Tuesday, January 8, 2013

CAT Arrested on Prison BE (Breaking & Entering) & Contraband Smuggling charges ... "SUSPECT Refuses to TALK" ... Will Cat Smuggler's, Cat Burglar's, & Stool Pigeon's "RAT on CAT"? (THE OTHER TENANT'S PT.5)

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Alleged suspect "Kitty" in custody ....

Part 5 of "The Other Tenant's" series will highlight a recent and popular news piece of a cat that I'll just call "Kitty" here ... recently arrested and detained in Brazil for an attempted prison break plot with inmate's, who was caught smuggling contraband into the facility. Prison official's and investigator's are hoping for a stool pigeon to come forth with testimony to rat on the cat since Kitty refuses to talk : )

***** METRO NEWS: Cat 'arrested' over Brazilian prison break plot

Cat arrested for break in at Brazilian prison ... Thanx to Sandwellnews


"sCAT Fetish" **** another feline related posting

Front 242 Felines ... Thanx to shannahamandra **** a lil ole favourite and classic tune/ video here from FRONT242 I wanted to dedicate to the incarcerated brother's to enjoy! : ) **** this video also included in the "RCJ MUSIC/ ARTS HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY"



  1. Clearly a hardened criminal who needs to do hard time. Sentence him to a year in the dog pound.

    That parrot in the video won't stay behind bars long, though -- as soon as the cops offer him a cracker, he'll talk.

  2. A year in the dog pound Infidel? could he last a week? I forgot that parrot's are quick to talk over cracker's, good point : )

    Thanx for your input here Infidel ....

  3. Man I saw that, I thought it was great! Nothing will stop them, they are sure innovative.

  4. They sure as Hell are innovative Jim, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... in jail/ prison you can actually find some of the most innovative MF's Jim when it come's to just about anything, inmate's can make an ashtray out of a cereal box or wine in their toilet's : ) ... the list is endless ... I was alwayz amazed though! : )

    Glad you enjoyed the laugh Jim : )
