Wednesday, July 31, 2019

RUNAWAY CLIMATE CHANGE & MOTHER NATURE: She's Moving Faster Than We Can Pass Her ... with Air, Waters, & Lands in Her Hands ... The "Change 4 Change" Edition ... (GLOBAL WAR'N'ING PT.60)

Image result for global warming GIFs

NASA map of global temperature variation


Climate Change 1958: The Bell Telephone Science Hour ... Thanx to greenman3610

This posting will serve as Part 60 of the "Global War'n'ing" series for this journal/ blog. Following the weather this year, you can see just how consistent extreme weather events have been, so I wanted to add some links below on what's going on. I opened above with a 1958 tele show clip ... which is 61 years ago, and we're still debating over this ... some. I don't spend time debating myself, it's pointless ... bottom line, is we are experiencing the impact of global warming weekly, and worldwide. You don't need to even be online, have a phone or computer ... turn on the radio or tele news daily, they will report everything from the extreme heat, flooding, storms, and the rest, or simply experience it for yourself. And some folks lost all common sense in this ... we have a President (Trump), that wants to ignore not only the problem with pollution/ fuels in the U.S., but to not even cooperate globally for goals to reduce greenhouse gases. President Trump has become a cult leader today, with millions following his every word, millions thinking it is the word of God through Trump, the messiah, and that his Presidency is the pinnacle of divinity. His "word" is, that global warming is a hoax ... and wants to also cut car/ vehicle emission standards ... I guess, so we can go back to his younger years he cherished, living in NYC with the pollution of the 1960's and 1970's. Doing these things is good for business? ... no, it's bad for business in the longrun, it's not good business ... it's insanity.

For those like Trump, money is the most importante thing, not even your life is more importante, and money should trump all, ONLY. All up and down the east coast, for example, take NYC, with neighbourhoods flooding frequently, subwayz turning into water falls, to extreme heat. Even in Chicago on the Great Lakes, heat so bad that it buckles the streets and roads, and shuts down the L/ subway ... with heat and humidity in these towns higher than what we experienced in Dallas- Fort Worth ... and they are not designed to withstand it. Do we realize how much the expense of dealing with this will be? In the City of Miami Beach (separate from City of Miami), had to shell out a half billion to install 30+ water pumps to pump water out of Miami Beach (plans are for over 90 pumps for Miami and Miami Beach), expand their sea walls, and elevate streets and sidewalks to where now, many homes and businesses are becoming basement level. They are pumping the water into a body of water above their ground level now, just to sustain their tourism business. Miami Beach is a small body of land, and they are currently building more high price/ rent highrises, on already sinking land, gentrifying all nearby higher land, to also build more, and raising real estate to where only those with most money can live. Yet, you are looking at an area that is being taken by the water ... even on a sunny day, when there is high tide, no rain, the streets flood ... how long will the investments and development retain their value? ... and what kind of urban planning is this? ... it's insanity.

Many of the top wealth just figure that science and technologies will save them and the planet ... and it has to, because we're running out of options, and the intensity of all is moving faster than we can keep up with. Again, this is huge, and will be a huge challenge and loss, not just to the environment, but even to the economy ... the neglect for decades is also our fault, and much ignored because of extreme greed, and no one wants to pay a thing, waiting for someone else to pick it up. Oil and insurance companies are already scrambling, and we're just in the early stages ... even proposing to have carbon fees/ taxes, and giving money generated to the working classes, as a sort of basic income dividend. It's swell, thinking of their love for us and all, and of course, folks could use the couple hundred dollar check, I myself ... desperation for the $$buck$$, it'll nail you every time. First of all, with the cost of living, a couple hundred bucks won't even get you a week rent in a modest small flat in any of your major cities. As far as I'm concerned, keep your change, because it won't change a thing ... you can bet, that even that dividend will have some catch to it ... they have groups of experts, like lobbyists, that sit around all day, just devising wayz to make profits and fuck people/ consumers/ taxpayers. And we think that we can just reduce our government oversight, and have these corporate members appointed to run our government and importante departments/ agencies? ... it's insanity.

You cannot solve the problem either, simply fining and taxing these folks for spills, disasters, environmental, or even antitrust violations ... it's the same result as the banks they continuously fine over, and over, and over for cheating/ stealing from consumers, they still continue to cheat/ steal, etc. You can only get change from real punishment, and really enforcing regulations, and forcing them to comply to standards set by governments, not corporations only. They are crying to Washington to regulate them and make them pay more now? ... you know why? ... because they are being sued, they are also seeing competition from lower cost renewable energy, they are getting mass resistance from people, and businesses, etc. Sure they love us and want to give us a couple hundred bucks, so they can write the legislation, to make sure they are not held financially accountable or liable in any way for any disaster or whatever ill, they want complete immunity, because of what they see coming ... don't feed someone like myself, about your love for working class people, and our communities, etc ... we know what you're about. Better yet, maybe we should nationalize our utilities, see you bastards really whine then. All this talk about what our goals are for 2030, 2050 or whenever is fine, but it does not solve anything that we are having to face now. So, it's imperative that we need to tighten regulations, not loosen them, and enforce what needs to be. If they weren't so cheap, for example, you could have prevented the BP Gulf oil spill for under $10 million, and it wouldn't have happened ... the billions in fines and damages, most ended up paid by taxpayers ... it's insanity.

