Friday, January 5, 2018

POLAR VORTEX & THE "REX" 2018: The BOLD, COLD, & Politically UNTOLD Science of Global Warming ... The "Art of the Fart" Edition ... (GLOBAL WAR'N'ING PT.52)

Image result for polar vortex climate change

CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning caused the Arctic to warm at least twice as fast as the rest of the globe, resulting in the disappearance of Arctic sea ice- which in turn weakens the polar vortex, which in turn favors cold air intrusion into lower latitudes, and vise- versa

Trump: East Coast might need "a little bit of that good old Global Warming" ... Thanx to CBS News

This posting will serve as Part 52 of the "Global War'n'ing" series of this journal/ blog. This will focus on our winter seasons. The main reason for this posting, is because so many folks over at least 30 years or so, that have asked me, when I talk about global warming ... why if the earth is warming, would we have all this frigid weather and snow, ice, etc? And this is a reasonable question, a question you still hear frequently now ... and can get a little confusing, unless you look at the simple basics of precipitation, the seasons, jet stream or whatever. So I put it as simple as I can to try to make the point when folks ask this. It is just having an understanding of the basics ... and as the link below points out, a need to differentiate between climate and weather. I mean, this is the kind of stuff I remember from grade school in the 1960's at that, so I have no scientific background. It's as simple as having a basic understanding of what happens to components, when you put or mix the wrong fluids in your car. I was browsing some reads and vidz online to post here, so a couple links I chose below, and the video above to open with, that is clear and simple. After, at the bottom, I wanted to add a few words myself.

***** INSIDECLIMATE NEWS: Ice Loss and the Polar Vortex: How a Warming Arctic Fuels Cold Snaps ... (newsread)

***** SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Why Global Warming Can Mean Harsher Winter Weather ... (newsread)


***** PD/ RCJ: "GLOBAL WAR'N'ING" ... PART'S 51 THRU 1


Image result for trump tweet heavy snow is not global warming

Image result for trump tweet heavy snow is not global warming


Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

First of all, the President of a world leading country such as the U.S., in this case, President Trump, who I'll just call "Rex", since he acts more like a king than a President ... should be inviting scientists into his White House circle, to have input on what we can do to benefit our societies, and clean up our act, environmentally. Not insulting science because the President may disagree with something ... which is like the "art of the fart", since all he been doing is releasing gas/ emissions from his mouth. We also should be setting an example, since we think of ourselves as world leaders, innovative minded, trendsetters, or whatever, to the rest of the world, by actually "doing something" that stands out and makes us leaders. When I woke up this morning, like any morning, before I even get out of bed, I clicked on the tele to catch the news. I was mainly thinking about the bomb cyclone storm to get updated on (CNN), that is hitting the east coast, which has affected everything from schools to workers to local governments, the rich, the poor, and the economy. The news on this, was actually short in comparison to the news about 10's of thousands of people standing in line, even in cold, to buy Steve Bannon's book bitching about Trump or whatever ... Bannon's book, as well as Trump's retaliatory Tweets, actually has most of the airtime by a large percentage on this morning's news ... I shit you not. And I actually like otherwise, some of what Bannon talks about, I just have a different view and ideas on how to better the country ... but I dont care to hear him bitch about Trump, after he was in bed with him ... any more than I care to hear Donna Brazile bitch about Hillary Clinton, after she was in the same bed with her. But listening to this, reminds me of little toddlers at a daycare facility fighting over toys, but even toddlers have enough common sense to know when to let it go. I guess for some this is entertaining, which is cool, if that's your thing. I myself would not read, even for free, any of these petty bitch fight books, that a bunch of Washington and Wall Street millionaires/ billionaires make millions off of ... about their miserable goddamn lives, or Twitter wars, or whatever, because they woke up with the red ass. People who endlessly use words like "God Bless America", "Make America Great Again", "We do everything for the American people", etc ... when they do nothing but sit on their ass, burn us, and engage in stupidity ... mind you ... these are people educated in the best institutions, have considerable wealth, that actually think of themselves as leaders at that.

