Tuesday, October 16, 2018

IPCC UN CLIMATE CHANGE REPORT 2018: 12 Year WARNING to TAME a Deadly GAME of Action & Reaction ... The "Money or Your Life" Edition ... (GLOBAL WAR'N'ING PT.56)

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UN issues dire warning on climate change ... Thanx to CBC News: The National

This posting will be Part 56 of the "Global War'n'ing" series of this journal/ blog. It's to look at the recent IPCC- SR15, as far as what we will need to do to at least try to slow the global warming some. I definitely wanted to record this in this series because it's drastic as far as assessments, and what is needed to successfully tame some of this warming ... a short intro video above to open with from CBC News. Scientists are warning that inaction, will be catastophic to everything that we know as is in our environment/ ecosystem, our lives/ living, economies, health, and just about everything that we depend on, or what is normal to us. Whenever you have something like 6000 scientific references with 91 authors from 40 countries coming to these conclusions ... it is something serious to consider, regardless of politics, money, pride or whatever. If you had even only 3 or 4 doctors/ cardiologists tell you, you may have a heart attack, would you deny and reject their warning? ... and think it's simply a conspiracy or hoax to milk more money out of your insurance? ... I don't think so. Even if climate change was not as harsh as it is currently, common sense and our advancements in science and technology, should have us further along in our energy transition than what we are ... plus, it's big business. This shows that this is not about "job creation" also, if it was, we would have much more job creation than what we have transitioning to renewables, this is more about mining and drilling all the resources for investors, and expanding this current economic model and wealth to the top ... not jobs. And there is much more to this than just going to renewables, we need an across the board clean- up and overhaul of the way we do things, which is unlikely to get done without strict regulations.

I had selected some reads below out of many I reviewed. The first Guardian piece covers the harsh news, which is very importante to let sink in. The piece from World Resources Institute, is to get some ideas on what we need to look at, as far as transitioning. The third piece from the Independent is to look at ideas for, at least, transitioning capitalism as we know it ... the reason being, is because we have no economic model right now, to deal with this transition. The 4th piece from Truthout, is to get an update on the ice loss, that is even accelerating faster than many expected. Following the links below ... I also wanted to add a new video, a timeline presentation that shows how our politics in the U.S. played off and stalled for the last 12 years (and it's not just U.S., politics in other countries as well, have played this off). We also hear the pro- fossil fuel argument, that we have cheap energies, but we also pay for those too, in the form of government/ tax subsidies to these energy providers. We can take those incentives, and apply them more to renewables immediately, and get similar reduced energy costs ... this also incentivizes private investments more. We are shelling out big money either way you slice it, and more with all the damage we have to cover as well. At the bottom, I will add some more of my views ... and I am not a scientist, economist, engineer, or hold any college degrees in any of this. My views and assessments are from what I gathered in information on this subject over the last decade while putting together this series, so for all I know, I could be totally wrong as well ... but they are my views based on what I gathered so far, and there seems to be compelling scientific evidence.

***** THE GUARDIAN US | JONATHAN WATTS: We have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe, warns UN ... (newsread)

***** WORLD RESOURCES INSTITUTE | KELLY LEVIN: 8 Things You Need to Know About the IPCC 1.5C Report .... (newsread)

***** THE INDEPENDENT UK | NAFEEZ AHMED: This is how UN scientists are preparing for the end of capitalism ... (newsread)

