Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Sahar Gul

This posting for Part 7 of the "Human Morality" series this time will look at the case of Ms. Sahar Gul, who first became a public outrage case last year in the news because of the abuse she experienced as a child bride, and is back in the news now because of the sentencing in court of those who abused her, beside's her husband, who is still loose. But mainly this posting is to highlight bravery on her part despite the physical and social bondage she remain's in, and to commend her for such, in the increasing sub cultural societies of fear, cowardice, and political correctness and sensitivity.

Again, this series is to show the other side of human morality and it's written religious and cultural code's. The 'other side' meaning, that there is a flip side to everything, and sometime's more than two side's as well. On one hand ... some of our morality code's and conduct have played an importante part of the evolution of our civilised wayz and thinking, on the other hand, there is the damaging side when we get too obsessed with these code's and value's. Example being, one way to think of this in the civilised manner of morality, is she should forgive those and just get on with life, but this young lady isnt satisfied with that, and want's much more severe sentencing and punishment for those who done this to her ... and why not? Why should she have any consideration for such? In my reality of justice (which is different than most folk's) ... I would leave the punishment up to her, including if she chose to terminate those.

There is alwayz those question's from folk's you hear like in the mainstream media's, as far as what progress is being made in a country where we been militarily active in for a decade now? Well, it's quite obvious that any of these countries that we are in and do business with, we must not do much of anything about this, not that we should as our responsibility, after all, why are we there with such heavy occupation? But you have to wonder ... what is our goal there? ... and I shouldnt even need to tell you what our real goal's are in these land's and occupation's ... but you can bet your ass, it isnt human right's, women's right's or saving gay/ lesbian folk's, as so many political mouth piece's will tell you ... the fact is ... we continue to do business as usual and even support indirectly these folk's that do this, period! And it's a deeply rooted cultural issue too.

Some folk's here in our country for instance find this hard to believe that this actually goes on in the 21st century ... example being ... a couple week's back I was having some conversation with a neighbor/ friend (Suzy), and she was talking about women's right's and pointing out the progress that's been made especially over the last half century ... which is true, however, I later pointed out to her about these cases like Sahar and other's ... Suzy actually paused and then said something to me like ... "but that was centuries ago Tom ..." ... I told her ... "no Suzy, this is happening in 2012" ... she actually didnt even know about this, and thought that the stories were from just ancient tradition's that have faded. Suzy was even suprised that there are still people in the world that would be opposed to a woman driving a car ... I mean, she was born and raised in a nice area of North Dallas, and like all the other teen's, been behind the wheel since a teen in high school, and it was their parent's that put them into their first car's.

But, all in all ... this is what some folk's look at as simply traditional familia value's, and the morality price to pay if you disobey and/ or sin in their eye's ....

***** CNN: Tortured Afghan Teen on attackers: 'The Same Should Be Done To Them' 

Afghan child bride tortured for 6 months ... Thanx to ALJAZEERAENGLISH


***** RCJ: Reem al Numeri: ... A young girl's PLEA ... and her PRICE, for a basic High School Education ... another case of morality and value's


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