Monday, October 8, 2018

TEDDY BEAR TEXAS TERROR ATTACK THWARTED 2018: Teddy Nailed & Jailed by AIR FORCE Security ... & How to Eliminate the Threat ... The "Deadly Teddy" Edition ... (DON'T BE ALARMED PT.21 ... "You're in Murica")- (BATTLE OF THE DOLLS PT.13)

This posting will serve the "Don't Be Alarmed" and "Battle of the Dolls" series of this journal/ blog, for a little humour. Sheppard Air Force Base Security in Wichita Falls, Texas went into high gear the other night when they nailed and jailed a large Teddy Bear that broke through security at the base. This was later reported as a training exercise, but I got a laugh out of it, and thought it would be fitting for this series. When I first heard this last friday on the local news, my first thought was "where is President Trump on this?" ... of course, I forgot, that Trump was on Twitter and in media trying to get his alleged sexual predator buddy Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, as usual, the President spends alot of time on his alleged criminal friends, protecting them. Terrorists can come in all forms, and a Teddy Bear terrorist in Murica will be dealt with, regardless of how cute they are! No doubt, when we capture one of these terrorists, they need to be brought to justice. Below, the news link from Fort Worth Star- Telegram with video. And below that, I included some videos on how to deal with this threat to society. Even ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) knows how to deal with these vicious Teddy Bears, as you can see in the first video, on how they train their little children to deal with them (Teddy Bear, was taken off YouTube, so I had to replace it with another stuffed animal beheading). And CSOM (Christian State of Murica) dont fall far behind ISIS, running close competition, in how to deal with Teddy Bears, as you can see in the other 3 videos. So if you see one of these little mother fuckers being executed, in a cruel and un- Teddy Bearish kind of way ... don't be alarmed, you're in Murica! God Bless fucken Murica, and death to terrorist Teddy Bears!

Word Out ....

***** FORT WORTH STAR- TELEGRAM: Watch a giant teddy bear storm a Texas Air Force base- and get slammed to the ground ... (newsread/ video)





***** JERUSALEM POST: WATCH: Child dressed as jihadi beheads his teddy bear ... (video/ newsread

Teddy bear terrorist ... Thanx to MamaCakes

KID KILLS TEDDY BEAR! ... Thanx to Theft

Teddy Bear Execution- LOTS of guns! ... Thanx to bozogotstoned


Related image            Related image



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. Glad to see that people are armed, alert, and ready to resist the Plushy Peril. Clearly we need to achieve a Final Solution to the teddy terror. Perhaps thermonuclear piƱatas are the answer.

  2. "Thermonuclear Pinatas"? ... God Dang Infidel! why didnt I think of that? That would be like a buy one- get one free deal too. While sending Teddy to Hell/ Jahannam, our heroic muslim and christian brothers can go to paradise at the same time! Muslim brothers will get to be with their Houris (virgins), and christian brothers will get unlimited 563 calorie Big- Macs for eternity! {:-)
