Monday, November 28, 2011

MARS ROVER "CURIOSITY" PT.1: Launch and Mission (ABOVE & BELOW PT. 4)

This posting to take a looksy at "Curiosity", the latest Mars Rover in route to the Red Planet. I love how technology has enabled us to make these move's now with robotic's, and the fact that if successful as far as landing and else, their longevity and work detail's they can perform, gathering alot of info. Of course it's obvious that Mars is just a desolate dried up planet basically, but it alwayz is a plus if we can find out anything that we can use ... beside's, I would love to be able to get deep beneath the surface to see what "might" have been on this planet in it's earlier dayz, such as so much we found out about earth as we went deep below. I also alwayz thought that there is other form's of life in the Universe as well. Even if it's just a Jurassic/ Triassic type setting, plant's, sea's, or whatever, it's still "life", or any other kind there may be. The last video at bottom, I just loved the new landing system they came up with, compared to the older bubble bounce thing, really a nice animation production too! And so much Thanx to these folk's for all their work and study to make this happen, Ya'll are Great!

UNIVERSE TODAY: Ice Clouds on Mars creates Shade ... I just wanted to add this link/ piece in case any viewer of the last video may get confused as to why there may be cloud's over this planet? is all, you know, being so bone dry and all that, this should explain.

NASA: Curiosity Mars Science Laboratory

The Challenges of getting to Mars: Getting a Rover ready for Launch ... Thanx to JPLNEWS

CNN/ LIGHT YEARS: Giant Mars Rover Blasts Off ... news and video


Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover Animation ... Thanx to JPLNEWS


  1. Getting deep below the surface would be well worthwhile; if there's any life on Mars, it's most likely deep in the crust, not on the surface which is exposed to radiation and meteor impacts. Bacteria have been found several miles deep in Earth's crust. so we know life can exist that far down.

    Drilling equipment would be heavy and therefore expensive to send, but it still may well be done at some point.

  2. I'm more interested in getting the problems on this rock fixed than I am in looking for life out there.

    If they were to find what we call intelligent out there I hope it's not as fucked up as humanity is.

  3. We'll never find intelligent life out in the cosmos because if it is out there it is intelligent enough to hide from us. :-)

  4. We're basically looking for what we can eat and fuck and own and use.

  5. If there's intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, I'm much more concerned about it finding us. Fortunately, there probably isn't.

    We're basically looking for what we can eat and fuck

    Well, not really, if they exist they won't actually look like Deanna Troi or the critters in that stupid Avatar movie. They're more likely to look like that thing that's always chasing Sigourney Weaver around dark spaceship corridors, which no one would want to fuck particularly.

  6. They are finding out there are trillions of galaxies and we are not alone. We only know a microcosm of what there is.

    Man whoever is out there might want to exterminate us before we ruin everything for them too.

  7. Well, some dudes on this rock are fucking what they're eating.

  8. Hey Infodel! ... I remember a long while back when I was talking about sending astronaut's to Mars, etc, you mentioned that the robotic's technologies can do a pretty good job, etc Which I see your point now. Yeah, I look at some of them Martian storms and such on them documentaries about Mars and figure alot must be covered from just even so much sand, particle, wind's, and dune's, and that's just near the surface even. I look at when they uncover finding's here on Earth of our human past for instance, climate chnage's, ice, land shift's, even some which is very recent, within the last couple million year's and up, how covered it all is, the layer's and layer's in some of the mountain's etc ... some of them on Mars ought to show at least something of their development. Just watched alot of documentaries on geology and related item's.

    Thanx for your word's here Infodel ....

  9. BBC/ Billy ... Regardless of our fault's, petty issue's, or whatever of humanity here on Earth, this is one avenue I have been very supportive of Billy, like having strong defense, I believe also that human's are explorer's and pioneer's by nature anywayz ... for example, like how asian Indian's slowly over thousand's of year's migrated across the Bearing Straight when there was more ice to the South American shore's, etc ... for me ... migration perhap's and definitely exploration into other planet's and solar system's is just a natural part of us, and healthy for the species evolution to the next step, adapting to change, etc. We have alot of issue's here to solve for sure, and a corrupt cesspool with it on every avenue. We spend more for our political mouth piece's and their overstaffed staff's, press secretaries, their hair salon's, gym's, benefit's package's, car rental's etc, etc ... than we do on some science project's is what's sad. We have unlimited nonsensical religious cult driven morality issue's even over science, space travel and other thing's, and waste time and money out the ass on nonsense, where we cant learn a bloody thing from, but how much more we fucked up something else. But I hear you Guy ... I'm just as sick of the crap here as you are, believe me.

    Thank You for your voice Billy ....

  10. I feel similar Jim on some avenue's. I also feel there is an endless line of place's to explore and thing's to do ... I wish I could be living in the era where we travel (physically or by other method's) without even using ship's for that matter and have unlimited easy access and mobility. As far as who may want to exterminate us ... who know's ... maybe a species out there could evolve that is even worse than us ... who exterminate's who has alwayz been the game in our type "life" ... prey vs. predator, etc., so we may feel that we need to exterminate as well, eh? I havent a clue what's out there, but it just interest's me.

    Thanx for dropping in and voicing here Jim ....

  11. Fucking and eating what we fuck Billy? ... the species certainly has a history of that ... and even recent, within the last 1000 year's even. There has been plenty of cannibalism along with the rape and murder while invading colonies, village's, town's etc ... even when their done with it all, parading on their horses after in show of victory adorning themselves with the body part's of the victim's in celebration.

  12. I wasn't thinking of cannibalism, there are those sick fucks that actually fuck things they eat. I was thinking of bestiality.

    Of course some of those sick fucks decide they love the goat they just fucked and want to marry it.

    I should just blow my brain out now so I don't have to see anymore of this shit.

    Ah fuck that, went boating today, maybe I'll go camping next week.

  13. I hear ya Billy ... rumor was that those old school shepard's had a sheep in every pasture ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh : ) I heard of folk's shagging all kind's of thing's man, male and female both at that! : )
