Thursday, November 15, 2018

SOCIAL ENGINEERING & CORPORATE DOMINEERING: The Modification of Behavioural Manipulation ... The "Digitized & Monopolized Lock & Key" Edition ... (CORPORATCOMMUNAZICA PT.19)- (End to Privacy? ... NONSENSE ... NOTHING in the PUBLIC has ever been PRIVATE PT.7)- (ADVERTISEMENT SATURATION PT.3)

Image result for social media is social engineering

This posting will serve 3 series of this journal/ blog. The posting is inspired by several pieces I been reading and viewing, so I selected some to give an update of what the current condition is, and what it's gradually slipping into. So it's just another awareness posting is all ... this should not worry folks, but enlighten folks instead. But some may look at these things as doom and gloom, or feel pressured, obligated, dependent or whatever ... never let yourself get to that point, because that can be psychologically self- destructive ... and that is the pressure and stress that some of the ruling classes want you to feel. Being consumers and people ourselves that make this engine operate, means like with any other right or issue, we need to demand our input on these plans, and use whatever tools and means necessary to get our concerns addressed. Much of what these entities are doing, are not giving us more freedom or related nonsense, but electronically putting us under lock and key, and a type of imprisonment. Social Engineering is a term that many use today, as if it's something that popped up over the last couple centuries, and more in neoliberalism. I myself see social engineering as something that has went on in some form by these ruling classes for thousands of years, whether in ancient Greece, ancient Rome, or modern America ... I dont see any of this as new to these times. It's in the "Corporatcommunazica" series, because corporate control of our behaviour serves as like a privatized government and enforcement tool for them ... yet, corporations have been getting increasingly domineering and their behaviour has been getting worse, as far as telling us and our own government what we can or can't do, eh? It's in the "End to Privacy?" series, because we may slip too much on thinking for ourselves ... and when we do things online or loosely agree to too much before thinking it out, expecting that we are supposed to have privacy. Many of us fail to see that much of what we voluntarily do online is actually "public" ... and the real kicker to it all, that have these entities laughing all the way to the bank ... is that they have us paying for it all. Much online or the workplace is privately owned, so our Constitution and Rights are being challenged without adequate legislation to keep up and serve the times and condition. It's in the "Advertisement Saturation" series, because that is a major tool for these entities in manipulating thought, behaviour, and habit, to make you more dependent, and importantly, addicted ... and they are increasingly suffocating us in advertisements. Some read and video below ... then at the bottom I will add some of my views.

