Monday, December 4, 2017

CONGRESS' SEXUAL HARASSMENT SLUSH FUND 2017: Taxpayers on the HOOK for Sexually IRRESISTIBLE Members of CONGRESS ... The "Exposure & Disclosure" Edition ... (POLITICAL CORRUPTION & ETHICS PT.13)- (SEXPLOITATION NATION PT.36)- (MO of YO MONEY PT.14)

Image result for washington's sexual harassment taxpayer slush fund

Taxpayers Foot The Bill For Sexual Harassers In Congress ... Thanx to The Ring of Fire

This posting will serve the "Political Corruption & Ethics", "Sexploitation Nation" and "Mo of Yo Money" series of this journal/ blog. I opened above with a short video from Farron Cousins of "The Ring of Fire", since Farron gets straight to the point. I wanted to do a posting on this, because it's importante to know where our tax dollars are going for one. And to also try to clean up our Congress through exposure and pressure, and putting their balls to the wall, which is past due. We have mid- term elections in 2018, so it's importante to also know who we are voting for, and who we should or should not continue to vote for. Right now, our President and the RNC is supporting Roy Moore of Alabama for the Senate (Washington Post), despite previously rejecting him. If we continue to be asked to support these folks by these parties for grabbing/ abusing women or whatever, and we keep stupidly doing so ... it will be just a matter of time, before we are asked to support child molesters as well, scaring us with the classic "lesser of 2 evil" rubbish. I had no idea that there was also a slush fund to cover the asses of these politicians, so this is new to me, although it does not surprise me, considering just how corrupt this cesspool is in Washington. These accused, are not mentally challenged with awful upbringing/ childhoods, many of these come from good backgrounds and families, well educated in good schools, not financially strapped, etc ... they, if anyone, should know better. I just added a couple links below from Politico to explain how this is done in secrecy, and also a piece on U.S. Congressman Blake Farenthold of Texas, and how much we had to shell out for this asshole. Also a link from ThinkProgress, that was interesting, with a list of corporations that support this "alleged" child abuser, Roy Moore ... just to show what our corporate controlled politics consist of in America. After, I will add some of my own thoughts on this below.

***** POLITICO: Congress' sexual harassment system, decoded ... (newsread | video)

***** POLITICO: Lawmaker behind secret $84K sexual harassment settlement unmasked ... (newsread)

***** THINK PROGRESS: These corporations are helping elect an alleged child sex abuser to the U.S. Senate ... (newsread)


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***** PD/ RCJ: "MO of YO MONEY" ... PART'S 13 THRU 1


Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp & daughter Bear

First of all, it's equally disgusting to have to have fellow members of Congress have to ask their colleagues to resign ... we should have a system to where these folks are just fired, when there is solid evidence, and especially their own shady worded admission of guilt. It's sad enough that we have to subsidize and bailout everyone from CEO's to multinational corporations and banks, and their wars around the globe with tax dollars ... and they make us pay for this as well? They do all this through legislation, in fact, the people of this country have zero input on what they are legislating. And the only reason any of these in Washington are even talking about this, is to try to save their political careers and parties, otherwise they would have done something about this years ago, without waiting for this to come out. They say, they now want to set up counseling sessions or whatever? ... at where, some plush golf resort?, because that is the way these SOB's up there pamper each other ... you know ... fuck you, just resign. Many of these folks up there are millionaires, on top of it, and we pay these folks in the range of like $174,000 to about $224,000 a year in salaries, and better benefits than even any professional gets in the private sector. And these are not incidents that they indulge in on their free time off the job ... they are doing this on the job to their employees and colleagues. I can only imagine just how loose this culture is up there, and sadly as far as people working for some of these folks, some are even unpaid interns. There also needs to be public demand for disclosure of just what the Hell is going on up there on these things, we need to demand it, or vote against these people in the elections, regardless of how much we may be devoted to either of these parties ... these people are foul, and do not deserve our support or any respect, when they treat their employees and colleagues this way. And when these people are found to be doing this, they should be on their own, and have to pay out of their pocket, or even have to answer to criminal charges if any ... just like everyone else in the private sector ... you are NOT special. A person may just want to work without being constantly harassed or touched ... it's simple ... it's basic rules of any workplace. I also want to point out, that this $17 million paid out through this slush fund, is not necessarily ALL to victims of "sexual harassment" only. Which is another problem, because we need full disclosure of these cases and exactly who is paid what, and for what ... including transcripts of the negotiation process. Some may say that $17 million is a small price compared to the billions we shuffle around and waste ... but the point here is ... we shouldnt have to pay "17 cents" for any of these assholes faults up there.

A guy here in Dallas the other day, was telling me, that he is skeptical about this is going on to this extent with floodgates wide open, and questioning, if women are just following some sort of fad and coming out with false accusations. There is alwayz that chance that some are not straight up, and this is again reason that these cases should be in public, and all these people should be given a fair shake ... not this hiding behind closed doors crap and negotiating some secretive arbitration shit, and making these victims sign papers to legally hush them up. Just the fact that they are shelling out tens of thousands in the millions to these victims, and going through so much to cover it up, tells me there is compelling evidence on much of this. As I explained to this guy, Randy, I feel the reason why so many women are all the sudden coming out with this, is because it's been kept on the low for so long, some women are ashamed and shy to talk about it, some fear losing their jobs and being unofficially blacklisted. They needed to have other women to come out, so that they can feel more at ease to come out themselves ... so, much credit to these folks/ women that are exposing this, and giving public testimony on what they have to go through, and been through. I also believe that there are probably guys as well that are sexually harassed by colleagues or superiors too, maybe not as many as women though, that are harassed ... but as well, may feel pressured, that they too could lose their job, or face criticism. Congressman Farenthold, said that the "Congressional Accountability Act" prohibits him from confirming or denying ... shows you how they conveniently draft this shit up there, to keep everything quiet and to cover each others asses. Kind of reminds me of how the Catholic church hierarchy has all these retreats, counseling hangouts, and closed door arbitration shit, for sexual abuse of boys in the church by clergy ... same kind of cult fucken mentality. Make all this public and REAL accountability, and you can bet, you will clean up this shit overnight. This Farenthold character of Texas, actually fired his communications director, Lauren Greene, because she wouldnt play ball (or play with his balls you can say). Farenthold, who is basically a drunk slob, actually thinks that he is so sexually irresistible, that the women he worx with wanted a 3- way with him, this is a perfect example of how totally out of touch their thinking is. Whether you are attracted to another employee or not, are their boss, or have fantasies, or feel weak to control yourself, or how an employee may dress, is no reason to force yourself on them. This is a sign of weakness, and lack of self discipline, and you cant expect the weak to lead. We are paying them to do a job ... and if you cant do the job and keep your hands to yourself ... do what we are told to do in the private sector by y'all .... go find another job!

Word Out ....


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***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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