Tuesday, August 6, 2019

TULSI GABBARD PRESIDENTIAL RUN 2020: Highlights from First and Second Democratic Debates & Leery Russian Conspiracy ... The "Slavocracy Hypocrisy" Edition ... (TULSI GABBARD PT.3)- (AGGRESSIVE PROGRESSIVE PT.5)- (PUBLIC PATRIOTS PT.64)

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**** Tulsi Gabbard for President- Official Website- TULSI 2020

First of all, my condolences to families and victims of the last 2 mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton (CNN). Last I heard, was that the Republican Party and President's response to it, is that it was video games that caused this shooting, and mental illness. Usually they will say that the gunman is responsible, because he pulled the trigger ... so on that note, I will respond to the Republican and President's response, saying what they usually say out of the other side of their mouths, which they should understand, eh? ... that it wasn't the video game that pulled the trigger, but the shooters. I was in a gun sales store a while back, and a clerk showing me a gun (again, because I heard this before), said that liberals were trying to take away our guns, when I signed a petition to support gun rights. When I told her I was a independent who votes democrat, she looked confused, however, she was happy to let me sign the petition ... I support the U.S. Constitution strongly. I told the lady, while checking out some firearms ... that it is not liberals that are fucking up our gun rights, but these shooters who can't control their shit when they get the red- ass. Bottom line ... don't blame liberals ... blame the shooters. I started with BB and Pellet guns at around 9- 10 years old, been around guns my whole life, supported the NRA previously for decades, etc. But people are justified in their anger over these shootings ... I can't even understand why the NRA actually opposed strengthening stricter background checks ... that is all most people asked for ... it's sad. And we do have a President that fans the flames of racism, whether intentionally or not ... he is as bad as the video games that he speaks against ... that's the hypocrisy too. The President calls the shooter a coward ... no ... you're the coward Mr. President, and a compulsive liar ... because you have advocated stricter background screening in the past, but when your party and the NRA tell you to back down, instead of supporting the people and answering their call ... you act like a coward and kiss up to those who are part of the problem. You have been a coward your entire life, and will alwayz be ... unless you act, instead of running your big mouth.


But anywayz, this posting will be to highlight Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, this will be Part 3 of "Tulsi Gabbard", Part 5 of "Aggressive Progressive", and Part 64 of the "Public Patriots" series of this journal/ blog. The reason I wanted to highlight Tulsi, is because of the good job she done as far as in the Democratic debates, so I wanted to highlight the parts of debates with her. I don't think that Tulsi has quite reached yet all the requirements to be in the September debates (The Hill), but she has met the donor requirement so far, she is just right on the edge of making it ... so we'll just have to see how that goes. I've liked Gabbard for years, as well as Bernie Sanders (this journal's series), who I voted for in the 2016 primaries, and Elizabeth Warren (this journal's series). Warren has been my first choice of candidates, even though I like Sanders and Gabbard very much ... but I like all 3 differently, for their own individual qualities. The reason Warren was my first choice, is simply because of so many issues we have that involve neoliberal economics that has been on the rise ... if I learned anything in life ... it's the importance of a good attorney. Everything in this country evolves around the $$buck$$ and markets ... everything, including our political climate, the big money owns a large part of that too. Warren's track record shows that she has what it takes to keep folks in check that are running game on us ... and her background in bankruptcy law is a plus ... she has busted ass on Capitalism Hill (aka Capitol Hill), and has a very good understanding of good business vs. scams. We need that, because even as Gabbard points out ... it is these corporate lobbies almost solely "drafting" all the legislation ... this is NOT good for consumers/ workers/ taxpayers, and the reason we are taking so many hits, because it's getting to the point, where nothing is done in the people's interest. You must have balance in any good ran business, and consumers and workers are an importante part of good balanced business ... it's NOT to shut out shareholders, or send rich folks to the poor house, it's just good ethics, which pay off for all in the long run. We are still kissing up to a slavocracy of hypocrisy, that hasn't a goddamn thing to do with preserving Democracy, but destroying all that we fought for and built over decades ... demanding balanced business is damn straight in order, period.

