Thursday, February 21, 2013

COREY WEBB: Court Recess TEXAS TEA Break ... from a Texas Teen and Texas PEE ... DONT BE ALARMED PT.9 ... You're in East Texas {: 0

Politically Depressed” the Ranch Chimp Journal: COREY WEBB: Court ...

Mr. Corey Webb

Just was browsing a lil breakfast humour on YouTube on this cold dark and rainy miserable Dallas morning, and stumbled on this which made me laugh, since Tyler alwayz has local Dallas joke's cracked on it for being such a country type town with just alot of country type folk's with distinctive East Texas drawl's {: ) Tyler is a small city of only about 100,000 population about and hour and a half southeast of Dallas. Mr. Corey Webb, a teenager who was on trial for actually shooting a detention officer during a juvenile facility escape attempt, which is a serious enough offense ... when the judge told the court to recess/ break ... he just plain ole took it as a Pee/ Tea break as well, to relieve himself. Oh Well ... needless to say, the judge didnt know how he was raised he said ... but ... this after all is just an ole country type town and folk's that are you can say ... very grassroot's and down to earth. So if your ever in one of these lil ole East Texas town's and witness something like this ... dont be alarmed ... your in East Texas {: )

***** HOUSTON PRESS/ BLOGS: Corey Webb: Pees in Courtroom During Trial Break (newsread)

Teen Takes A Pee In Court Room While On Trial ... Thanx to VIRALVELOCITY



Tyler Texas




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