Wednesday, July 10, 2019

RALPH NADER | ON CONTACT 2019: Importance of Civic Life, Rights, & Regulations to Our Nation ... "It's Easier Than We Think", when The People's 1% work In Sync ... The "Help Me" Edition ... (RALPH NADER PT.2)- (CHRIS HEDGES PT.3)- (THE AWAKENING PT.55)- (CORPORATCOMMUNAZICA PT.20)

Image result for On Contact: Importance of a civic life with Ralph Nader    Image result for On Contact: Importance of a civic life with Ralph Nader


**** Ralph Nader | blog

This posting will cover 4 series of this journal/ blog ... "Ralph Nader" "Chris Hedges", "The Awakening", and "Corporatcommunazica". This will focus on what it takes to clean up our country some, which is not alot, and easier than we think, as I myself point out throughout this journal, as far as exercising what rights we have, and utilizing all our tools ... we have so much going for us, as far as being able to challenge. Some may disagree with me, and not define the U.S. as a nation, due to various cultures and conflicts between ourselves, as a guy told me once ... but to me, it is (so, I may call it a nation, a country, a democracy, or a republic). Everyone that I know, from native born to immigrants, have many things in common that we/ they cherish about here ... such as a certain amount of liberties and rights, common laws, democracy, opportunities, achieving their goals and dreams, embracing their cultural arts and religions, or no religion, but having that choice ... even immigrants, learn and use a common American- English language. In this posting, Ralph Nader will explain in easy terms, just how simple it is, to make this country work for the majority of people much better ... because we have everything/ tools all available and necessary, and we don't even need a mass majority of people, nothing more than our own 1%, to counter the so called "elite" 1% ... yes, it's that simple! I alwayz like getting input from Nader, because he's been such a workaholic at defending public/ consumers/ workers as an advocate for rights and safety, as far as looking out for our interests ... even Ralph comes from a family of Lebanese immigrants.

I first heard of Ralph way back in the early 1970's, and it had nothing to do with politics, as for my interest in him, but as him being a consumer advocate. Even though I started voting in 1974, I didn't know a thing about politics either (and some would say, I still don't {:-) ... I just voted blindly for years, for whoever sounded best to me, in the newspapers, or on the tele. My parents, aunts, and uncles, I never recall ever talking much about politics, if any, nor praising or showing support for politicians and political parties, but looking back, they seemed kind of liberal as parents, aunts, and uncles. Nor did they talk about religion ... why? ... I don't know? ... so I had to learn about both religion and politics the hard way, on my own, and made many mistakes in how I voted as well, in the process. Being able to have access to the internet and being online since 2008, really is what molded many of my political views today, that I write about in this journal ... before that, I had NO opinion, nor cared about political parties in the least. There are 2 videos below, of Ralph being interviewed by Chris Hedges, well worth the listen and food for thought. Also my condolences to Ralph and his family on the death of his 24 year old grandniece, Samya Stumo, in the Boeing 737 MAX 8 Ethiopian Airline crash back in March (CBC Radio- Canada), and glad to see him taking them on to! ... which he also discusses some below. After Ralph and Chris, I'd like to add a little something below, and a closing music video.

On Contact: Importance of civic life with Ralph Nader ... Thanx to RT America

On Contact: Rights & Regs w/ citizen activist Ralph Nader ... Thanx to RT America


Image result for fdr corporate state fascism


***** PD/ RCJ: "RALPH NADER" ... PART 1

***** PD/ RCJ: "CHRIS HEDGES" ... PART'S 2 & 1




Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp

As far as the regulations that are needed, I alwayz agreed with Ralph on that, and especially now more than before. Years back, despite the corporate culture of expansion, dominance, and maximizing profits, I really think they were a tad more ethical, and it was a more slower paced and smaller arena of players than today. I think it's more importante now, because of the short term investments outlook, expectations, and culture. Today, it's much easier to make a product, know that there are possible, and even likely dangers of some kind, but push it fast if the demand is there, and try to go as long as you can with it. If/ when you go under, sell or whatever, you have the money offshore and scattered investments, jump country to country, and play on the vulnerability of other places and governments with laxed regulations, and the markets have way more power than ever over governments, because of this newest model of neoliberalism. It's a severe conflict of interests in my view, when you have a President (Trump) appointing folks to run departments like EPA, FDA, HUD, Education, Agriculture, Transportation, Energy, Labor, Health Human Services or whatever, that have a history of liking to dissolve such agencies/ departments, or drastically transform them more towards privatizing such to for profit ONLY interests ... It's just a recipe for trouble. The list of things that came from Nader's crew of past as far as consumer protections is much, a Hell of alot ... can you imagine what things would look like if many of these safeguards were never implemented or even proposed for legislation? You can bet your ass, today, we would be in one Hell of a mess, and the body count and illness from such and damage to our land and infrastructure, utilities, etc ... would be far worse than anything we're facing now. And our pay scales and quality of living, would be that of a third world country. You know it, I know it ... don't kid yourself. None of these corporate giants want to self-destruct, any more than a dope fiend wants to overdose, or a gambler at the tables wants to lose all ... but they all share a similar level of intoxication. And I'm sure they think they can regulate themselves, but the arena is getting too big, the demand, and the incentive to go hog wild, watchdogs are importante, as well as the rules and requirements in regulating.

