Sunday, January 8, 2012

WORLD PERCEPTION OF AMERICANS: Stereotype ... Atencion Deficit Disorder ... or Laziness? (AMERICA'S STUPIDITY PT.2)

This Part 2 of "America's Stupidity" will be to look at what I find incredibly interesting as far as folk's being informed, educated, etc. I will say that I consider it a stereotype as well of American's, because most cannot be this challenged ... and human's are not born stupid, our species would have never evolved this far if we were. I also want to say that I have found this in various place's, such as England, Scotland, Canada, and across the nation here. Even thing's like racism and segregation for instance, I found all over ... one of the most racist, segregated, and backward place's I ever lived in had to be Brooklyn, New York ... even Los Angeles, believe it or not ... when most people would actually think you would find more of that in Texas ... another stereotype herd mentality mindset. Not to offend anyone here, but I am speaking the truth only ... I met folk's even in England that were dumber than a doorknob ... I shit you not. I havent been to many countries, but I would guess this is elsewhere's too around the globe. I can understand in some countries that are far more oppressed and impoverished where it may flourish ... but this is America! Even if you dont attend school, or even have a computer, you have public libraries all over the place, documentary tele show's, PBS, etc ... so you may wonder ... how is this possible? It redefine's the term "Atencion Deficit Disorder" for sure, but it's actually laziness and lack of atencion as well, that your not born with, but chose.

You may view this video below and get a laugh out of it ... but it is a serious issue in our nation ... and hardly something to laugh about in reality. Because of our lack of knowledge, it make's us more vulnerable to the way we are manipulated by everything from pop culture to politic's to religion ... all of which need drastic reform. And it mainly is our laziness to think ... really, combined with other self imposed weaknesses ... I say "self" ... because we are in a fairly free society, and there is no reason for anyone to be this uniformed of what is going on either ... no bloody excuse. Especially with the education level's of folk's in this country and the incredible amount's they spend on such and get in debt over. We cant blame this on the government/ politic's, the church, or anyone else as long as we keep feeding that which destroy's us ... lack of any decent education is more destructive to our society than just about anything else. I myself only have formally an 8th grade education, and dont even read that many book's, I known plenty of folk's in the same status, yet got at least halfway educated. Just the saturation of public libraries, online info, PBS, news media's, tele documentaries galore, and all kind's of access to info, that many countries dont even have nearly what we do, or the opportunities and/ or liberties ... is shocking. Even further education these dayz has become nothing but a market for mega profit, who could give a shit less about turning out educated citizen's, the more dumb and uniformed they keep you, the more those who dictate our society prosper.

The video below was made across America ... place's I recognized for instance were Santa Monica, Venice Beach, Hollywood Blvd/ LA, Manhattan/ NYC, Washington D.C. and Texas (Dallas & San Antonio) as well, and the Texas response was especially nauseating to me ... absolutely unbelievable though! Look at the map's closely after 4 minute's where he asked people to put little flag's on countries like North Korea, Iran, France, etc ... all relocated on a phoney map to where Australia would be on the map ... um, um, um ... imagine that! The video is from 2007.

**** UPDATE (13 November 2012) Unfortunately I had to "replace" the video below with a shorter version, cause the YouTube account of the first video was deleted from YouTube ... but ... still hilarious, just a tad shortened : )


Americans are NOT stupid- WITH SUBTITLES ... Thanx to ERONCOELHO



  1. Had to stop watching about a minute into it. While on vacation I talked with a couple for Belfast, Northern Ireland and after several rounds of drinks they admitted Americans make them sick because of their ignorance.

  2. Oh Bum ... you missed the good part's ... and a good morning to ya Guy. Belfast? ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... well I dont know if they should be bragging about anything either : )

    Thanx for your input here Bum ....

  3. Pretty funny video. I doubt these people are typical -- it would be easy to spend hours filming and then choose only the dumbest responses for inclusion -- but they exist. I'll never forget the co-worker who once asked me "What's the United Kingdom? Is that part of Canada?"

  4. Americans are stupid, humanity is stupid, I give them another 50 years.

  5. "United Kingdom"? ... I thought that was the Arab Emirates ... at least it's in the same region. Just kiddin Infodell. But it dont suprise me about thinking Canada at least ... I mean, year's back when I lived in Canada (today I dont know about it, and never ask my relative's/ kin that live there), they also had an equivalent to our interstate highwayz called "QEW" meaning "Queen Elizabeth Way", and Yep ... the old lady herself was on the currency even, plus it has some history in Canada of being an offshoot of England (cant recall it off hand) ... but when I lived in Montreal it was like France ... kind of odd to have two provinces that close that are entirely different culturally, at least to me, there was quite a difference between Ontario and Quebec.

    I mentioned to you once about a Guy I worked with who thought Africa was country, and he wasnt talking about South Africa, I tried to explain to him it wasnt, but it was like pisssing in the wind and a waste of my time.

    Yeah ... I'm sure the video clip's of course were selected for the entertainment value ... but it still seemed somewhat odd to me. I mean, when I was in school in the 1960's they taught us the geographical basic's ... and even to this day they do, I keep up with my grandson's on wassup in school today, so ... no ... I see no excuse.

    Thanx for your voice Infodell ....

  6. Went ahead and watched the rest of it, yeah, its a pretty FUBARed example of America.

    I have to disagree with Infidel though, most Americans I encounter are about that stupid.

  7. Quite a piece, eh Bum? : ) ... really guy? ... most you encountered were at that level? ... you must be in a bad neighborhood ... just kiddin Guy : )