Some folks think Gabbard was too hard, or let's just say impolite, in calling out Kamala Harris's track record ... I myself don't feel that way, better now than later, it would come out at some point, and should! I known about Harris's background for some time, so it didn't even faze me. I mean, people like Harris are part of the fucken problem ... I myself know about the mass incarceration (this journal's series) too, and been in the system as an inmate myself, and convicted ... but with me, I was in jail for stuff I actually done, I deserved to be busted and in jail, many don't, and it's become a big money making racket, period. However, I did utilize all my rights in the courts ... and was firm with my defense attorneys, as far as how we're going to present my defense/ case in courts, appeals, and related. Gabbard's points on the screwed up health care system in this country is also needed ... it's not being addressed in a meaningful way ... it's not being "too left", it's common sense as far as the consumer/ patients getting ripped off, these corporations even milk our Medicaid system and government. You can't tell us any longer, that there is nothing that can be done ... when the ACA (aka ObamaCare) was put together, they shut out President Obama's 20% public option proposal ... which was a great idea in my view, and truly bipartisan, because it gives healthcare providers/ corporations, the chance to competitively prove themselves, which is balanced business, and opens a 20% opportunity, for those who wish to choose and try another option, and opportunity, for that competitor/ option, to compete in the market place, and grow, if consumer demand likes the product, that's straight business, not the monopoly he currently have. Even some in his own party rejected it, and let corporate lobbyists become the lawmakers, drafting the legislation without consideration for what a majority in our country want, period. Without input from patients/ consumers, without negotiating prices, without making health care more efficient, less complex and more affordable. And if we continue to allow "corporations only" to draft all legislation ... you won't even get anything close to a good health care system in this country. And if you think the rates and plans are bad today, wait another 5 to 10 years, considering the way we're ignoring this problem ... because the costs/ rates are not going down, and becoming less and less affordable by the year, period. Some feel that Tulsi is too hard on questioning our intervention and defense spending abroad ... it should be questioned and reformed, we have lost and wasted billions, and are in worse relations with the global community. The hilarious part of this posting, is that some in the mainstream media are painting Tulsi (NBC link below) as a Russian tool or whatever. I expect that I'm considered a Russian tool by the mainstream, or even my Filippino wife who likes Tulsi, or others who question our actions and supports Tulsi's views {:-) Best of luck to Tulsi, and Thank You for your military service to America, and being so straight up in these debates ... great job! More below ....

Word Out ....

***** KAMALA HARRIS | WIKIPEDIA: I added this here, since the person that commented on this posting, mentioned about, are people ready for a practicing Hindu, such as Tulsi? Another link HERE (Politico), asking if Indian- Americans are ready for Harris? It appears as well, that Harris was also partially raised in a Hindu Temple (and a Baptist Church) as a child, and Harris's mother named Kamala and her sister after Hindu mythology.

Watch the 9 minutes that has America searching Tulsi Gabbard ... Thanx to Tulsi Gabbard

***** NBC NEWS: Russia's propaganda machine discovers 2020 Democratic candidate Tulsi Gabbard ... (newread)

Everything Tulsi Gabbard Said During the First Democratic Debate | NBC New York ... Thanx to NBC New York


***** PD/ RCJ: "TULSI GABBARD" ... PART'S 2 & 1




Image result for tulsi gabbard and abraham    Image result for tulsi gabbard in uniform
Tulsi & Abraham (husband)



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. Do you really think this country is ready for a President whose name spelled backwards is "Drab bag, I slut"? :-)

    Seriously, I don't know much about her since she's not one of the big five candidates that have attracted major support. She does talk well, a bit like Warren. But I know the Republicans and the fundies would go apeshit if there was any possibility of a Hindu becoming President. They'd be screaming that it's Satanism, "she worships cows", you know how it would go.

