Tuesday, April 23, 2019

CORPORATE EXECUTIVE ACCOUNTABILITY ACT 2019: Cracking the WHIP on What's UNFIT ... From CEOs to Prison BROs ... The "Equal Justice Under Law" Edition ... (ELIZABETH WARREN PT.20)- (THE END MUST BE NEAR PT.13)

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**** Home | U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts


Warren's new bill would send CEOs to jail over data breaches ... Thanx to Fox Business

First up ... Congratulations to the NHL Dallas Stars victory over the Nashville Predators OT win last night here in Dallas in the Stanley Cup Playoffs first round series ... great game guyz! And now, down to business ... This posting will be Part 20 of the "Elizabeth Warren" series, and for humour, also be included in "The End Must Be Near" series of this journal/ blog. This posting is to take a peek at the "Corporate Executive Accountability Act" Senator Elizabeth Warren presented earlier this month, and an article she done in the Washington Post, which is a good read with some good links, I suggest The New Yorker piece here "Why Corrupt Bankers Avoid Jail", really a good read. Warren just does some great work for Americans, and considering her Senate job, while also pounding the campaign trail for her Presidential nomination run, and all the rest she is involved with, this woman is multi- tasking at its best! But I wanted to open above with the Fox Business video to show how Warren's bill is presented in mainstream media. I mean, FOX anchor Maria Bartiromo, along with Democratic U.S. Congressman Jeff Van Drew (NJ) thinx that this is a "radical idea" ... a perfect example of the point of insanity that we have reached in America. Although, Congressman Van Drew says there "can be some truth" to this ... "can", "some"? Van Drew calls himself a "compassionate capitalist", which has somewhat of a creative and cute political ring to it ... perhaps other politicians use that title too, eh? Below I wanted to start off with trial lawyers Mike and Farron to give their opinion after reading Warren's piece, I alwayz like to get Mike and Farron's views on related issues, because Mike and Farron both have dealt with many of these corporations and their legal crews in numerous cases they worked over the years. Another importante view HERE- PART 1 and HERE- PART 2 on this from Bill Black ... Bill is an attorney, academic, former bank regulator, author, his expertise is white- collar crime. Then the Washington Post piece by Warren below that, followed by another short video from Farron explaining in plain english the reality in this. At the bottom, I'll toss in some of my views in this.

Elizabeth Warren Introduces Bill To Jail Corrupt CEOs ... Thanx to The Ring of Fire

***** WASHINGTON POST | ELIZABETH WARREN: Corporate executives like those at Wells Fargo must face jail time for overseeing massive scams ... (newsread)

Elizabeth Warren Wants To Throw Corrupt CEOs In Prison ... Thanx to The Ring of Fire





Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

Just the opening video at the top of the posting with Maria and Jeff alone was amazing, making me laugh in disbelief at what they were saying. Maria saying herself, that jailing CEOs is a radical idea ... I mean like, God forbid that we would even entertain such a thought, eh? This is why I put this in "The End Must Be Near" series ... because you hear this nonsense all the time, that if/ when we enforce any kind of laws against these crimes, or try to hold any of these people at top accountable ... it's the end of capitalism, life, and the pursuit of happiness ... we will all end up eating in soup kitchens and living in the poor house/ homeless encampments, and be living under communism. We already have millions in the poorhouse, homeless, and eating the equivalent, while under corporate communism, and partly because of that reluctance to hold these people/ entities accountable ... which is pure stupidity not to. It is really a radical idea and promoting a radical culture, to where you just accept and allow the richest people to rob you blind or even kill you indirectly with no consequence, saying that's fine, let bygones be bygones, etc ... what's radical and insane is to submit to such abuse. And as far as the compassionately proud capitalist Congressman Van Drew, perhaps you will spread some of that love and compassion to some of the victims of these scams, robberies, and disasters (financially, health- wise, and environmentally) to your constituents in the district you represent who voted for you, it isn't like New Jersey's streets are paved with gold and opportunity either. And the talk that there "can be some truth", from Jeff? ... there "is" 100% truth to this any way you slice it, no "can" or "some" about it ... if you don't hold people accountable when they screw our consumers, workforce, business and environment, it only worsens the condition, and is very bad for capitalism. And this is not an all out attack on capitalism, free market, and corporations, Mr. Congressman ... what?, people wanting to protect themselves from some of these that are equivalent to tyrants, thieves, and mass murderers? I'm shocked of this coming from him (Jeff) of all people, a man who got a 100% approval rating from the NRA for protecting gun owners rights and to self defense ... is this not people protecting themselves, interests, and rights? Of course this is, this just is fair protections for consumers and Americans against robbing them. I'm actually surprised some of this hasn't been challenged with the RICO Act, is some of this not organized crime and racketeering? ... you even have banks laundering money for international drug cartels and terror groups.

