Wednesday, July 17, 2019

NEOLIBERAL NAZARENE MACHINE 2019: The Gospel according to the Profits Prophets ... Can a Neoliberal Economics Loss, Be like nailing Ronald McDonald to the Cross? ... The "Corporatized Jesus" Edition ... (HUMAN MORALITY PT.28)- (NEOLIBERALISM CRISIS PT.9)

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"There's nothing in the Bible that talks about retirement. And yet it's been an accepted concept in our culture today. Nowhere does it say, "Well, he was a good and faithful servant, so he went to the beach" ... The example I think of is Noah. How old was Noah when he built the ark? 600. He wasn't like, cashing Social Security checks, he wasn't hanging out, he was working. So, I think we have an obligation to work. The role we have in work may change over time, but the concept of retirement is not biblical" - - U.S. Congressman Greg Gianforte (R- MT)

This posting will serve as Part 28 of the "Human Morality" series, and Part 9 of the "Neoliberalism Crisis" series of this journal/ blog. This will also be a follow up to this posting. This is not to criticize a person's personal beliefs, but to expose the hypocrisy and agenda of those in power, who have an agenda to keep people enslaved to their game. What partly inspires this posting, is the first video below from PragerU, which is cute and clever, and good marketing. In the video below, Lawrence Reed sayz that "socialism is the concentration of power into the hands of the government elites"(?) ... but what he calls the "government elites", are all those put into power through corporate money in the establishment of the 2 parties. Meaning, they are using our money, through tax write- offs and other legislation the oligarchs buy, to control and promote what he calls "government elitism and control", because they are controlling the politicians they buy/ lease ... as well as almost total control of the markets. This is NOT promoting free market or liberty, but promoting corporate communism and control. He speaks against socialism, but, he/ they advocate for us/ taxpayers to give them socialism at the top 1%, and leave us with bread crumbs ... they are doing everything, they say they are against. These corporations are making enormous profits in business, and double dipping even more through tax cuts and subsidies, from legislation of the "government elites" they speak against, yet empower. But also, I have noticed a growing trend in this new marketing over the last several years of increasingly incorporating religion more than ever into capitalism, having read several pieces on it, and viewing many ministers pushing this.

I also included a link below that, which is a book review, I myself have not read the book, but the review sounds like a decent sales pitch, and pretty convincing. But, I see all this, as our newest politipop programming to legitimize and promote their newest neoliberal economics model, as well as all these other things they use, such as pop music and entertainment, to the military parades. They also have their military recruitment marketing they use to programme folks at sporting events, such as NFL football, which I've been following for decades, noticing how they use that today as a marketing tool to programme the masses, and most importantly to recruit the younger generation, and to promote corporate patriotism. Defense spending alone in the U.S. is more than several top countries combined, to protect multinational corporate interests, while our veterans are given the shaft half the time. When I was a little boy, probably around 9-ish, I remember asking my Dad what "God" was? ... well, Dad just looked around and told me that it was all life I see, plants/ trees, animals, people, etc ... but, he said "the number #1 God of humanity, is the almighty dollar". I really didn't understand what he meant by that, nor did he elaborate ... and for years, as many other things my Dad told me as a boy, I didn't quite understand. When I look back at those things he told me over a half century ago, on so much, I see how accurate he was. Some brief view and read below ... then at the bottom I'll add some input myself on this.

Was Jesus a Socialist? ... Thanx to PragerU

***** CHRISTIANITY TODAY | HUGH C. WHELCHEL: Imagining a Virtuous Capitalism ... (book review)

Image result for mcjesus    Image result for corporate jesus




Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

Many folks are losing confidence in some of the economic policies today, you see a growing movement speaking out on corporate control and corruption for several years now, and the widening wealth gap between the top 1% and the majority of people under them. And the 1% of today, have so much money/ capital/ assets, they literally don't know what to do with it (Business Insider), many are just ratholing all the wealth, and buying back their own stocks, and running out of things to invest in ... imagine that ... you have so much wealth, homes/ assets, investments, and everything else you can imagine, that you just burned out. And of course, in many of the 1%er's views, it would be anti- capitalism/ anti- free market, to give away even a good fraction of it, even if they don't know anything else to do with it ... being somewhat of a "sin" in their philosophical view. Despite all the new millionaires, bustling stock markets, and job growth figures ... there are many working harder than ever, with wages stagnating way out of balance considering this high on the hog wealth and economic growth ... so the bottom 99% are justified in questioning how this is trickling down to them ... I mean, they been waiting for this trickle down for a few decades. As this growth in capital climbs, the 99% are getting hit with price increases (CNBC), despite the figures you hear, that there is no inflation, because of the way they figure inflation (MarketWatch). Most folks are getting squeezed, as far as the expenses of living and keeping up ... just look at our broken healthcare system and its expense (even with all the lame complex insurance plans and benefits), the credit debt, the student debt, and how you are nickel and dimed to death ... they call this all "freedom", some are wondering, just how free they are, and free from what? And you're told when you question the top wealth and politicians, that we have tried socialism and everything else, and nothing else worx ... that's because those raking in all the money, don't want anything else to work, or try anything else. Now that folks are questioning and protesting this, the top wealth will start to use religious obligations and commitments to sell you, since many folks already made many of their pre- paid politicians out as liars, and part of the problem.