The glaciers of the world are now melting faster than we even thought they would, the water submerged bottoms, maybe up to 100x times faster (Livescience) ... do we think that they will stall from continuing, and wait until 2030 or 2050? We've been increasing our carbon output too, for economic expansion. We're lucky to have many working to solve our climate crisis, while so many stall. Again, we need the help of science and technology ... we're tight for time. We need not only every kind of carbon capture system we can implement, but even take more risky moves, such as solar geoengineering ... which has been in the worx, for years. It'll be met with skepticism, fear, and conspiracy talk ... but, we're pressed for time, and must try things we haven't before. We don't know yet what putting massive amounts of chemicals into the stratosphere may do, but testing is needed ... if we want to reflect away some of the sunlight. Then we have to see what impact it'll have on agriculture, weather, forests, etc, after all, we still need sun. There's also work being done in the oceans/ waters, to try to protect them from damages. A question some have, is who will pay for it? ... but, we may get to a point, where we will have to overlook monetary costs, we certainly won't take our money to the grave. Example ... all these folks have so much money, they're whining that they don't know what to do with it (Business Insider) ... well ... here's an opportunity to solve that problem. I got some links of interest below, and I wanted to close at the bottom with a video/ speech from Greta Thunberg of Stockholm, Sweden, she sums it up short and sweet. We spend too much time listening to CEO's, prepaid politicians, and charlatan preachers, that will get us nowhere, because ... it's insanity.

Word Out ....


 Prof. Michael Mann            Prof. Daniel Rothman

***** THE REAL NEWS NETWORK | PROF. MICHAEL MANN: New Study Predicts Millions of Americans May Become Exposed To "Off the Charts" Heat ... (video/ audio/ transcript)

***** THE REAL NEWS NETWORK | PROF. DANIEL ROTHMAN: Study: Breaching 'Carbon Threshold' Could Trigger Mass Extinction in Oceans ... (video/ audio/ transcript)

***** NATURE SCIENCE JOURNAL | JEFF TOLLEFSON: First sun- dimming experiment will test a way to cool Earth ... (newsread)

***** AXIOS | AMY HARDER: In major shift, corporate America demands climate change action from Congress ... (newsread)

***** NEW STATESMAN | ELEANOR PENNY: Who gets to survive climate change ... (newsread)

How climate change threatens to wreck the economy ... Thanx to CNBC

***** THE WASHINGTON POST | IAN LIVINGSTON: A record- challenging Greenland climate pattern is boosting extreme weather in North America and Europe ... (newsread)

You Are Stealing Our Future: Greta Thunberg, 15, Condemns the World's Inaction on Climate Change ... Thanx to Democracy Now!


***** PD/ RCJ: "GLOBAL WAR'N'ING" ... PART'S 59 THRU 1


Related image



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. The percentage of Americans who reject anthropogenic global warming has been decreasing steadily, probably because of the increase in extreme weather events. Even people who don't understand science are noticing that things like major hurricanes and extreme heat waves are happening much more often now than when they were younger. A few people probably think climate change is God's punishment for the legalization of gay marriage (not a joke -- Michele Bachmann actually said that), but the number who are that whacked-out is pretty small.

    The people who are investing in building on vulnerable land probably think the problem will be solved somehow before it endangers those areas. They may be right -- most other major countries are rapidly expanding development of non-fossil-fuel energy, and some US states are taking their own steps even though the federal government is AWOL on this as long as the Republicans are in power. If that turns out not to be enough, I suspect we'll eventually move to geo-engineering solutions like covering huge areas of land with reflective material. The problem can be solved -- the question is how much damage will be done in the meantime.

  2. I been looking into much else as far as the infrastructure for flooding, and looking at it in various countries, I just limited the links I put on this posting. So much going on in different continents. Yesterday as I was posting this, the northeast was getting hammered again with heavy storms, flooding, high winds ... NYC to Boston area. Bachmann said that, eh? ... don't surprise me much, coming from her ... she's Hell when she's well {:-) Hell, some guy about a month ago was telling me that he never seen the storms and amount of tornadoes at once like this in one area, in his entire life, come to recall. Thanx for your input on this, Infidel ....

    **** got a little possum in my house, only bout as big as my hand and wrist, just tried to communicate with him/ her, trying to get him/ her to go outside, when he was here on the chair by my computer, he ran off on me, now I got to try to find it, he/ she's so cute, and I don't want to hurt it. Think it's one of the kids of the large one that comes out on my patio late night, which is much larger ... guess it feeds on what's left over that I feed the squirrels.
