Friday, May 17, 2019

DALLAS POLICE RAID CATHOLIC DIOCESE 2019: Challenging the CLOTH without SLOTH ... a Deliverance from EVIL ... The "Justice for the Privileged" Edition ... (THINKING OF THE KIDS? PT.10)- (HUMAN MORALITY PT.27)- (SEXPLOITATION NATION PT.38)

Image result for catholic diocese of dallas police raid

This posting is another local posting of justice being served here in Dallas, but it's an issue that applies to the U.S. and globe. It will be included in 3 series of this journal/ blog ... "Thinking of the Kids?", "Human Morality", and "Sexploitation Nation", which is a follow up on the last posting of these 3 series, concerning sexual abuse of children by adult clergy in the Catholic Church. First off, some opening video below of what went down the other day here in Dallas, and a link for some newsread, with links, audio and video below that from KERA. Below the link, another video which explains why Dallas Police decided to go with the search warrant over the subpoena route. At the bottom, I will add a bit of my own views to it all.

Police swarm Dallas diocese Wednesday ... Thanx to WFAA

***** KERA NEWS: Police Execute Search Warrant At Dallas Catholic Diocese Regarding Sex Abuse Allegations ... (newsread/ video/ audio)

After the search: What's next for the Catholic Diocese of Dallas Investigation ... Thanx to WFAA




Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

First up, credit to Dallas Police, and Maj. Max Geron of the Special Investigations Division on the way they are handling this so far ... and looking forward to Dallas County prosecutors getting some indictments out of these investigations, there is more than enough to come away with some indictments. As far as Bishop Ed Burns, no, the Dallas Diocese has not been straight up on this, they have had every opportunity to fully cooperate, and failed to do so time after time, and the "talk" with DPD has not been good enough, it has been one runaround after another. Then on top of it, you have more criminal wrongdoing, as far as hiding evidence and critical documentation directly connected to committing felony sex crimes on children. All of those as well, that DID NOT participate in the actual sexual assault acts/ crimes, but covered up evidence, should also be criminally charged with felony evidence tampering, altering, concealing, and falsification, as well as organized criminal conspiracy. Your criminal actions evidence against raping children is "privileged"? (referring to protected information) ... NO, again, I think y'all have everything assbackwards ... I don't know how they do things in Vatican City or Rome, but this is Dallas Texas/ US, and as far as our laws are concerned, criminal and civil law supersedes Canon Law in major organized criminal sexual assaults on children ... which is shameful, because these children are part of your own organization/ programme and the families of parishioners that financially support you too. No, I think the sudden and unannounced search warrant and raid approach to this was a great move over any subpoenas ... this subpoena junk is more stalling nonsense ... what, subpoena you to appear at such and such a date, so you have a heads up and time to rehearse more phony deposition/ testimonial, and public relations talk with your attorneys to hide and/ or alter, shred, or destroy critical evidence? ... I don't think so.

The majority of people in our country are frankly sick and bloody tired of this privileged crap to begin with, whether it be privileged politicians, church leaders, or the CEOs of the major corporations and banks ... the trinity (3) entities of control, that enslave us, even financially. Pope Francis and the Vatican recently announced new rules and guidelines (Washington Post), as far as reporting sexual abuse and other criminal activity within the staff/ clergy, and to police. This all is needed, but I don't believe these new rules were made to benefit parishioners and/ or sexual assault victims, as much as they were made to protect those who work in the church. What I mean is, they know that they been getting heat across the board, and various countries are going to increase criminally charging and challenging the institution, and the legal costs of such ... WITHOUT making these new rules, it would lead to way more criminal convictions, and tremendous legal expenses, criminal and civil, that would damn near bankrupt them. They know (Vatican legal defense team), that there would be a mass increase of criminal and civil cases, based solely on clergy that conspire and cover up things one way or another ... what they done basically and intentionally, was the same thing the President (Trump) done when he signed the new First Step/ Prison Reform Act (PD/ RCJ), which was NOT to stop mass incarceration, but to protect white collar criminals and their affiliate politicians, who have been getting investigated and indicted more recently ... these rules of the church are made to legally protect clergy and staff, more than protecting children that are being raped ... trust me. This is why it is so importante for especially parishioners, average citizens, local law enforcement jurisdictions to gang up on these types and start to take action on our own ... history shows, that they CANNOT police themselves, any more than corrupt politicians or corporations and banks can, they are all of the same cloth, and rest assured, it is NOT a holy cloth, or from a higher power.

Challenging these entities and folks that organize or individually commit crimes against the people, and are raping and exploiting our children and families in some way, whether clergy, politicians, or corporate/ banking upper management officers ... is NOT impossible, out of the question, too big to do anything, or the endless excuses that these types feed us, to prosecute and hold them responsible. My guess is that former priest Edmundo Paredes, since he's missing, is probably hiding in the Philippines ... he knows what to expect if he gets tried and found guilty here in Dallas County. Again, our thinking is assbackwards because of how they programme our societies and minds with their garbage ... the people are what makes everything work, they are the church, as much as the consumer is the lifeline to any bank or corporation, as the public voice/ citizens are the government in a representative democracy. The Dallas Diocese is of decent size too, and makes decent revenues, considering it has 69 parishes with a 1.2 million catholic membership. There is already precedent that we can have success in indicting and convicting these types ... Dallas County, in fact, has one of the earliest convictions on record in this. Back 2 decades ago, a Dallas County grand jury awarded $119 million to 10 victims, the victims settled for $30 million, after the diocese whined that it would bankrupt them ... but also Rudy Kos received life in prison, and not a country club resort, but actual Texas State Prison unit in Huntsville (WFAA) ... so these predators know what they are up against, if the people decide to take action. We have been too laid back and complacent with sloth in challenging this across the board ... if anything, even without getting any money in this, we should be doing this for the children that are the victims, and sending a clear message, that we won't take this. Prison time is importante, just removing these folks from their job in the church or sending them to golf course private rehabs at upscale resorts doesn't cut it ... they must feel consequences ... you won't change this culture otherwise, which my guess, has been going on for centuries.

Word Out ....


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***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

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  1. but this is Dallas Texas/ US, and as far as our laws are concerned, criminal and civil law supersedes Canon Law

    Of course it does. "Canon law" isn't actual law -- it's just the rules of a private club. It's no more real law than the "NO GURLS ALOWED" sign a bunch of boys put on their tree-house.

    Pope Francis's new rules are rubbish. They just require internal reporting of abuse cases so that things will be "handled" by the Church's own worthless internal processes. The rule he really needs to issue can be explained in three words: call the police. Child molesting is a serious crime. If someone has evidence of a serious crime being committed, they need to call the police. Period.

    At least the Dallas authorities realize that these freaks can't police themselves and can't be trusted to cooperate voluntarily in dealing with predators. Many jurisdictions are waking up to this. Police in Chile raided several catholic institutions a couple of months ago, and that used to be a solidly Catholic country. They realize they're dealing with a basically criminal organization.

  2. Infidel: I again view the recent new rules imposed by the Pope (I'm sure directed by the inner order) as extended protection measures against criminal and civil, because of the escalation in investigations. Yes, I heard about Chili too, and others. Canon Law, don't know all the laws, but I look at these type laws the same as you point out, to serve the interests of the few (or privileged) ... we seen this in old school Christianity with inquisitions and such, and various other systems, even Islam with Sharia Law. Hey ... Thanx for your voice here, guy ....