***** THE GUARDIAN | BRETT SCOTT: The cashless society is a con- and big finance is behind it ... (newsread)

***** MINTPRESS | MARK KERNAN: With New Patents Facebook Brings Us One Step Close to a Dystopian Future ... (newsread)

***** THE GUARDIAN | JULIA KOLLEWE: Alarm over talks to implant UK employees with microchips ... (newsread)

Is Your Phone Listening To You? ... Thanx to AsapSCIENCE



***** PD/ RCJ: "END TO PRIVACY?" ... PART'S 6 THRU 1



Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

I think it's a little unfair as well, to try to clump all these things like social media, AI, robotics, automation ... and even "social engineering" for that matter in the evil category. I see much benefit to these things as well. When I look at social engineering, I see it as having positives to it too, I think it helps civilize and better organize society and government. As for automation, robotics and AI, very positive things can and have come from all ... so I look at both sides of the coin or even all six sides of the block, eh? I dont see artificial intelligence itself for example as the problem, but those human's that control it all, and what some want to use it for. Nor do I feel that AI's self taught mission will be to destroy or enslave humans, I look at that as the actions and desires of humans themselves. It is exciting to try new technologies and keep getting further advanced, and making things easier for ourselves, whether it is work related, or for leisure. I myself do not use much, or do much online, but not because I think it's evil or negative. I use a flip phone which is rare to even see today, it takes photos if I need, or video, I get texts and calls, etc ... it worx well for me and is inexpensive, compared to my daughter's thousand dollar phone and her phone bill for example. I was told I can get free phones, I guess because I was signed up automatically with AARP or whatever back in my 50's ... NO, I dont want a free phone, I'll pay ... but NOT what some do ... nor do I want to get on my family's group plan or whatever ... this worx great for me. My televisions at home are not smart, or do I use verbal command, voice recognition or whatever, I have basic cable, Roku. I also have a home landline phone. I don't use those robot floor vacuum cleaners, I simply use a regular vacuum cleaner and broom. I have a basic desktop computer, and I find no problem having to use a keyboard, etc ... you get the picture. However, if I needed for some reason to use or buy all these services, I certainly would ... say for instance if I was handicapped physically or speech- wise or whatever, I would need these things. I dont have a job where I need it either. My daughter for example has every new tech that comes out, and she needs it for her business. She has everything for her home, and all devices hooked in, for the tele, phones, pad, laptop or whatever. She has her car with all, so she can not miss a client, have conference calls on the speakers with clients or whatever she needs to keep business in check, the latest phone, etc ... wears her Apple watch for running or in the gym. Folks like her, would be at a disadvantage business wise without it all. Her husband, a very solid corporate man, the same for him.

I really loved Brett Scott's piece in The Guardian, because it was so straight up and calling this for what it truly is, as far as creating a cashless society. Because most that I have read otherwise, is just promoting it, and leaving too many questions out. I understand the change folks want, and the convenience as well ... years back we went from gold and silver to paper notes, and cheaper metals for coinage. There are concerns with this, regardless of how easy and attractive it may seem. This model also makes it so that every dollar you spend or move, is all tracked and monitored, and everything you buy. What happens if your phone or card goes down?, or a newly corporate controlled government decides they want to limit your spending or transactions, while increasing fees on automated services, or just shut your account down ... until further review and notice? ... I could go on and on with questions. Some countries are ahead of us on becoming cashless. I myself dont use credit cards any more, between late 1980's and early 1990's, I was almost entirely cashless, used direct deposit on pay, charged mostly everything using cards, etc ... it was much easier for me to spend and "overspend", when I did all on cards, I acquired alot of credit debt, took years to clear it up, today I use debit and cash. I may want to go to my bank, withdraw some cash money, put it in my pocket and hit the markets and streets. I may want to go to the barrio, haggle prices with an individual, make a cash transaction with an individual at a street stand, yard sale or whatever, I don't care to have anyone know what I spend on what, it's my money, eh? I may want to bet on a football game, or get numbers on a pot for a game, some pots on games may be between $1000 to $10,000 pots you buy numbers on, when you hit, you want your cash in hand, it's not anyone's business or need for monitoring every single dollar someone spends on what, it harms no one. I may want to tip a waiter/ waitress individually with cash, without it going on a debit card, because some establishments are screwing their staff/ waiters collecting tips, on how they distribute them. A guy came up to me a few months back in the hood for example, he said something like ... "I'm hurting man, I'm $4 short of getting a bump (of dope)", his sincerity/ honesty won me over, I gave the guy a $10 spot. Another guy standing by sayz to me something like ... "you shouldn't do that, you should have bought him food", I told him ... "the man was honest, and he is hurting for dope, that is his only temporary escape from this reality he lives in ... and nobody tells me what the fuck to spend my money on ... ya hear what I'm sayin?". This happened to me before too, when I bought a homeless guy some beer. It's bad enough having corporations dictate our spending, let alone having some PC mother fucker on the street telling me some lame shit like that.