***** TRUTHOUT | DAHR JAMAIL: Earth's Ice Lost "Is a Nuclear Explosion of Geologic Change" ... (newsread)

Watch the US stall on climate change for 12 years ... Thanx to Vox


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Ellicott City, Maryland

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Gulf of Mexico


***** PD/ RCJ: "GLOBAL WAR'N'ING" ... PART'S 55 THRU 1


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Lake Oroville, California


Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

I know I must sound like a fruit loop to some folks, I talk and write about this stuff quite a bit. And maybe I am a little crazy, but what we are facing is a reality and big challenge that we are going to have to adapt to and deal with as a species. I have alwayz felt that this is possibly more serious than what folks been saying it is anywayz ... I mean, you have to check, crosscheck, and present to where it dont create panic. It was sad, when this news broke, I was watching the tele news, and they asked President Trump what he thinks about this latest report, his response was ... "I have to look at it first, and find out who made the report ... we need to find out who wrote this" (similar wording). The thing is, I'm sure what the President is saying, is that he suspects that these scientists are part of a left wing conspiracy to put companies out of business, or a hoax designed by the Chinese, so they can dominate the coal industry, or similar. The thing is, that it's not just the President, but this mindset is almost exclusive to the Republican Party, although these fossil fuel industries pour money into both parties, the Republicans alwayz claim the "theory" thing on global warming, saying "It's just a theory", and have a variety of other pre- paid excuses to deny it is happening, or we need to do another quarter century or so of research. I think these dayz, Republicans are starting to say it's "real", BUT, that climate has alwayz been changing, even without us. It's true that climate has alwayz changed, scientists know that. What the problem is, is that we are accelerating that warming dramatically, making it warm far faster than it normally would. We already have about a half century of scientific research on what we have been doing to the earth, even the research by Exxon's own scientists decades ago, that told them the risks of what they are doing. Even folks that DO NOT have any science background, can figure this out, it's so clear ... all this so called "denial", is only about profits, nothing else.

As far as scientific evidence, I think it makes more sense to listen to scientists, who have worked their whole lives at finding answers ... I mean, I would listen to scientists on this, over a politician, CEO, or religious preacher on a scientific assessment. And NO ... I dont believe any of these folks dont believe what is happening, and that it's not accelerated warming due to our activity. All these people (with the money) are building homes and protection barriers, to protect themselves and their properties/ assets from what they say they dont believe in, they are simply compulsive liars. So many of the top wealth know that capitalism and climate is out the door as we known it, you can tell by their actions too. They are only looking at short term investments, and to maximize profits, and drain most of the wealth/ assets on the globe, leaving just enough for the majority of people, to keep social order, spending/ consuming, borrowing, and servitude to them. I mean, they been designing and implementing this economic model for decades, which is neoliberal economics, to expand the current system/ model and global expansion of it, to build wealth. While also trying to take over all governments ... like it or not, most at the top, are just ratholing all the wealth and resources they can, they are expecting millions to die off, and concerned about themselves primarily, and building their small individual empires for the changed future that's ahead. And alot of folks are doing better, living better, making more money, and even wasting energy, food, and resources more than ever ... it's become normal, a way of life ... and a careless attitude we've embraced that can be destructive to us, and backfire on us. I'm confident, from what we are learning from these scientific findings/ reports, along with economists and engineers, that in the future, after we get enough backlash from nature, that we will change, and be on a much better path ... the question is though ... how long it will take?, and what will need to happen before we do?

Experts in engineering, economics, and science all believe that this challenge and goals can be met, and I trust their expertise above all. We already have the technology to even go full renewable, it's being done all over right now. We certainly have the capital it would take too, yet while we have that capital needed, the expenses from damages/ catastrophic weather events, is going to drain us big time. A big problem that I see, is trying to get unity of the "will", politically, socially, and economically to change in this short time frame ... 12 years is short for the amount of work to be done, and it would have to be an immediate take- off, this is alot of work. The UN is allowing for 22 years, but frankly, I feel that it's needed in the shortest time frame of 12 or less even. This is more serious than we may realize, it's not something that we can be lolligaging, stalling, and procrastinate over. It's not a left/ right issue or political, it's almost foreign to what we are used to having to deal with ... it's action and reaction, it's nature, just like if you eat something that dont agree with your body, you get sick ... we do damage to the environment, this is the reaction of nature. This is not the laws of man or its man- made religions, this is the laws and resistance of nature, it's like having a gun put to your head and saying "your money or your life" ... it's gonna be one or the other. Everything we do has a price, this is no different, we create our own miseries. With the neoliberal economics and politics globally that we are in the middle of currently, and all the global races/ competitions, wars and conflicts of different interests in different areas of the globe to dominate over each other ... it will be the biggest challenge we have ever had to deal with in our recorded history. It's going to not only take a unity type mindset from every class, race, and gender of humanity ... but a sacrifice, that will be hard for most here and now to conform to, we are living better than ever, and it will be so difficult for people to want to give up so much, it will take many years just to handle the change, and strict enforcement. Sadly, the more catastrophic weather events we have over the next decade, will be a major factor in getting the lead out of our asses, and making more of an effort.

Word Out ....


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Los Angeles, California



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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