Tuesday, June 25, 2019

ECONOMIC PATRIOTISM PLAN | ELIZABETH WARREN 2019: Policies, Plans, & Patriotism ... Big Government Spending, or Fiscal Responsibility Pending? ... The "Excuses Abuses" Edition ... (AMERICAN TRADE PT.10)- (AMERICAN JOBS PT.14)- (ELIZABETH WARREN PT.22)

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**** Issues | Elizabeth Warren

This posting will cover 3 series for this journal/ blog ... "American Trade", "American Jobs", & "Elizabeth Warren". This will focus on Warren's Economic Patriotism Plan released this month (BECAUSE, THIS IS THE KIND OF DESTRUCTIVE BUDGET AND ECONOMIC PLAN WE CURRENTLY HAVE). This is another one of many plans that Warren has drafted, as a sort of template to try to improve the economy and condition, to cover a broader range of American needs and interests. I don't expect ANY President to achieve much, if any, of what they campaigned on and promise, but Warren has such a "full plate" of ideas/ plans, that even if we only got a fraction of what she fights for, it would be a significant plus for the country, compared to getting nothing at all from some others. Many Presidential candidates mainly just have a few platitudes and some catchy slogans ... like "Make America Great Again", "Hope and Change", "I'm With Her", "Jeb Can Fix It", or whatever ... many don't talk much though about details of any plans they have ... I guess because people will later hold them to it, Warren lays them all out on the table, that's what I see a bit different about her too. This is an American issue, it's an issue that covers just that, Americans ... whether you are left, right, center, regardless of your party or none, religion or none, gender, race/ ethnicity, middle class to lower wage class. I chose Tucker Carlson of Fox News for the intro video, although it may seem odd, that a conservative like Tucker would agree with Warren, he has reason to, after all ... it's an American issue. Even expanding manufacturing and exports here in the U.S. is good trade and policy ... it's just a matter of setting a goal and taking action. Warren has big ideas for expanding industry and production across America, such as green industries, and not just in a handful of big cities that line the coastlines of America. After Tucker, the link below is Warren's piece to view/ read for yourself ... and the "Aggressive Intervention on Behalf of American Workers" part of it, is straight, simple, and needed change. At the bottom, I will add some of my own views.

Tucker: Warren's plan for US workers sounds like Trump at his best ... Thanx to Fox News

***** MEDIUM | TEAM WARREN: A Plan For Economic Patriotism ... (Warren's Plan)






Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

First of all, this is not some plan inspired by President Trump, because Warren has had these plans for years, she has pushed and talked about such things for years before Donald Trump was even a candidate. I have also heard, that this is just to try to reach out to Trump supporters ... again, these plans and ideas have been part of Warren for years, I been following Warren's work for several years, and know. If you're looking for a President that inspired Warren, and one that she looked up to, it would be President Teddy Roosevelt, who was a Republican, sure, but progressive. But, what is wrong with reaching out to Trump supporters? ... or, what is wrong with reaching out to middle America, and all the states and millions of people that have been ignored in large part by Washington for years? Warren has been in the trenches busting ass for Americans all over the country for years, so this is nothing new for her, what is new, is that she is finally running for President. Warren grew up in middle America, in Oklahoma, she has roots in it, this is "her", she is for real. She understands hard work and the American struggle to achieve the dream, she's from working class roots, she worked hard for what she gained, she didn't grow up in wealth and inherit it, or make her money off skimming, cheating people, and tax shelters/ havens. It is very popular for politicians to use the words "fiscal responsibility" like a broken record ... well, we been hearing it out of many for years, where is it? ... that still seems to be pending, or on hold, neglected, or tossed out, it sure as Hell is not being exercised, if you look at our spending priorities. This so called robust economy didn't just pop up over the last couple years, it took over a decade since the Great Recession to build it to where it is now. And look at how much it cost taxpayers, just to get a little of return for their involuntary investment (tax cuts, bailouts, and corporate welfare) ... the majority of Americans, even those with halfway decent jobs, can barely make ends meet today ... and that's getting worse by the year.

The other talk I hear/ read ... is that Warren's plan is nothing but big government spending. It's actually less government waste spending, when you try to consolidate a few departments to work more efficiently by forming a new department, the "Department of Economic Development" is intended to for that reason. In fact, it's very pro- business, at that ... this is a common business practice as far as consolidating departments to cut spending waste, in many corporations ... they do it to look out for their bottom line in business, why not look out for our bottom line? A couple folks at the CATO Institute (a corporate monopoly think tank, that claims to free folks from big government), say that Warren thinks that the U.S. Trade Representative Office is being controlled by lobbyists and special interests. I never heard her say those words of that office, CATO ... but thanks for bringing up the thought, because I couldn't have come up with a better way to put it ... is most of our trade and spending NOT controlled by lobbyists and special interests? And why wouldn't they, if we're stupid and frail enough to let them, they certainly control a great deal of all our legislation concerning business in every regard, including how we spend our tax dollars. Then they drain all our government taxes/ revenues for their offshore gambling ventures, leave us holding the tab, and when we ask for a little consideration for our needed basic expenses as a nation ... they tell us to sell them all our assets, for pennies of their actual worth, and cut our entitlements that we pay for, and cut our children, elderly, workers, teachers, veterans, and anything that is ours ... give all our taxes and revenues to them, and they will govern us and decide what we spend our money on. What these people are doing, is not making a free market as they claim, or giving us freedom and independence. This is nothing but a power grab and scam they are running on us, and many folks in our country are finally waking up to this.

They are muscling their way, to replace the peoples voice, economy, and government, with them being in total control of all, and our lives. They are the biggest welfare gluttons, and frankly, thieves, trying to tear down our democracy, and replace it with their corporate communism, so that we are dependent on them, and in eternal debt to them ... giving them a free ride and all our money is no benefit to us. And the excuses of politicians that cater strictly to them, and there are many ... is just more abuse and insulting to the American people. The excuse they will use to not embrace Warren's ideas, is that she doesn't have all the details on how it will work ... this is why we have experts in economics, trade and so forth, to iron out the finer details and make things work. At least she is thinking and doing and creating something through her plans ... many that criticize her have no vision whatsoever, all they know is doing the same thing over and over, and getting the same results over and over. Some, like those of the CATO group, will tell us, that folks like Warren, or anybody that even thinks straight and questions, look at imports as bad, and exports as good, only. This is also far from the truth, Warren is very pro- business and loves markets and trade ... she is saying that there is so much we can do to expand opportunity and free market for our country, and have a wider variety of players. What is wrong about trying to increase our exports? ... if we can create products that others want in the world, why not increase export? ... the oil/ gas companies certainly do it for LNG and related, and we subsidize them out the ass ... it shouldn't be no different for any other export we are capable of producing and a foreign customer wanting ... after all, it's free market. Warren never been against imports either, she understands trade better than many up there on Capitalism Hill (aka Capitol Hill), she is not talking about shutting out folks we import from, and these types criticizing know that. Sensible spending, plans, and policies are patriotic.

Word Out ....


Image result for elizabeth warren quote storm is coming



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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