Others against Warren's bill are saying this bill will make it so the most minimal negligence will lead to CEOs being prosecuted ... example, if a lower level bank teller happens to skim or scam a few hundred bucks, the CEO will be blamed for it and indicted/ prosecuted on such, which will lead to parents, teachers, firefighters, pilots, and anyone for anything to be charged for the actions or negligence of others. This kind of talk is taking it to such extreme, and nothing but the usual threats and scare tactics from these types that rant how radical it is to hold irresponsible people accountable. And sadly, even when some of these have to pay fines, as Mike and Farron point out above ... they pay a part of it, and of that part, they write off the largest portion on taxes, actually double dipping on the tax payers subsidizing them for their mistakes, crimes, or negligence ... I suggest y'all should take your own advice as far as responsibility by pulling yourselves up by the bootstraps, eh? ... instead of acting more like helpless people needing welfare and socialism as you do. I was shocked how little BP actually paid out of pocket on their fine for the Gulf oil spill, most of it was paid by tax payers, while the average consumer, taxpayer, homeowner, student, are getting nickel and dimed to death. In fact, there are so many laws already in place that equally cover everyone top to bottom, just a lack of prosecuting them at the top, with alwayz the same excuse, saying there is not enough evidence, even from top people in places like the Justice Department, and when you do get evidence required, they even require more, it's endless. Getting a President and administration change, and one that has the courage to stand up to this, like an Elizabeth Warren type, could change things in a heartbeat, and those that can't do their jobs, would be fired/ replaced by such a President ... which has gotten so bad as it is, with the revolving door between these corporate entities, banks, and Washington. In my view, this should also strongly apply to politicians who intentionally make legislation that encourages speculative investments that are proven to be too risky. What about those politicians that gave the green light to go hog wild that created the housing bubble crisis? ... did the actions and legislation of politicians both of the left and right not contribute to that crisis and others? Let's face it, Washington in large part from legislation to elections has been bought and paid for, and at historically record levels in America, to where the people suspect everything to be corrupt. Even the politicians and billionaires are admitting it now, only because they know that a majority of people already made them, and if they don't halfway own up, it would increase civil disobedience and disruption of their individual empires ... meaning $$$$$$.

If the captain of an oil tanker is negligent by sleeping on the job, drunk/ high, or trying to cut corners to get that bonus, crashes, causing an environmental disaster, or the motorman of a train, the driver of 18- wheeler hazardous chemicals truck, a school bus driver that crashes killing kids, etc, etc ... what happens? In any of those incidents, those that were in charge of those operations are alwayz investigated, indicted by a jury/ state, and held accountable, and prison time is common. If some street level drug dealer mixes a bad cut and batch of dope he/ she slings on the street, knowing of the risk, but trying to beef up the intensity of the high/ product to boost profits, and say 50 people/ addicts that are considered as lower elements of society were to die of it, they would probably be all over the news, to the cover of Time Magazine and serving a life term in prison. We have people that are CEOs that there is evidence that they intentionally, knowingly, and willingly on their own, engineer well calculated plans and products, that they know damn well will hurt people, and some know that there is a chance that people may die from it, but are again, willing to take that risk. And what do they do when they get caught? ... they fire and blame it on all the low level employees that they told to do it as a job requirement. What makes them any different as far as being served with equal justice under law, as the others received that I mentioned above? Not doing anything about it, just makes them do more of it, the fines are almost meaningless ... if you're a bank CEO, and maybe one of the largest shareholders in it, scam a billion bucks, get a fine of $100 million ... you just made $900 million, and took a slight drop in stock value at most, what incentive do you have to not do it again, even at another bank or company? This is not talking about putting CEOs in these state prisons with hard labour in the fields like Texas or whatever ... they go to a much softer prison, like federal. Doing some years in prison (in most cases/ convictions, not many years), and for really some big time crime, some that even is responsible for thousands dying from a product or decision, folks committing suicide, to people who died because they were denied health coverage, or lost everything they owned and worked for ... is the most acceptable thing, anyone else that committed such crimes certainly would do some time, for even much lesser crimes. This is also good for business and these institutions, because it helps promote more careful responsible managing, which leads to better business, and lessens negative publicity for shareholders, leading to better products and services.

Word Out ....


Image result for Elizabeth Warren strength



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