Thursday, May 23, 2019

ARTHUR'S MR. & MR. RATBURN: Burned in Alabama ... For the Love of Pete!!, on the HATRED for LOVE ... The "Learn over Burn" Edition ... (BATTLE OF THE DOLLS PT.15)- (SEXPLOITATION NATION PT.39)

This posting will serve 2 series of this journal/ blog ... "Battle of the Dolls" and "Sexploitation Nation". I wanted to just have this recorded in these series, because once again, it shows the hysteria over an animated cartoon in America ... this case being the "Arthur" kids tele series, and an episode that shows a gay wedding, which was also banned in Alabama. But what makes this unique to me, is after watching the clip myself, which was very short, there was NOTHING in it that was sexual, at all. Yet, the hysteria broke out immediately that this was all a conspiracy to try to indoctrinate children into homosexuality. It kind of reminds me of the old dayz, like back in the 1950's/ 1960's where some of the most historically iconic music artists of today, had their records burned, or when folks burn literature they don't agree with. I don't see it as wrong if you find homosexuality, sexual fetishism, or any sex as repulsive ... I myself tolerate things that I dislike and find repulsive, such as your religious institutions and self- manufactured rules and concepts of God in your own likes and image. I feel the Arthur episode was fine for little kids, I'm a father and grandfather, and very solid on family values and the rest like PTA ... when talking to the kids, grandkids, and neighbours, trying to give decent advice to carry in life, meeting with the teachers in school, etc ... I was even a kid myself at one time, so I have that experience as well, eh? This banned episode shows a couple guys/ males walking down an isle, and attendees supporting them ... it's about a showing of "love" over anything else, and people happy ... what in Hell is wrong with that? ... look at it for yourself. Some of the people that oppose this, at the same time, teach their children that they should not be tolerant of others that are different, people that are doing nothing wrong to them or their families. What is supposed to be the message to children? ... to hate love? There is plenty of hate around, a little love can't hurt nothing ... in fact, it may be good to teach kids this, besides all the other garbage we push on them. Who's really abusing your children? ... the very institutions and scum that many of y'all support, is who ... so what are they learning when you push intolerance and hate on them? Children are about the most abused and exploited segment of American society. While many self righteous parents are preaching good and evil, and complaining about two people in love (even animated characters) ... some of these same righteous parents are marrying multiple times, to the point where their own children don't even know who their biological parents are. Personally, I don't feel sorry for you bastards when your kids rebel against you later, I feel sorry for the children that you damaged their minds.

While some folks are teaching their traditional values to these kids, values of the parents, who were also indoctrinated by one institution or another, whether corporate, political, or religious ... and concerned over the kids possibly seeing a couple animated characters walking down an isle arm in arm, you are also supporting institutions and scum, some that rape and abuse your children on the other hand. We have children on a daily basis, that don't have decent healthcare, some none, spend an arm and a leg to get an education that teaches them in large part how to make money for someone other than themselves, clergy in the church targeting them to slave for them, or even having sex with your children. They are taught to respect that of which has no respect or regard for them, other than a commodity, and the goal in life, is to compete to appease the elders and their institutions, for their worthless approval, and telling your kids, what they should consider as success and accomplishment in life. You are quick to worry about a cartoon that you fear has a secret agenda to promote love or sex ... while many kids have to go to school and worry if they are going to get killed in a mass shooting. The tele news after the dayz end or start, has to show the kids everything from global warming disasters, to corrupt leadership, kids being murdered or sold, some by even their own parents, endless wars, endless politics, endless misery ... and the anchors tell it with a crocodile tear or a friendly smile. Many of these that oppose this simple cartoon, based on morality ... fully support a President, who was also on the news when you supported his campaign, saying that he is a celebrity, and just grabs women by the pussy, and disrespects women openly ... is this what your kids should look up to? A couple links below from CNN and some Twitter responses to this. Then a video from a popular YouTube guy, Anthony Brian Logan (aka "common sense conservative") with his views, along with a comment I left him on it. And at the bottom of the post, I wanted to close out with a couple videos, to sample what your kids have to see in the daily mainstream news, which is a tad worse than a couple fellas walking arm in arm. First is of our President speaking about his morality on the news. And the 2nd, of a Dallas transgender lady who was attacked on film outside her apartment in South Dallas ... her name is "Muhlaysia Booker", and one month after this attack, she was found shot dead on a Dallas street, and now can't testify against her assailant awaiting trial either (one arrested and out on bail for the assault). I included these videos, to sample what kind of stuff our kids have to see on a daily basis on the tele, and the real state of condition and reality in America.

Word Out ....

***** CNN: An episode of the kid's show 'Arthur' featuring a same- sex wedding won't air in Alabama ... (newsread/ video)

***** on Twitter: Arthur's Gay Wedding Episode Banned by Alabama Public Television ... (some responses)

Kid's Cartoon "Arthur" Features GAY Marriage! Indoctrination? ... Thanx to Anthony Brian Logan

**** My YouTube comment to Anthony Brian Logan: I totally disagree with you. I'm a male married to a female over 3 decades, a father and grandfather. This very short clip in this episode is very simple, and shows 2 males walking down the isle arm in arm, it does not promote homosexuality, or anything sexual in nature. In many cultures of the globe, present day and past, it's common for males to have a bond and love for each other, it's also common for men in various cultures to kiss, hold hands, dance together, be roommates, or hang together all the time ... none of these things promote homosexuality or anything sexual. Would you think we should keep tradition how African Americans were enslaved and still persecuted to this day in America, by the same people that are likely to be against this episode? This is simply pointing out to the child, basic tolerance and love over hatred and phobia, nothing else. But I agree with you that kids are innocent and find themselves on their own ... it is only adults, usually from various political or religious indoctrination, that can twist 2 males having a love for each other as being sexual in nature. So it's not the innocent nature of the kids, it's the erotic and neurotic nature of the adult mind that has issues and phobias, because of their adult twisted political and religious indoctrination ... which even the most fundamoralist puritan, such as yourself, should understand. It's quite obvious looking at your videos on your channel here, what cult you follow, embrace, and promote as well.


Trump's uncensored lewd comments  about women from 2005 ... Thanx to CNN

Father 'Highly Upset' After Watching Video Of Transgender Daughter Being Assaulted At Dallas Apartment Complex ... Thanx to CBSDFW





Former President George W. Bush and Saudi King Abdullah, taking a stroll through the flower garden in Crawford, Texas, holding hands ... our kids had to see this on the tele. Does this promote homosexuality if a kid were to see it?

Image result for president bush holding hands with king of saudi arabia'



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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