Monday, November 5, 2012

OBAMACARE: Texas BORN AGAIN DEMOCRAT & Former REPUBLICAN Bill sayz ... "Dont touch my ObamaCare !!" (TRUTH OR TREASON 2012 PT.16)

Thomas Hudson Pickering aka "Ranch Chimp" & "Commie Tommie" (the car is a 2013 ZL1 Chevy Camaro convertible, with a LSA 6.2 liter supercharged V8 and 580 horsepower engine ... it dont fuck around, and neither do I : )

For Part 16 of the "Truth or Treason 2012" series will be a true short story of just how some American's feel about this sudden raping of folk's social programme's and corporate privatization of everything in this nation by in particular the right wing who is pushing it heavier than anyone. Not everyone is blind as to what is going on here and dazed by all this political nonsense in the media's ... Bill is one of them, and been a voting Republican for many year's, even voted for McCain/ Palin ... but frankly has had enough.

Bill is a neighbour of mine, also a WW2 veteran who served in the Pacific during the war with the US Navy, voted Republican for year's post Pres L.B. Johnson (like many Texas Republican's who were formally Democrat's during the year's up until after LBJ) including last in 2008, who told me something very interesting the other day when he tagged along with me to vote early, since I was going to the poll's, I asked Bill if he'd like to come along, and I alwayz love listening to Bill talking about the old dayz ... he actually played football with former New York Giant and legendary Dallas Cowboys Head Coach Tom Landry, down in Mission High School (Texas) on their high school football team ... and also a late Happy Birthday to Bill who turned 87 in October.

I knew Bill as a Republican of course and expected him to vote Republican ... but Bill sure had alot to say about what the Republican Party been doing on all this privatization stuff of thing's like Social Security, Medicare, etc, etc ... and he told me ... that he DONT WANT them to mess with this new ObamaCare either ... needless to say I was a lil shocked and encouraged ole Bill to elaborate a bit. Bill actually told me that what many American's dont see or realize yet, is that this ObamaCare given long enough to stand it's ground will actually become as popular to the majority of ALL American's over year's to come, even as much loved as Social Security and Medicare ... he is old enough to remember when some of these thing's first started and told me that they too were politically criticized back in the day, yet today ... folk's wont have without them they are so much a part of our society ... Bill think's the same about ObamaCare, that it too will  evolve into a cherished social programme that American's will expect to be part of our society just as Social Security and Medicare are today. I told Bill though that I write about this stuff on this blog deal ... he dont have a computer or wish to get one for that matter (Hell, ole Bill didnt even know what a goddamn blog was : ), but just the newpaper's and other info that's out there helped him see who stand's on what. When Bill told me he voted for Obama and these reason's ... I said to Bill ... "So you sayin your born again as a Democrat Bill?" ... he just laughed : )




  1. this ObamaCare given long enough to stand it's ground will actually become as popular to the majority of ALL American's over year's to come, even as much loved as Social Security and Medicare ... he is old enough to remember when some of these thing's first started and told me that they too were politically criticized back in the day, yet today ... folk's wont have without them

    That's exactly right, and if Obama wins and Obamacare is allowed to stay and come into full effect, more people will realize that. It should actually be a strong point in Texas, since the state has a lot of uninsured people.

    Once this election is over we need to put some work into Texas over the next four years. Some Democrats have been arguing for years that it's a winnable state. I'd love to see it yanked out from under the Republicans.

  2. Infidel: I am one that actually believe's that the Dem's could win this state with just a lil more "push the vote" thing here, the Republican's take this state for granted as a cakewalk, because frankly there are million's here that dont vote and are not tickled pink over this corporate communism stuff, women's right's getting attacked, turning over Social Security bto Wall Street, and asking you to accept voucher's to shop clear across the country doing research to try to find a decent deal on health insurance (nonsense), and a list of other thing's that this GOP been hammering ... but yes, I really believe that.

    BTW, I just got in the door, it's after 7:30am and the neighbourhood poll's are already bustling here , and this is mainly a hispanic/ latino working class neighbourhood too, I'd be curious of the stat's on voting here.

    Thanx for your input here Infidel ....
