Thursday, June 6, 2019

ELIZABETH WARREN | FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 2019: Yes You CAN !! ... When You Have a PLAN !! ... The "Unheard American" Edition ... (ELIZABETH WARREN PT.21)- (AMERICAN JOBS PT.13)

Image result for elizabeth warren fort wayne in town hall

This posting will be for the "Elizabeth Warren" and "American Jobs" series of this journal/ blog. This is a town hall meeting with Senator Elizabeth Warren and folks in Fort Wayne, IN, covered by Chris Hayes and MSNBC. You have 4 videos here, that is approximately 50 minutes combined, and well worth the listen. I rearranged the order of the videos, because I felt it was importante first to hear out the local working folks, sitting down one on one with Elizabeth, and her directly addressing their concerns, face to face. For me, there is nothing like a good one on one when communicating with folks, especially when running for office. This is just as importante as speaking to large crowds, it's more intimate and personal ... and you get to hear first hand, the voters concerns. I myself like person to person communications, I can write on this blog till I'm blue in the face, and try to be as personal and intimate as possible ... but for me, nothing beats, or is as good, as meeting with folks on the street, house, or venue, and talking face to face, eye to eye. There are too many average people that do not get heard and felt, so it's so importante going to those places that are not in the spotlight daily, and talking to those folks, especially in the smaller cities and towns, where word travels faster and more solid than big popular cities. After the videos, at the bottom, I wanted to add some to this too.

Despite Donald Trump's Promises Midwest Jobs Leave For Mexico | All In | MSNBC ... Thanx to MSNBC

FLASHBACK: Professor Elizabeth Warren Faces Off Against Sen.Joe Biden | All In | MSNBC ... Thanx to MSNBC 

Can Elizabeth Warren Turn The Rust Belt Blue? | All In | MSNBC ... Thanx to  MSNBC 

Elizabeth Warren: Unions Will Rebuild America's Middle Class | All In | MSNBC ... Thanx to MSNBC 





Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

Regardless of all the talk you hear about how great jobs are or how low unemployment is, there is still alot to be done. All your large cities that have big business are of course going to have a good selection of jobs, especially towns with big finance, medical/ healthcare, hospitality and entertainment, techs, and manufacturing and service industries ... and yet still in those big towns, despite all the glitter and sparkle you see, there are even millions there, that are not even heard. When I look at some of the states that are considered as dying economically, lost, abandoned, rust belt, or whatever, even states that traditionally politicians have avoided for years and forgot ... and people that say, there is nothing there, or why go there? I see something completely different, when even looking at states economically challenged, such as Mississippi, New Mexico, Arkansas, Alabama, West Virginia, to name some, and I've been to them all ... and plenty of others, especially throughout the heartland. I see millions of hard working and ambitious folks that have good work ethics and values, looking for a chance to show what they have, and appreciation for their jobs that is unmatched, strong communities, and are good to folks that do right by them. I see millions of people that are hungry for opportunity, and willing to go that extra mile for it, and for a candidate that really puts in that extra mile for them ... they are solid and will stick by you, trust me. Unfortunately too many found that the current President, who many supported strongly, has not even done a fraction of what he said to improve things for them. And it's true, that a President, political party, or government alone can't do everything for you ... but government should be of people first ... like in business, the consumer/ customer should be first. I mean, I registered and started voting in 1974 (same day I signed up for my "Selective Service" draft card), but more for the country as a sort of duty, not as much myself, I feel it's one of the most importante rights and duty we have, and wish everyone voted ... no political party or President has had much, if any, impact on my life, left or right, everything I done and got was mainly on my own, and from my actions. I vote for my country, not for me. But having good leaders to motivate and inspire folks to get involved helps, not just going back to Washington and ignoring them.

When Senator Warren talks about "green jobs", she hits the nail on the head. When I look at all the states that I talked about above, I see a golden mile of opportunity waiting for these folks and our country, one that can stand out on a global scale, once in motion. There is so much to be gained even for business in all kinds of green/ renewable infrastructure, equipment, and products, these states can be in demand for their products and industries, with the right kind of leadership making the right kind of deals, and eventually maybe exporting product ...we have an opportunity to take a leading role. The great thing about Warren, in all the years I been following her, she has a plan for everything, she sits up at night, and figures out wayz to make things happen ... instead of talking like many ... about what "can't be done", what "can't work", or whatever ... her thing is finding a way it CAN be done. Don't take my word for it, look at how much she done as a Senator, look at her track record ... in some cases, she has done more for workers, veterans, and consumers, than a half dozen other Senators combined. Government investment, and tax partnership incentives for private investments in these states, is a win- win. You have moderate real estate and building costs, and moderate wages, a unique business friendly environment, millions of folks and many towns, hungry and ready at the drop of a hat, to welcome your industries, and millions of customers waiting for product. This country needs much infrastructure across the board, so there is plenty to invest in, and there is plenty of capital. As Frank was telling Elizabeth above, many folks don't have the skills and training needed in these towns ... this is where you start up "on the job training" opportunities, like trade schools. This way, the business gets to hire people at moderate wages, in turn the employee/ trainee gets to learn a new trade under qualified instructors and supervision, while still earning a paycheck ... combining a trade school and industry all in one, and focusing on green technologies manufacturing, services, sales and distribution ... with America's needs in mind first, then hopefully shooting for a global market for increased business in exports.

I seen a fella I know not long ago in Mesquite (a Dallas suburb), he has been a moderate republican his whole life, a mid- 50's HVAC contractor, he is also disappointed in the current President and administration. He said "Hey man, I just heard Elizabeth Warren yesterday in an interview" ... he only heard she was a socialist before I told him of her, I told him to just give her listen, if he gets a chance. He told me, he liked her so much, that he will vote for her ... he knew nothing about her before I brought her up to him, besides the socialist rubbish. He told me, that she was wanting to have a 2 cent tax on the dollar after so many million, and that the person interviewing her, asked if that would be asking too much of the rich, and the rich would think it's unfair. He said, he couldn't believe that someone would be so greedy with that many millions of dollars, to complain about a 2 cent wealth tax on a dollar, after so many millions ... I couldn't agree with him more, I told him ... that is the point we have got to in our country ... extreme, senseless greed. That's the point we are, when millions of folks like the guy I just mentioned, work their asses off, pay their taxes and do the right thing, and they have to listen to multi millionaires and billionaires, many who never done an honest dayz work in their lives, whimper and whine over such a little tax. As the guy told me also, that small tax, can do so much for other things we need in our country. That is the whole point I explain to folks like this guy ... many of these people, we not only give them a tax free ride and welfare, they spend much of our generosity in foreign country investment, and show no appreciation for all this country does for them. Then to top it off, we even subsidize their businesses and protect them ... they need cuts ... and like Elizabeth points out, we sure as Hell should not be subsidizing companies to export our jobs and business ... that is just absolute insanity, even from a pro- business perspective. She is not talking about taxing the rich to death, she is talking about having a small fair tax, that they should be willing to pay easily, for all we do to protect their business and keep it thriving, and they still have other tax breaks too ... that alone should be the basic price of balanced business.

Word Out ....


Image result for elizabeth warren we have a mandate    Image result for america first



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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