Thursday, May 30, 2019

GIANTS: WHO REALLY RULES THE WORLD? | PETER PHILLIPS | EMPIRE FILES 2019: Straight Up Pete on the Bait of the Elite ... The "Imperialism Realism" Edition ... (ABBY MARTIN PT.7)- (NEOLIBERALISM CRISIS PT.8)- (NAOMI KLEIN PT.3)

Image result for peter phillips and abby martin 

**** Professor Peter Phillips- Sociology: Sonoma State University

This posting will be to highlight a one on one interview for Abby Martin's "Empire Files" with Sonoma University Professor of Sociology, Peter Phillips ... which is a good listen to hear him out. You can find Peter all over the internet too, he also was the former director of "Project Censored" ... really good website too. Peter is good at explaining this stuff in more easy to understand terms, simply because he presents it straight up, without all the bullshit. Although this is something that probably many folks ignore, or let's just say ... is not a popular topic, or more bland than entertaining ... it is good for our financial survival and game strategy to have a little better understanding of how the game worx. I myself find it interesting in a fun way too, just like when I'm watching a football game trying to figure out the more complex play strategies in the game, and what plan/ play to use next. The interview below is about what he has to say in a recent book of his, "Giants: The Global Power Elite". This posting will serve 3 series of this journal/ blog ... "Abby Martin", "Neoliberalism Crisis", and "Naomi Klein". First up, the video below with Pete and Abby ... then after, a very short video to explain something very importante, from Naomi Klein, for those who may wonder ... "how in Hell did we get here?", as far as the current state of neoiliberalism, the economy, jobs, etc. Although it may seem that what Peter and Naomi talks about, or even my part at the bottom may seem all different, it's not, it's all part of neoliberalism.

Giants: Who Really Rules The World? ... Thanx to Empire Files

Is The Problem With Capitalism Or Neoliberalism? ... Thanx to The Young Turks


***** PD/ RCJ: "ABBY MARTIN" ... PART'S 6 THRU 1


***** PD/ RCJ: "NAOMI KLEIN" ... PART'S 2 &1


Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

First up ... I use the word 'elite' in the title, only because that's a word many use to describe these with the most wealth, as Pete does in his book title ... but I actually loathe calling some of these parasites 'elite', because I respect the word, and use it to point out people that I actually see as elite. Example, one may look at President Trump as elite, due to his assets/ capital or whatever ... I sure as Hell don't see being elite as inheriting a shitload of wealth and using tax loopholes or other forms of receiving handouts and supported off of the general public's taxes and forced generosity as being elite ... "giants", yes ... "elite", no. Many of those that we call elite, I would bet could not survive a month tops, if they were put on the street with only the clothes on their back, and had to go out and make it like most working folks do. What Naomi talk's about above is importante to remember, when looking at how we got here. Back in the 1970's we had a stagnation problem (aka "stagflation"), and you had the higher unemployment, oil prices, and inflation ... and at the time, we were trying to figure out how to fix it. What happens, looking at the Nixon and Ford years? ... we bring in folks like Milton Friedman, who I credit so much of this neoliberalism model to, and WHERE we are today, I look at him as the architect. He had the answers ... at least for some, as far as building the economy and capital growth, even gave him the Nobel Prize in Economics in 76, and he was advising the Fed too, he was involved in so much, in the U.S. and foreign countries, very influential in economic policies across the board. But the idea that you can have a balanced, competitive, and free market for investors and consumers alike without input from all participating, including oversight from all participating, seems like a recipe for one economic problem after another.

