Tuesday, June 18, 2019

U.S. FREEDOM GAS | MOLECULES OF FREEDOM 2019: Can Freedom ONLY Last ... With The Amount of GAS we Can PASS? ... The "Pass the Gas & Ammunition" Edition ... (AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM PT.14)- (GLOBAL WAR'N'ING PT.59)

Image result for natural gas is now freedom gas   Image result for molecules of freedom logo


US Department Of Energy Rebrands Fossil Fuels As "Freedom Gas" ... Thanx to The Ring of Fire

This posting will serve the "American Exceptionalism" and "Global War'n'ing" series of this journal/ blog. A little opening intro video above from Mike and Farron of "The Ring of Fire" for start. I figured on recording this in here, because I really got a laugh out of it when first hearing it. Even though the increased and constant extraction of fossil fuels and usage is a very serious issue, this posting was also done in humour, because I never fail to be amazed at what kind of names we come up with in this country, to justify and sugarcoat just about anything. America is 2nd to none when it comes to marketing junk even ... we could sell a bag of cowshit for its weight in gold, just as easy as you can sell a $30 pair of shoes to some affluent types for several hundred bucks in America. I mean, they could probably come up with some name/ slogan to replace "oil" with ... you could connect oil to lube, for example, and make it pleasurable, almost sexual ... painting it as something like "Dark Lube- Bringing us Pleasure from Pain" ... you know, a good masochistic pitch to it, since some American's like taking it up the ass from our leaders and corporatists. I figured that this would be something that the Democrat's would be criticizing Republicans on big time, but haven't heard much. But it's a big money issue too, and perhaps some establishment Democrats may be reluctant to criticize, and in fear of doing so, fearing that they may be mistaken for a leftist Democrat, instead of a moderate right wing neoliberal corporatist, due to the need to get that corporate/ banking funding for their campaigns, and getting insider investment tips. No doubt though, the Progressive left will have no problem in speaking up on this, even if it's just for fun, it deserves criticism.

The other hilarious part to this, is this push for extra exports to Europe, only came after the Russian deal to supply LNG to western Europe, Both U.S. and Russia wanting now to sell west Europe more LNG ... to so call "free" them ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-) Funny, being you have Russia and U.S. both talking about securing freedom and democracy, by planting their "freedom seeds" in a place like western Europe ... it's like ass- backwards, personally I think that western Europe in this 21st century could teach both the U.S. and Russia a thing or 2 about freedom and democracy, not the other way around {:-)  Just goes to show you how full of shit, both U.S. and Russia are. I put a couple links below, which sum it up well, I included one from Russia Today, to look at the global gas arena, and what is going down on their end too ... because we're also in a east- west battle, and using this like ammunition, Russia and China have an alliance to challenge U.S. too. In fairness, below that, and for a little laugh, I included Jimmy Dore taking a call from U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry, to explain some of this (not actually Rick Perry, this is a comedy skit). At the bottom, I'll add a bit, and look at some other related things.

***** TRUTHOUT | BASAV SEN: "Freedom Gas" Will Be Used to Justify Oppression at Home and Abroad ... (newsread)

***** RT | BUSINESS NEWS: Russia pushes back against America's expensive 'Freedom Gas' ... (newsread)

Rick Perry Calls Methane "Freedom Gas" ... Thanx to The Jimmy Dore Show



***** PD/ RCJ: "GLOBAL WAR'N'ING" ... PART'S 58 THRU 1


Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

I just simply look at this as the race and battle we are in globally, to maintain our power and dominance in the world, all this is orchestrated by the big money. You cannot expand, grow and promote capitalism of today, without massive amounts of cheap energy, due to how our economic system is designed, we are all like caught in a squirrel cage, and have become too dependent, instead of independent. Nor does simply selling all our resources offshore to the globe make us energy independent, that's not how OPEC worx, or the system worx, all we get is cheaper energy/ fuel prices, and have to use our tax revenues on top of that, to pay their way who are providing to us, and alwayz work, consume, and spend to keep it all going. This all plays into the neoliberal agenda too, and the way to expand and grow wealth/ capital across the globe, and to keep everyone in debt and dependent on this way of doing business ... look at it as a weapon of war. Sure we are creating jobs and wealth, but as wages decrease and labour strength, you are also widening the wealth gap to extreme levels, and damaging the environment at growing levels never seen on the planet, caused by humans ... so there is no long term future advantage to this. This is only a matter of how much gas we can pass/ export, not to make us energy independent, or give us some kind of new freedom. We are in a race, not looking at the long term as much as the short ... it can become a recipe for a race to the bottom, especially with the lack of regulation enforcement. That's why I point out throughout this Global War'n'ing series, that even with the vast amount of renewable energy production, this is not slowing down or going to stop any time soon, is because of this model to expand and create wealth.