The hypocrisy in so much of this is absolutely mind blowing and so convoluted, and the greatness of the top wealth and what they deserve ... using religion to tell folks that Abraham was a man of capitalism and very wealthy, so it justifies anything they legislate through your Congress, using tax dollars and revenues they took from you without any input from the people. Frankly, I wouldn't give a shit, if you tell us that Moses, Mary, Matthew, and Mark were also filthy rich ... it hasn't a bloody damn thing to do with this neoliberalism that you're peddling today. I agree that business ethics over the last 50 years have deteriorated, but I don't credit that to being less religious, and there has alwayz been corruption and greed ... I known several atheists that have good ethics/ morals. Where's the accountability and justice today?, you have created a culture in our societies, that promotes greed, slavery, injustice, corruption, and everything foul imaginable. Example, just one company, Wells Fargo, who are not held accountable for what they do, paying a small fine for habitual violations on consumers/ customers and business, this is what we have (Violation Tracker). The average person with a small fraction of this record, which is criminal for average folks, would be locked up for life ... and this is just one company, there are hundreds of illicit things going on that are treated the same way. Is it free market, when we can't even negotiate prescription drug prices? Is it freedom, when an insurance company that you been paying premiums to for years, decides it's better to take a $10,000 fine, over giving you an overpriced $100,000 needed surgery/ treatment? Is it freedom when you have a handful of corporate/ banking giants controlling everything that consumers buy, with mergers and acquisitions granted that create monopolies? Is it freedom when we allow corporations to act as dictators, and control every nickel we work for and spend? Is it freedom to allow them to rob us blind with hardly any punishment, to dictate what lands we will invade for their resources, and pay them to ship thousands of our jobs to other countries? Is it freedom when we have to fall and face consequences if we mismanage funds and lose, yet have to bail out some these giants that rob us blind if they take a loss?

Sure, we're a country of enormous wealth and capital, and we're equally a country of enormous waste and corruption. Millions, and not just the U.S., are protesting policies that are part of this neoliberal model of today, countries are being squeezed to the max, to make sure that the biggest too big to fail folks, get even bigger. The minute folks start to question and raise Hell about some of these policies and injustices, they are pigeonholed into some category. In the U.S. if we ask for accountability, or to have a sayso as far as helping those less fortunate in our society, who they call "losers", we are told we're promoting Nazi- era fascism or Soviet Union socialism, by asking our own government for help, from our own taxes ... and that we are destroying capitalism and freedom in doing so, and we're labeled as villains and terrorists. Any kind of socialism, even it's public owned property or parks, libraries, public utilities, law enforcement/ fire/ emergency services, freeways, entitlements that we pay for ourselves ... we are told is evil, and will be the destruction of capitalism. The CFPB for example, or the EPA, or Civil Courts, we're told, are all bad too, because we should let all these corporations regulate themselves ... it's great for capitalism. We're told, that markets should be the only government and voice of the people ... and people should have the right to choose if they want to work for $1.00 an hour or not, to let every company screw workers on wages, and if we don't like it, finding another job will solve all. Now you tell us, if we only embrace your religion, everything will be hunky- dory, and this culture you allow of extreme greed and corruption will disappear? Most of these giants could not survive without socialism themselves, we have to give them unlimited funding for all their failures and subsidize them. They create jobs? ... the masses is what creates jobs ... and all this talk about job growth, there is also going to be equal job loss because of automation. McDonald's plans to gradually replace workers with robots (Forbes) ... if we freely "chose" not to eat there, they would whine like babies to subsidize them, saying it's bad for capitalism, like nailing Ronald McDonald to a cross ... they're arrogant ingrates. Speaking of arrogant ingrates, I wanted to close out with a video below ... who are like our President (Trump) ... loud mouths with too much money and praise, that they don't deserve.

Word Out ....

Money Gospel ... Thanx to thechristianinfodesk


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***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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