Tuesday, January 17, 2012

REPUBLICAN/ DEMOCRAT NATIONAL CONVENTION'S 2012: "The Oppressor" ... The $100 million Military- Cop, Prop- Op ... (Mo of Yo Money PT.2)

First here ... video and newsread below, then my input ....

***** RANIA KHALEK : "Tanks, SWAT Teams, Surveillance Helicopters" ... Cities already turning into Mini- Police States for the Political Conventions ... (this was originally published in AlterNet, but then deleted)

RNC/ DNC Cities Will Be Police States ... Thanx to THEALYONASHOW


Part 2 here of "Mo of Yo Money", is another looksy at the expense in these trying tight budgeted time's that will be paid to have these 2 convention's secure. I mean, is there no better price of what to spend on 2 convention's in two medium size American cities, both with reasonably moderate cost's of living? ... and both fairly laid back cities at that as far as protest's and politic's. I mean, their not as expensive either, and/ or regulated as say ... town's like Boston, New York, or San Francisco. This is the cost's for 4- dayz? what a burn (rip- off) of tax money to say the least, and also another urban experiment to play/ excercise "control of the huddled masses" with this clearly neo police state show of force. Right now we been getting media drilled and drowned with this sappy GOP/ Republican debate/ caucus rubbish ... the only positive part of it, is that it create's job's and revenue for the smaller cities their held in ... many of the mainstream politician's/ candidate's havent got a damn thing to say/ contribute that hasnt already been said by other previous self serving mouth piece's ... and spending this kind of more money on them and their bullshit show's is another waste of our bloody tax dollar's!

***** GOP/ REPUBLICAN NOTE: (related to my above statement on GOP candidate's) I need to say here that there was 2 candidate's in the only debate I viewed (NBC Meet The Press) that DID stand out and make some really decent point's ... one being Jon Huntsman, the other Ron Paul. I agree much with what Paul has to say, he tell's it like it is, and proposes what need's to be done in some way/ fashion. My only problemo with Paul ... stemmed from over a decade ago when I attended a speech and interview he gave in Dallas (only because a friend attended and invited me), and I noticed that he wanted to dump damn near everything at the time as far as social and public service's it seemed (as if they werent needed) and eliminate most taxes if not all. Now I know this sound's great in a way ... however ... I was also thinking at the time, in a nation with 300 million people and so much borderline poverty as it is, and the need's ... this could be disastrous ... socially, but yeah sure, it's a great idea to think we can just eliminate these problem's/ issue's, service's, and all of the sudden live in some kind of Utopian self efficient enviroment. I also have some question's on his foreign policy plan's, but that's it. Other than that, I dont know where he stand's today on them domestic public service's/ social issue's/ need's, nor have I read his book, so I cant tell you where this man stand's today on these issue's ... but yes ... I do agree with much of what the man sayz ... also understand that saying what you will do and actually doing it, is two different thing's *****

Back to the convention's expenses ... Believe me ... we could get adequate security for only a "fraction" of that cost, we have a government that just squander's and waste's money without no regard of where those dollar's come from, and much of which need's to be voted out of office, with new regulatory oversight and legislation made to control and expell these spending addict's! Of course they wouldnt use the "drone's" ... can you imagine the daily rental cost's of those? that would spend too much ... much that they will use to buy other military styled police equipment for future use (in cities at that, that wont even need it locally). The contracting out of law enforcement from other cities will also be inflated (anyone who know's how the contracting/ moonlighting officer's gig work's, know's what that will be), there are alternative's to secure these event's, that are even more people/ community friendly, and could get them dollar's in the communities paid to people/ veteran's/ organization's that will in turn spend them dollar's there and boost the local economies. Even the security cam's/ surveillance dont need to be permanent, and can be rented/ leased as for any large scaled temporary event. Then the money/ grant they get is almost locked in to be used with certain corporation's/ companies that are all Washington affiliated/ lobbied ... total burn (rip off)! You could easily find a more efficient and friendly way to cover and secure this locally with only $10 million top's, per city (80% less) ... I'd bet my paycheck on it.

Basically what you have here is the same shit that stream's from their mouth's in Washington combined with their reckless spending, and a slap in the face to all voter's in our nation!

Word Out ....



  1. I admit to a certain fascination with American elections. It actually almost makes our British politicians look relatively sane and that takes some doing!!!!

  2. Hey 4-D ... I hear ya Guy ... I know how entertaining in a slapstick sort of way this must look to folk's especially in UK and neighbor's ... because it's just that ... and frankly also ... American's especially are quick to sop it up like gravy with bread, even entertaining themselves over their own ill decision's and constant running in circle's.

    Thanx for your voice here Guy ....

  3. I was at your site 4-D a couple time's recently and again had problemo's trying to post comment's. Maybe just a temp issue(?) ... but I have had these problem's before on other blog's too.

  4. Fuck the elections, it's just a big clusterfuck to keep you all distracted.

    The issue here is three snow storms in a roll and my plow being stuck, not that I give a shit, I'm comfy and can wait things out.

  5. I was at your site 4-D a couple time's recently and again had problemo's trying to post comment's.

    I had that problem also until I noticed the scroll bar in the comment window, grab it and pull it down so you can see the word verification.

  6. Sorry to hear about the snowstorm's there Billy, I have read and heard alot about it in the news, the worst seen since the 1940's, certain part's of Alaska got it bad too.

    I dont know about the "scroll bar"(?) ... dont even think I got to the part with "word verification" and couldnt even redirect to the posting, shut off my computer naually just to get off the site. I had problem after problem with the same type comment's boxes on several other blog's, and telling me that my email address is not the right one or some shit ... this is, the only and official email address for this blog, so I just gave up on it.

  7. Even the time on this thing is all fucked up man ... it said my comment is at 3:40 am, and it's actually 5:40 am in Dallas ... this aint the West Coast here, it's bloddy Central time.