We dont have to wait another 20 years to see how bad things can get ... the bold reality when you look at the entire current condition, is that the globe is in a state of emergency today. It's not only these winter storms, or the wildfires, or droughts ... but even the air and waters. I was reading up the other day, just how bad the air quality is in major global cities like Delhi, the air pollution is so bad, for the millions of folks in the city breathing it, it's like the equivalent of smoking 50 cigarettes a day (Vox) , and this is also in other major cities of the globe. And this is not going to stop any time soon, but get even worse without strict immediate action ... despite how far we are coming along with renewables. The fact is, we are getting deeper into this mess by the day, because the demand and extraction of fossil fuels is greater than it ever was. What is also greater than ever, is all the new technology for extracting fossil fuels, and the billions of investments going into such, along with tax subsidies. On the flip- side, there is also a mass amount of new technology to use, to "clean up" production on sites of these industries, they dont want to spend a dime to clean up, that is where we need legislation to make them, and force public demand. After all, these resources are a commodity, so not just to use as energy, but to obtain wealth. Look at it like a new goldmine, with investors drooling to get their hands on every ounce they can get ... therefore, there is much more focus in energy investment seminars to invest in this over renewables currently, and because of the tax incentives to do so, on top of it. So a big problem is our politicians, like with everything else ... while they boast in political talk about our green goals for 2030, 2040 or whatever, which they keep moving up the date year to year, they are not doing enough to stop what is happening and to make change that's needed now. So when these folks constantly talk about reform, this culture of filth for wealth needs to be reformed now. Public pressure is needed, and frankly many of these so called political leaders need to be retired and replaced, because they are fossils themselves in their thinking, psychologically intoxicated with money, and locked in bubbles, with their heads so far up their asses, that they wouldnt know common sense if it hit them in the face.

Because there is so much increase in extraction of these resources, and there is no end in sight for decades to come, by the companies own claims, marketing and vision, not mine ... we need to do things cleaner. This is WHY they want the arctic ice to melt also, because they want to mine and drill all that too ... so, we need to look at other wayz to cut carbon emissions too, since there is no plans to stop doing this. I look at carbon capture as at least some start, while we are waiting for renewables to become more dominant and abundant ... yet, it still doesnt solve the problem, but at least, it does something. Some will say it's impractical, it's too expensive, we would have to store the carbon, and use more existing energy to make it work, etc. Some say to plant more trees or whatever, to pull in the carbon, but you have to look at land, agriculture and much else ... we are pumping out too much, and increasing so at an alarming rate. Either way you go, it is going to cost us, whether we fix things now and tighten regulations, or wait till more damage is done. All these folks that hold all these resources and make so much wealth off it, need to shell out money, they of all people preach that nothing is for free and everything has a price. And they have been getting a free ride on just about everything, it's the majority who pays for it all ... so fuck all that whining talk from them about how much they pay, or that folks are trying to put them out of business, when we tighten shit up. This is not putting folks out of business, strict regulations are needed even in business to keep it healthy, when folks cant control themselves ... and pampering them more, is feeding to more of the same only.

Most of the top wealth is only intoxicated with wealth, so you cant expect them to make the best rational decisions for us, any more than you can expect a person shit- faced drunk to drive you home safely ... they must be sobered up and/ or feel some consequence. I would guess that many of these folks probably even have custom air and water systems for their own homes and properties, so they dont have to breathe and drink what most will. And they dont care if millions die, in fact, many would welcome it ... after all, they just look at their wealth and technologies to save themselves and build their future empires. Understand, that there will not be much use for workers/ labourers, consumers, the current form of capitalism, or the lower classes in the future (by the end of this century), and many of wealth will do everything they can to depopulate that sector of population in coming years, slowly, as they no longer have use for them (much will be handled by automation, robotics, AI), they sure as Hell are not going to want to feed and support the lowest common classes, they ARE NOT humanitarians. I know that dont sound nice, or may sound wrong, but I would be less than honest, if I didnt spell it out. Therefore, it's our (the masses) responsibility to force change and make the change, to fend for ourselves and what we cherish, including our lives. I'll shut the Hell up now, and close out with a couple videos below, from some folks that are actually doing something.

Word Out ....

Climeworks- Capturing CO2 from air ... Thanx to Climeworks

What's White, Shaggy And Could Help Reduce  Carbon Dioxide By 80%? ... Thanx to Inside Science


Related image



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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