Wednesday, November 21, 2018

GIVING THANX 4 POLITICAL GRIDLOCK 2018: Jerky Turkeys and the Blessing on the Dressing ... The "American Apple Pie Lie" Edition ... (Portrait of a DYSFUNCTIONAL GVMNT PT.10)

This will be a Thanksgiving Day posting, and it will serve as Part 10 of the "Portrait of a Dysfunctional Gvmnt" series for this journal/ blog. I wanted to also do a political posting, because there is all kinds of talk, tips, and suggestions out there online, on how to avoid political talk during Thanksgiving dinner ... because it can cause arguments/ conflict, but for me, these election results is something that we can all, left and right, pat ourselves on the back for and enjoy this Thanksgiving from a political point of view. I mean, despite some of the jerk turkeys we vote for on both sides, and the apple pie lies they feed to us, this for the people is like a blessing with our dressing for a change. What inspires the posting in part, is a political programme I was watching on the tele a few dayz after the midterm election, can't recall which programme, I think it was on PBS though. But these political experts were sitting around the discussion table, discussing what the outcome of this election means for Washington and the American people, etc, etc. They were saying how there may be gridlock galore, how dems will start investigations on Trump, how the Democratic majority Congress will buck the President tooth and claw, how the Republican majority Senate will buck the Congress, and how nothing may get done, etc. Some of them sounded sad, as if we the people will get shortchanged on our representation ... I actually got a laugh out of it ... while thinking to myself ... sad for y'all on the show with your 6 and 7 figure salaries, and their corporate sponsors ... but good for the American people. I actually was hoping for EXACTLY that when I voted myself, being what we are up against ... so I was actually a happy camper with the election results. I mean, in these times 2018, you are better off if nothing gets done up there, and there is constant gridlock, confusion, and disorder ... the more of such, the less we get fucked. I like bipartisanship myself, but NOT under the current circumstances we have.

So, why should we be happy this Thanksgiving for political results or even gridlock? ... I mean, I myself years ago would not have wanted gridlock. It's because most of what they get done up there is cutting away at everything the American people want, is why. Even if you have Republicans short of votes for some devastating legislation they're pushing, whether tax reform, cutting our amenities, social services, austerity, disrupting our rights or whatever has to do with the neoliberal corporate agenda up there, they will have a small handful of so called right leaning Democrats, that will miraculously jump on board with republicans to push it through, as long as it's something that favours corporate/ banking interests. Then we hear how each party blames the other for how fucked up it all is up there, or they blame the Russians, Chinese, Iran, or some foreign government who is chosen as the scapegoat of the month. All the money we wasted subsidizing billionaires and on over- bloated defense spending, is not Russia or China's fault, it's because of our own corporate owned legislative government. The fact that we can't get healthcare reform that the majority of Americans want, or better insurance costs, coverage or out- of- pocket, co- pays, or any reduction in our outrageous phama drug costs, or the right to negotiate prices, is NOT Russia or China's fault, it's because of corporate controlled Washington. We can't get prison reform, and to stop locking up citizens simply because they are in poverty, petty drug possession, and a whole slew of non- violent, non- criminal acts that people are incarcerated for, because of the private prison industry's profit goals, is NOT because of Russia or China, it's because of Washington. We have corporations and banks draining us dry financially, can't get infrastructure that is needed, and having to privatize everything to get anything, or the so called P3's (public private partnerships) scam, where we have to fund investors with our local taxes, is NOT Russia or China's fault, it's Washington's fault.

So from one American to another, try to enjoy this Thanksgiving, and be grateful that we can't get shit done up there, if nothing gets done ... I mean, we deserve it for a change, for what some of these pieces of shit have put us through up there. Happy Thanksgiving to the reader of this post, and I added a closing video below for some family Thanksgiving entertainment.

Word Out ....

BACKWARDS THANKSGIVING ... Thanx to Animation Domination High- Def




..... This is what you get in 2018 without political gridlock

    Image result for thank you for political gridlock art



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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