We alwayz hear that the 1% (elite) is in all control, which is true to an extent ... but I write throughout these series ... "look at the math, simply, you have 1% vs. 99%, with the 1% dependent on the 99% for wealth and power ... go figure". A move to consider, Ralph points out, is having congressional watchdog teams spread across the congressional districts, which he advocated for years. We have local organized watch groups in and for our cities/ communities, so this would be an added plus. Only 1% could give citizens/ consumers/ workers an advantage. Again, we need to pressure Congress more ... when we don't, they have only the top 1% to focus on. We have plenty of people already across the country to implement change to that, with all the marches, groups, and the growing public resentment over politics in general, we have the fire. It's like helping a Congress ... that is crying out for help, to do what we need to, for support. The last Democratic Debates, much of what they were discussing, is what people been ranting for, for years ... you see a more diverse debate discussion and proposed platform ... because of the pressure. And forcing mainstream political panels to discuss it, that added exposure is a plus. We can't expect folks that been in Congress for years, and out of touch with so much, to know what we need, without hammering it to them, many live in bubbles. Healthcare reform, single payer, Medicare for All, etc, been hot talk ... but still looks shady to me, so hopefully this time, it will actually see some traction. Again, the people are what makes government, they are also the consumer, they drive and sustain the markets, they produce and invent everything, and have the power a 100x times over to change direction in this country. And the corporate media with massive voice and pressure, as well as the ruling corporate entities will have to listen and negotiate at some point. We even have power to boycott, walk out of jobs for a couple dayz, shut down business and obstruct business as usual, especially during big spending holidayz. We can set an ultimatum, we have before, and can do it again ... we will not get a damn thing without hammering back, history proves it time and again. They have strength and power? ... so do we, listen to Ralph ... never back down to injustices of any kind, any more than fascism.

Ralph also said there is "hope" in bringing change to the Democrat Party, the reason why, is for the same reason I pointed out ... we have had many new, more progressive candidates being seated and running, not in huge numbers, but they're certainly making some difference. Over the last several years, besides some basic rights issues for women and LGBT rights, which are importante ... they've embraced too much neoliberal policies. A huge issue I feel that will hit us hard, will be the extreme weather from global warming, which will be hard on everything, especially the costs too, and will be the most difficult thing to address. The Democratic Party has became more like a moderate Republican Party, and yes, by design, through lobbies/ special interests/ money. The big money plays our Congress through funding, like betting on horses at the race track, and have money on most. That is part of the strategy to privatize every single thing ... they force all parties on board to push their agenda through finance, they make/ pay one party to go far right, and the other to go moderate right, they'll allow some issues like LGBT or women's rights to be addressed, but they force both parties to be on the same page when it comes to issues that concern their bottom line/ profits and ownership. Again, the top wealth does not care about women, children, workers, who marries who, race/ ethnicity/ cultural/ religious differences, etc ... they care about one thing only, that we remain enslaved and in debt to them, and they control anything of value, including who lives or dies. They care about everything that can make them a profit, and will push and focus on that primarily. I also believe, like Ralph, as I pointed out myself throughout this journal, that if the Democrats (and Republicans) fail to make change, they will lose many, and yes, I feel a new, sort of people's political party will come about, maybe not in the next few years, but not long either, if we don't get significant change. It shouldn't be much problem for Democrats to win both Houses and the Oval Office ... they should thank Republicans for being such open assholes, and the President for being such a jerk ... making a win that more easy. It's the worst Republican Party ever, and a lousy President ... what more could you ask for in an election opponent? If Democrats should win a majority in Congress and the Presidency, they will have a golden opportunity to show what they can do for the people of the Republic.

Word Out ....

The Punkles- Help! Live at the Molotow Club, Hamburg, Germany (Beatles cover) ... Thanx to salzarm **** this is my favourite cover version of The Beatles 1965 classic called "Help". This cover version has a twist of punk to it, performed by The Punkles, who are a Beatles punk cover band out of Hamburg. The lyrics of the song are fitting for the posting, and "helped" inspire the title of the posting, because our politicians need your/ our help and motivation to act, in getting their feet back on the ground, due to the current challenges.


**** GOODREADS: How the Rats Re- formed Congress by Ralph Nader (book)

Image result for how the rats re- formed the congress



***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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