Around the same period (70's), we had George H.W. Bush riding his bicycle around Beijing (CNN), at the time an unofficial ambassador, just hanging out, wheeling and dealing with the communist Chinese Government ... I bring this up since we all hear this whining/ whimpering about unfair trade out of China today ... I mean, who helped make China the power they are, and cut the deals, eh? ... don't blame China. All that happens is we get sucked in like a bunch of fish with all the bullshit bait we are fed, on how we are going to be great again, prosper beyond our dreams, etc ... alwayz getting sucked into believing something, by people that can't even get shit halfway right, or get their own house in order. That's why we can only face bubble/ bust recession after recession and many miseries that we do. We can just look at the last century, and after the Great Depression fix- it model, because this model of today, has been being pushed in some form for that long, and we have alwayz had to change and revise the model according to the economic climate of here and the globe, which is alwayz changing. And we drastically lack input on what we need, many of our so called representation stopped representing the majority interests years ago ... so it's imperative that we hammer them hard throughout their service in office, and watch more closely who we are supporting and voting for, and importantly, why? The corruption alone today in Washington is so open ... these dayz lobbyists through our Congress, are handing out checks to our Congress, right before an importante vote (NY Times) ... we even have folks like Lynne Patton in government who just say, they don't care if they're breaking the law (MSN). And we have a President so criminally confident, who campaigned saying he could shoot some innocent person on 5th Ave in NYC, and still get votes (Guardian).

So, why has neoliberalism gained so much popularity, strength, and growth ... even among so many in Congress and governments across the globe? Because all it has created as far as generating capital and growth ... look at all the development that came out of it, expansion of global trade, manufacturing, business, and the millions of people that were brought out of dirt poverty because of it. It has also created an unprecedented amount of new millionaires globally. Today you have folks like Johan Norberg of the Cato Institute selling only the positive accomplishments of it ... some of those in the top wealth brackets, I believe are sincere, in thinking this model will eventually eliminate all poverty in time as it grows, I even feel some politicians see it like that too. But we know from history and human nature of greed and power, that this model cannot last long as is, without destroying itself, it's just that most investors today look for the short quick gain/ return, and so intoxicated, they're not looking at the bigger picture. This is why I was telling a guy not long back during some conversation, to try to ignore the written in stone ideology of neoliberalism, and simply look at it as an economic model, which come, go, and transform. I may think a little more optimistic than some on this ... because I think, even from talks that went on at Davos, that many in the top wealth realize that this is not a sure sustainable economic model, and will need alot of revisions, and is causing too much resistance and civil disobedience as this grows ... it can be bad for business, in other words. As far as the talk about this current economic plan is working well, it is, but the distribution of benefit/ prosperity/ capital is too one sided and limited.  This current neoliberal plan is not sustainable, or healthy overall, without modifications/ changes ... something sure as Hell worked in the mid 20th century when manufacturing and prosperity were robust in U.S. ... and for me, mixed economy is democracy and free market, but not corporate communism.

On the other hand, despite the growth and positives folks like Johan may point out, and we all know what Charles Koch and associates Cato Institute is about too, if you don't, read up on it ... of course today, you have more philanthropic foundations than you can shake a stick at, bunch of control freak tax havens in my view, though. Look at wages in decline, look at automation and techs, and the investors profits, and reinvestment, and in what? Like Naomi points out, as well as Pete ... we will run into one roadblock after another too, because looking at our dependence on this growth, and the constant need to expand, also looking at environmental challenges we have, resources available, etc ... and looking at economic history, you cannot sustain perpetual growth and the system/ model. The capital is already where it is, so it's pointless to cry over spilt milk, or worry about all the tax cuts that Trump gave away ... we need drastic changes with input other than from the usual crowd, we have many that know how to improve the condition. There is no better time than now, to strengthen labour and unions, and get folks with progressive ideas in office, in all governments of the globe, which there will be an increase in support for from the public. Because, despite all the figures and charts on how much capital is doing great, markets, low unemployment, etc ... the bottom line, is that most are not experiencing this economic freedom and prosperity, they say there's no significant inflation, but tell that to working folks looking to buy a home, paying rent, or shopping in the store, when feeling the cost of living and how far their dollar goes (Investopedia). And the reality that majority of American's are experiencing, is of our growing imperialism over other countries through war or trade at our expense. And since we're all so called "free" to choose, our priority should be to choose to challenge this system and look out for our interests.

Word Out ....


Goodreads | Giants: The Global Power Elite



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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