, and so forth, which Mr. Lopez exercised/ displayed here, trust me, this ball is worth more than the $45,000 they're talking about, now. And I really mean that Mr. Lopez ... and you will see "why" in time friend, I'm not going to point it out here, because it would be like spoiling all the fun and surprise element ... but trust me ... I know ... and this was the "right" move :) I know you are a sincere man ... and a big Yankees fan too! Having a degree in Government is also great Christian, because in my opinion, our Government could use alot more American's like you! :)

NYDAILYNEWS.COM: Christian Lopez, fan who handed over Derek Jeter's historic 3000- hit ball, will owe IRS thousands NEWSREAD/ VIDEO

FIRST PERSON: Fan who caught Jeter HR Ball ... Thanx to ASSOCIATEDPRESS

I would also like to dedicate this video/ song to Christian Lopez, by the Beatles , called TAXMAN (in humor Christian, there is nothing wrong with the IRS : ) ... Thanx to  THE SUB ROSAS ... this will be also included in the "RCJ Music/ Art's Honour Roll Society"



  1. ...IRS wanting to collect taxes from Mr. Lopez...

    Billionaire bankers can just about wreck the national economy without going to jail and the IRS picks some Average Joe to get all legal on, what a country!

  2. Good Morning Bum (6am Dallas)

    The tax deal I have no problemo with at all, just like Cgristian doesnt either ... taxation in this country Bum, I dont think most American's really know how that worx ... so I see your point here. What we see according to pie chart's and so forth on even what the wealthy pay in tax ... is for "official" usage let's say ... "accurate". What we dont see though is how many itemized deduction's, losses, other deduction's that are wrote off after all is said and done. You have to look at the tax legislation, who "actually" write's it, and look somewhat in depth at it, to get a clear picture of what's going on. If you dont know a damn thing about taxation in this country, and how to take advantage of the benefit's it allow's, you may as well just screw yourself. But ... more than budget reform, or any other politipop reform these folk's on the Hill showcase month after month ... one of the most needed reform's in this nation, next to retiring many of those on the Hill, is "tax reform" ... I mean "REAL" reform, not the nonsense these folk's pull when they write legislation, which they dont even actually write, but usually special interest's attorney's write what should be proposed actually, long story Bum. Bottom line, there isnt enough actual taxation on the wealth down to the middle classes. I know how awful that must sound, but I'm only callin it like I figure it, doing actual math and looking at the current reality. Thanx for your input here Bum too!

  3. Let me add something here in response to Beach Bum's comment. All this whining you hear about socialism, communism, redistribution of wealth, attack's on major insurer's, wealth, investor's, job creator's, etc, etc ... is about the biggest financial/ taxation hoax in U.S. history. If you were a multi millionaire for instance, I dont see one reason looking at the math and tax code's in this nation that you would have to pay "ANYTHING" whatsoever in tax, without getting reimbersed some way for it, not one. Not unless you just walked into a retailer and bought a small item and paid cash with the sales tax ... and even on many of those purchases, your accountant could group and itemize in some way with the receipt's on hand. Meaning bottom line, that all the whining related such as above ... is one of two thing's ... either lies ... or folk's that are dumb and dont know what they are talking about ... and you know damn well that their not dumb .... the Chimp rest's ...

  4. I have an acquaintance that earns a few a million a year as part owner of several enterprises.

    He says anyone in his income range that pays taxes, deserves to, for being stupid.

    He says his only complaint is that his accountant charges him $60k / year to keep him tax free.

    He'd like to see Congress do away with taxes at his income level, so he can fire his accountant.

    As to Mr. Lopez. He may not have a problem, but I see in him a series of bad choices. He's going to be a debt slave his whole life. He seems to be fine with that.

    Aldous Huxley had some interesting things to say about how to make people comfortable with conditions that we would normally be very upset about.

  5. That was the wrong Link for Aldous Huxley.

    Here is the correct one.\

  6. Good Afternoon WD/ Jack ... I was just fixin some chow and out on the back patio ... at noon, the thermometer was reading 95 degree's ... sure is a nice and warm one today, eh jack(?) :) I hear we should of course hit the 100 degree mark later this afternoon ... yes ... I have a big shade tree out there too :) I have the thermostat set at degree's 72 here in the house though, with the ceiling fan's on, either way Jack ... outdoor's or indoor's ... I dont need a goddamn shirt today, just short's and sandal's is fine, so I'm happy as for that!

    But I must admit Jack, that your comment made me bust a gut in laughter ... reading what that Guy you know said as far as anyone who pay's taxes, deserve's to, for being stupid heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... I know it's true, because that is common for folk's like that to say ... and it's somewhat true Jack ... many American's as I said dont utilize what tool's they do have ... were just as stupid buying all this politipop bullshit as well Jack, and you know it :) This overall we have in Washington, is basically a worthless bunch ... and without voting them out, we will never get rid of them, why would any of them quit/ retire, when we give them a couple hundred thousand buck's a year, a shitload of benefit's, cash bonuses they get from special interest's, just because they are in the position they are, and regardless of how lousy a job they do, we still support them, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... who's stupid, eh? :) I didnt keep up with politic's much before online (3 yr's), and frankly I'm through with most of these ... their phonies is all, both side's Jack.

    The 2nd(correct) link you gave come's up "not found" Jack, and the first (incorrect) come's up for "energy" talk's ... you could get a job in Washington (just kiddin) ... I tried to hand type it in, still dont work, I'll try later.

    Thanx Jack ....

  7. Here's a shorter version. Blogger added a couple backslashes that don't need to be in the URL.

    There's an MP3 you can DL to your mp3 player if you want to listen to it under your shade tree. :)

  8. Thank You much Jack, I only was able to get into a couple minute's of it, and now I need to go do some thing's, so I will have to come back to view/ listen to it, in it's entirety, but it sound's interesting indeed ....
