Tuesday, December 20, 2011

SEOUL: Is YONGSAN DREAM HUB CLOUD TOO LOUD ? ... A World "Made" Center after World Trade Center ....


This hasnt been much in the mainstream of news, yet I still wanted to post on it because it has had alot of sensitive response with American's, as far as the concept/ design of this building planned to go up in Seoul. This design was "made" and "labeled", as soon as the design's were released to the public ... before it was even given a chance of voice to defend itself ... instead, just having media's run these picture's wild to just tease folk's for reaction/ response, cause they knew it would touch a nerve. Some link's of read and video below, them some view's of my own on it.


***** BLOOMBERG: Seoul Skyscraper Resembling Twin Towers Collapse May Change After Outcry


***** MAILONLINE: Outrage over plan's for Korean Buildings identical to burning twin towers ... and the architects claim they didn't notice

No doubt this was a big event as far as terror here in our country, even many year's to come after 9/11 it will be, so alot of folk's get touchy on this ... I'm even touchy on these thing's. But this building I thought was a fine piece of design ... looking closely at it ... I seen the idea ... having this small almost intimate condo/ apartment community above the smog and hustle bustle of the city, and the green factor incorporated into it, landscaping, etc ... I see some of these concept's as being a norm in the near future actually, and more and more tall urban structure's as well, not just serving as a place for corporation's and office's to house, but also, more and more energy efficient idea's, for water/ rain recycling, filtering of hazzardous atmospheric contaminant's/ pollutant's, utilizing all the solar/ wind energies it can collect, etc, ... even the design make's it spacious living and enough seperation for privacy that you cant even find on alot of ground level urban living, or standard high- rise condo/ apartment living. And the more and more of these idea's, the lower the cost goes.

On the other hand, folk's are upset because it look's like an insult to America resembling the 9/ 11 event (even though it's nearly half the height of the Trade Center Towers) ... and the new World Trade in New York City is even an uplifting piece of work 2nd to none . Look at the design and what we learned and what those ashes turned into at World Trade Center ... the old trade center was basically a "death trap" for instance, which unfortunately we had to experience this harsh loss and terror to address something that should have been addressed even long before it.

But I simply cant see this as insulting to America, and I even look at the Dutch and South Korean folk's as great allies at that, that I wouldnt want something like this to turn into some petty bitch fight and sour our relation's on a social level. I also find it difficult to believe that this was intentional or to try to insult or offend anyone, or done just for public relation's to advertise and get atencion to such. I think it's a damn good piece of work, and look forward to many more of these and other design's/ concept's for near future urban living, and multi- purpose use structure's of this sort.

My vision's in the future even go further than this, being of these complexes of sort standing in mid air without ANY ground support structure all over the planet, which would also reduce vulnerability to thing's like tsunami's, flooding, earthquake's, etc ... which I wont even get into here, because I cant explain what I vision, due to there isnt any solid science/ physics yet to explain this, I see this as a new science/ technology that we never experienced for instance ... I only vision it, yet dont understand what I vision, if that make's any sense.

Word Out ....



  1. Personally I'll stay underground with a few tons of concrete above my head given half a chance
    ....safer that way....

    Humanity you really are such a shit aren't you?...er...us...

    Happy Chrissie old bean. Get drunk and enjoy eh?


  2. Same to ya F-D as far as a Happy Holiday ... I wont be getting drunk (I rarely even drink these days, yet have a whole bar of booze, lining the shelf at home), but will have a couple drinx with my daughter's and familia Christmas ... I have to be Santa Claus anywayz for the kid's, so I cant have too much in me : )

    Thanx for the drop in Bud ....

  3. America thinks it's so special, I found the 9/11 thing to just be a thing of interest.

    I'm with 4D, kill half the monkeys on this rock to make it a safer and more livable place.

    Not that he said about killing anyone, half of his brain wants to honor everyone, the other half wants to kill a lot of them.

    I'm just thankful when a lot of them do get killed.

  4. I think we all have those folk's we honour and dislike for the majority of the population, not just 4- D, Billy. I would guess that you even had folk's that you honour, admire, etc
