Thursday, April 18, 2019

THE MUELLER REPORT 2019: No Collusion, Confusion, Intrusion, Nor Conclusion ... The "Illusion Fusion" Edition ... (AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM PT.13)

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This posting will serve as Part 13 of the "American Exceptionalism" series of this journal/ blog (in humour, because of how nonsensical this whole charade has been for months). Millions across America have been waiting for this report for months, it has been on every mainstream media for months ... and FINALLY, IT'S HERE! I was so excited waiting in anticipation myself up to the last minute, when they announced it with an hour delay, I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, take a shit, or wind my watch. And Congratulations to President Trump & President Putin ... I think this calls for a little celebration, it looks like you boyz got an early start above ... and I must say, you look really cute together, wish I was there to join in with y'all! But, I don't want to waste any more time here ... for the reader, I simplified the report by reviewing it myself ... and selected the most importante pages for y'all below to see for yourselves. And Big Thanx to the crew that helped make this report in such a quick time frame, accuracy, integrity, and full transparency, with modest expenditure ... no one in the world puts such good use to citizens tax dollars as y'all.

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***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. Heh. Love that first image.

    Those redacted pages are pretty thoroughly redacted. But I managed to decipher the blacked-out word "and" in one place. Maybe it needs to be re-redacted.

    As for the Trumpanzees who still insist he's been exonerated by this, they obviously can't read (even non-redacted words), and they can all ████████████████████████████████ up the ass ████████████████ with a pumpkin ████████████████ gerbils █████████████ full of shit ██████████ goddamn idiots.

  2. Hey Infidel ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-) ... ya, this has been a real mess. when the finale came to expose this all on the news, I just started laughing. I know this isn't supposed to be a laughing matter, but some of this stuff makes me laugh. You know ... I heard some of what's in it through MSM, no, I'm not going to read the 400 pages though ... seriously. I figure that the wording skirts around everything instead of finding any crimes, I don't know, but it seems like Mueller just left it open for somebody else to handle it. Yep, old trumpster is excited, and his flock ... they shouldn't get too excited, because this guy is not doing shit for them any way you slice it. I'm just frankly burned out on the dude, unless he makes some stupid proposal and con game in media, it's good for a laugh is about it ... like doing our taxes on a 14 line post card, or his big magnificent and beautiful health care plan he has, that not even republicans know what it is, that he will release in 2021, or sending 100's of thousand's of illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities, bringing millions of jobs here from Mexico and China (it's amazing that people even slightly believe any of this stuff) or other cheap nickel diming hustles and threats even that he shells out.

    As a voting Democrat, I would hope that the party don't waste too much time on this guy either. I myself would just ignore him, and instead direct more energy on issues for America and a solid platform. I was happy to see Bernie Sanders show up on FOX to do a town hall and get a fairly good response (even though some didn't want him to go on FOX). I think it's importante over the next year and a half, to get out to the American people, and importantly the midwest, the south, and any area where you have red voters, and show them people ideas and policies we have, and what the problems are in the Republican Party, and how Trump's policies are not good for the majority, especially the working classes (because they're not, folks are just being deceived by his entertaining talk). I just let the FBI, DOJ or whoever do their job ... and basically ignore this character (Trump), let him run his fucken mouth day and night on that tweeting crap, and hopefully he'll just damage himself with the endless lies, crap, and flip- flopping he's so well known for. This guy ain't gonna ride high forever, he's fucking himself up more and more as time goes on. For me, he's just a waste of time.

    That first image, though.
    And you are right. Cheeto's policies are trash. All he has is his rabid, cultish followers and the russian bots.
    Dems need to VOTE.

  4. If they aren't going to show it all I think we are well within our rights to speculate as to what it says. It would be irresponsible not to. And in doing so we must, out of an abundance of caution, assume the worse. Who knows what might be covered up.

    We must explore how bad it might be. No holds barred. Wild, kinky sex and drug use are not beyond possibility. But why start there. If people convicted of nothing going to a pizza restaurant for a meal implies child sex, systemic exploitation of children, and cannibalism then what might be implied by a gap in the record and the presence of convicted felons, liars, cheats, and an Adderall addicted, thrice married misogynist. Is there any sin, depravity or inhumanity that we can for certain say might not have happened. For the good of the nation we must assume the worse.

  5. Hey Sixpence! "Cheeto's Policies"? .... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh (:-) ... I liked that. It is common for politicians on both sides to make some exaggerated promises a bit, but this guy takes the cake, it's just bullshit after bullshit, and it's all about him only, that's the sad part, or those in his circles only ... it's just fucked up, guy. I really didn't expect him to be like this as a President, I thought he was just a well known pop- culture figure, he had a popular tele show, etc ... I mean, I spent a few nights at one of his hotels and casino joint in Atlantic City, NJ ... I watched his New Jersey Generals football team in the now gone USFL, but didn't know much else about him. He knows how to sell shit, but that's it, it's just shit for the person at the bottom buying it.

    Hey, see you live in Chicago! ... love that town, spent some time living there in the mid 1970's, had a great time there (like a smaller version of NYC actually). Got to play some music too in the club scene, up in Old Town too ... lived in the Broadway/ Sheridan/ Wilson area. Thanx for your input here.

  6. ANON: I'm sure there is some twisted shit in it, and probable ethics violations even. I also believe that the Congress should be able to view all in it's entirety, not sure how the law worx on that (?). Haven't had time to catch the news in a couple dayz, but last I heard was that members of Congress been having a hard time getting it, it's been highly secretive, or whatever ... that's just BULLSHIT. It's equally sad with our 2 tier type justice in America (although all citizens technically have access to same laws and defense, but money is importante too in solidifying good defense, or alot of personal law research), it's common for folks in higher levels to get inside twists and favouritism. Also, if he is found guilty a anything, a good chance he will weasel out of it somehow through folks inside, get pardoned, etc. The only positive I see, is public exposure and possibly getting him out of office. If he's gets out of office, who in Hell do we get stuck with? ... old Pence, who to me is just a hardcore fundamoralist keeping his mouth shut and carefully observing, and has an agenda of his own, that might be more truthful than Trump, but hardcore as far as extreme right and religious crap ... the whole thing is just fucked up, like the country on certain things is. There is a cesspool up there of corruption too, not everyone though, and thankfully there are people besides Congress in the trenches day in and day out investigating and exposing them and him.

    As far as his sexual life with all the galz, paying them off or whatever he does, or what he does in his free time, his religion, values or whatever, I don't have any problem with it ... if it's not breaking laws or harm to others, it's immaterial. But, when a person takes an oath to do a goddamn job (as President in his case), that's where you keep your personal shit out of it and draw the line, you don't run the goddamn country like a scamming business either. HIS JOB ... is to represent this country in an acceptable and fair manner, and to not ONLY represent ALL people of this country, but to represent our country in the global arena in a like manner. If you can't do your job and stand by the oath you took, then you don't take the fucken job, or should get fired. There is more to being a President, than just able to hustle business deals. Nor in my view does he have the tolerance needed, this guy couldn't even be a patrol cop working a street beat without losing his shit and acting like a spoiled brat, he does not have what it takes, and that is a sign of weakness ... he is NOT a leader. Thank You for your voice here, Anon.
