Wednesday, September 26, 2012

RAT'S OF NEW YORK: A Look at New York's CATHOLIC & NON- DENOMINATION Rat's ... "Dont RAT on the RAT's" ... RAT'S- R- HOMIES 2 !! ... DONT BE ALARMED PT.7- You're in New York {: 0 ... For Bear

Part 7 of the "Dont Be Alarmed" series will be to take a looksy at the Rat's of New York City .... and where in Hell are ya'll "animal rights" activist's when we need ya'll ?!! ... geeeezzz ... I gotz to do every goddamn  thing! : )

This posting is for my daughter Bear (nickname) who went to "The City" and just hung out and chilled with her buddy, took in a couple Broadway showz, Times Square attract's, Harlem, eat's/ drink's, etc ... and of course she wanted to check out some of the place's where her dad (me) hung as a youngster, and I tried to hip her to some of the Do's & Dont's before hand ... I mean, she was born and raised in Dallas, and never had the opportunity to experience the unique atmosphere and flavour of the Apple. Anyone who know's New York, know's what a unique American city it is too ... but one of the thing's I reckon I didnt mention much to her, was about the rat's ... needless to say ... New York was quite an experience to her, I'll leave it at that : )

Let me just put it like this ... rat's in New York are as much a part of tradition and culture as say ... Pastrami & Rye, okay? And NY rat's are hip, keen, and even domesticated ... the kind of MF's that will stop and look both wayz at a crosswalk you can say. As you will even see below, they can be playful lil critter's, and are definitely nocturnal, and even you have domesticated Catholic (assuming Roman Catholic : ) rat's in that town, but I'm sure that most are atheist's : ) ... politically, you can say their bipartisan and found in just about every level and class of The City. I myself have slept on NYC subwayz several night's, and the thought of the lil critter's around me, never bothered me much I reckon, and I'm fine to this day. But I mean ... rat's are homies too, okay? So the next time your in The City and see these lil critter's around ... Dont Be Alarmed ... your in New York City : )

***** NYTIMES/ ART & DESIGN: Heads, Yes. Tails, No.

Why you should never fall asleep on a NYC Subway Train. Rat on a mission! Rat wakes homeless ... Thanx to BRONXSAX

Rat Zoo: Collect Pond Park- Downtown Manhattan ... Thanx to NYCTHEBLOG

Manhattan Woman keeps Rats as Pets ... Thanx to NYDAILYNEWS **** click on video to watch on YouTube

Rats take over KFC/ Taco Bell ... Thanx to WWEKRAZY



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