What Mark Kernan talks about in the MintPress article is very importante, and not only about Facebook, but much else in these platforms, that are basically corporate controlled data harvesters that are supposed to be "ours" ... because without us, they could not exist. It's even more importante to make our kids and grandkids more aware of how they may be being "played", and of course as Mark Kernan points out, profits are the big motivating deal in this. But it is also used to keep our political thoughts and correctness in alignment with the establishment's needs and controlling thought, and to keep us pigeonholed into categories they fixed for us. I also do not think that Mark Zuckerberg is the nefarious villain as some paint him, I have read up on him and watched his interviews and testimony in Washington. But, I do believe that he is not on top of things as a CEO should be ... and there are so many interests influencing what he does, and as a result, Facebook has some serious problems, and users are growing impatient. And this talk I been reading about Mark Zuckerberg for President ... to me, the last thing we need, is another billionaire for President, we already had that, and you see what the fuck we have out of Trump ... or this talk about other billionaire celebs like Oprah Winfrey. We dont even know where folks like these stand on issues, and they never been in the political arena, so therefore have no track record ... just because Trump is so lousy, dont allow desperation to bite you in the ass, eh? Even when out shopping in your big name retailers, they are recording (not your phone) your eye movement and facial expressions to whatever products, this is so they know how to arrange items in the store, and what to attract shoppers with ... again, the money. I love the internet for information gathering, and I alwayz am looking for products/ items and getting prices, and of course, I too, get bombarded with advertisements. I use that to get ideas on pricing, just as I would check how certain stocks are doing on losses or gains, but instead of using the info I gather to shop online, I am using it to negotiate prices offline or on the street. I may look at guns for example online, and check various prices top to bottom ... take that info, go in a small shop, or to an individual and work a price deal ... not to buy online, if that makes any sense. Facebook also has some serious censorship issues, as far as what it allows people to say ... I understand as far as Russian interference or whoever, and others that have ill intentions, politically or otherwise, but many corporations that Facebook does business with also should be questioned, and even investigated. And users/ customers demanding it, are in order.

I chose Julia Kollewe's recent article in The Guardian, because I have noticed that this has also been a growing corporate trend starting to be implemented as well here in the U.S., and all these things are also on the same track to box in and control too much of our jobs with these patents. Amazon here in the U.S. is moving in this direction with another device using a wristband to monitor employees (NY Times), which as technologies expand, will expand deeper and wider with acceptance as you see with implants. They start on higher levels of employees with some companies to set an example for lower levels, as you can see in the previous Part 6 posting of the "End To Privacy?" series linked above, as far as "behavioral analytics" is concerned in the workplace, and the devices/ badges they use for that. As these techs become cheaper, more advanced and common with acceptance, it imprisons the employee in a sense. This is importante to question and make demands too, regardless of how much it may hurt you as far as going against the grain ... if we have mass walkouts or strikes, it is needed. All these things are to make workers more efficient they say, and so that management can have a closer relationship or whatever other loving nonsense they present it as. Bottom line again, is to maximize profits, squeeze every last drop out of the employee, and have excuses to come up with wayz to decrease wages or benefits, and apply pressure to employees to be in fear of their employers, and in time, as this evolves, will apply to the most menial positions/ jobs. Don't feed us this "love for us" nonsense, or to "protect workers", when workers know otherwise ... just like this stupidity they spread through their mouthpieces, to tell us that replacing employees with contractors is to make it so that employees are their own boss ... NO, they are NOT their own bosses! ... this talk is to use and screw workers out of their fair piece of the pie. I never was a union man, and alwayz negotiated my pay and benefits myself, even without interference from government ... but I have never seen a better time and need than today/ 2018 to start more organized labour movements and unions, this is not 30- 40 years ago, it's a new shaft and corporate culture they are shoving up our asses today. You know ... the workplace is ONE part of your life, you do NOT need to have devices implanted in you, that also have the capability to monitor every other goddamn aspect of your life and leisure. When you are not on the job, whatever you are doing on your time, is your business ... and dont feed us other stupid garbage that it's to monitor our health, eating habits and related nonsense for our good. They already monitor too damn much as it is, we need to keep better track of these corporations and their constituents who are trying to fuck us, and perhaps put some tracking/ monitoring implants in them!

Word Out ....


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***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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