Even if we had most people using renewable energy, they will alwayz be extracting more from the earth than they would even need. The population increase and demands will also put more strain on our environment and resources we need to extract. First of all, you have all the newest technology for surveying/ mining/ drilling/ fracking every resource imaginable from the earth, that we never had in the past. You have a bunch of prospectors/ investors ... and if something is of value, they will dig it up, period ... the same way that a person wouldn't leave gold or platinum in the ground, or diamonds either ... they have value, and make people money, in the type of system we have. We have the east/ west battle in full strength, and everyone is picking sides/ partners/ allies and new alliances constantly changing in this game, it's like a board game ... with so many groups of special interests. And this is also why we have pressure, whether with sanctions or otherwise, on a variety of countries ... America also wants places like Iran and Venezuela to be under our orders, as much as Russia and China may want the same. This is also the reason for the trade deals/ partnerships ... again, an east vs. west thing ... packaged as capitalism freedom over authoritarian rule, even though they are both a form of authoritarian rule, in a sense. Even if a country/ place has some small amount of resources and oil, what some may consider as insignificant, someone will be in line to take that too ... anything that makes a buck. And of course, as you may know ... the amount of freedom a person has, in our system, depends on the amount of capital/ wealth you have ... the more you have, the more free you are, and the more power you have ... simple.

Regardless of how cheap we get energy/ fuel ... in the markets, everything is fluctuating, that's what makes winners and losers, and players fear the volatility. Today OPEC sayz they are happy and can settle with $60/ $70 crude per barrel prices, Saudis will take it, but like $80, to avoid another budget deficit this year. Then you have big natural gas players and exporters, like Russia, with U.S. and Russia cutting into each others business, which can only result in driving down profits. If another war, or any friction in oil/ gas regions, again, you have a price issue, it won't stop. Saudis are trying to get away from their dependence on oil for their economy, out of fear, and not because of global warming, but the markets, and telling us what they are willing to produce, regardless of what we say, so they are not having to produce more and getting less on costs vs. gains, they are diversifying their investments into other areas. As we expand the renewable energy, and China is working big time on doing their own as far as expanding renewables and infrastructure ... we will be driving down the demand for fossil fuels ... so in time, they are going to devalue anywayz. Devaluation is also importante, as far as steering folks and incentive to invest and produce more in renewable, because even large investment bankers are investing in it, and they don't throw money into anything, unless their assessments show it to be a winner ... it inspires investment in a more fresh and open market area relating to energy and fuel. This is why I point out the importance of getting big investors more interested in renewable investment, and you can't do that if you don't hustle. They done their marketing promoting fossil fuels  ... we need a better marketing strategy to transform our energy, again, you have winners and losers in this game, it's a matter of having a winning product and selling it, we have the product.

And this current deal on exporting this natural gas been in progress for several years, they bought up all the homes in Quintana, Texas to do this (Texas Observer), this is just an expansion of exports to spread freedom, democracy, and love to the world {:-) And the connection is Rick Perry and Texas, the same Rick Perry as Texas Governor, that put billions into building our large wind power sector, at that. So this is not some grand new idea by the Trump administration, it's already been in play. Today we have just as many wayz to produce renewable energy, as we have new wayz to extract fossil fuels, so we have something of worth to sell, even in a capitalist model society ... renewable or fossil, both capable of creating economic growth. This takes a change in leadership too, as far as politics ... Republicans are no doubt in a time warp, and taking this extraction to new levels, but it has been going on for years. Even under the Obama administration, we were opening up more drilling and fracking, at an unprecedented rate ... why? ... because of the race with the east, our debt, and to grow capital, to sustain our global power, because what we don't do in this race and battle, rest assured, Russia or someone else will. In the Democratic Party, you have a growing amount of progressives, and fresh ideas, Democrats in our country are better and more understanding trying to deal and negotiate with than Republicans. Politics through public pressure, with a plan, can play a part in this, just as consumer demand does in any market. And we're already up shits creek, as far as the weather we been experiencing, that's a result of global climate change, just look at what's happening, and the warnings from scientists for decades ... and we're going to be dealing with that for years, even if we all went totally green tomorrow.

Word Out ....

Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition w/ Lyrics ... Thanx to Push Back Now- PBN **** when putting together the title for the post, I couldn't help to think of this old 1942 classic by Frank Loesser, for a little closing song


Image result for freedom gas cartoon    



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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