    With the ACA, Obama did the best that could be done at the time. He wanted a public option, but it wasn't doable back then. I'm sure he knew the ACA was a first step that would be improved on in the future.

    Bottom line ... don't blame liberals ... blame the shooters.

    True. These shootings are what's fueling the push for more restrictions on guns.

    I can't even understand why the NRA actually opposed strengthening stricter background checks

    The NRA is part of the problem too. They become ideological absolutists, opposed to any compromise, no matter how reasonable -- and that never sells well with most of the public. They can't be an effective advocacy group if most people think they're crazy.

  2. Ohh man, I haven't even thought about Tulsi being Hindu, I mean, I knew she was, but religion didn't even come in my head ... you may be right on that, as far as the cow worship thing, Satan, etc, etc ... you know them folks ... no tellin what they would come up with. I never even thought of rearranging the letters of her name ... what a trip. I mean I liked her for a long time, though. Several Democrats made some good points though, and there is such a wide selection ... I am glad though, that they are at least discussing/ debating so many issues ... the Republicans would never have such a diversified selection, concerning those subjects. Yeah, the NRA don't even want to budge an inch ... a little confusing to me ... the majority of people are NOT asking to take away everyones guns ... maybe they think it's a slippery slope ... I don't know. Like I said, I like Warren alot, don't know currently where she stands (that poll stuff changes like the weeks). I will of course be voting for whoever the nominee is, including Harris, so it doesn't matter if I like them personally as a first pick. Trump is just worse by the month, he has lightened up a little, very little ... but going back to the private sector, would be the best thing for him, he's not cut out to represent such a large diversified body of interests, regardless of how great he thinks he is doing. I would take Romney, W.Bush, McCain, or just about any other Republican over this guy. I do know whoever gets the nomination will probably be labeled as a socialist ... don't even have to be Bernie ... to Republican establishment, they think that all of them will take this country into socialism, and will say we will all be in socialized medicine tent lines, and eating in soup kitchens, corporations, doctors, banks, and all the rich folks will run to get out of the country, etc. Thanx for your input here, Infidel.

  3. I actually like a lot of what I've seen of Harris (though not the points Gabbard brought up in the video you posted). Right now I'm sort of leaning toward a Biden/Harris ticket, though of course it's far too early to be making real decisions about whom to support. Harris would make a good "attack dog", which is often the role of the VP candidate.

    Trump is a con man, plain and simple. He's pulled off the greatest con job in history, getting himself elected President -- and now, like the dog who's caught the car he was chasing, he doesn't know what the hell to do.

    The fundie wingnuts judge everything by religion. Everything. American politics is now basically a religious war. That's what it amounts to.

  4. Not quite sure about Biden ... I mean, of course I would vote if he was the nominee. But he seems to be ill or something, as if he's not feeling too well ... not sure what it is ... maybe he just wasn't up too much for the debates. I'm sure he knows his stuff though, as long as he been in there. He's the most well known though, and the establishment likes him. I of course like to get the most progressive types we can possibly get, only because there are so many issues that folks will be wanting action on, such as all the issues being talked about. Warren has such a full plate of plans, even if you were to ONLY get a small fraction of all her plans ... it would be a plus. The health care will also be a mess, health care in the U.S. is damn near 18% of the GDP, and any plan, let alone Medicare for All ... even if we, without corporate influence, and all progressives writing it ... it would have a ripple impact on the economy. We are just in a mess looking at that, because there is so much invested in health care in this country .... even with a small public option, the industry would feel it. It should have never gotten this damn deep, like much else, it's a too big to fail entity. I don't know what they're going to do about health care ... it's sad that the corporations won't even allow competition, price negotiation expansion, or whatever ... it's almost like a monopoly and cancer all together. Of course many are optimistic, that we will get a Medicare for All ... but looking closely at what we have and who drafts what ... it looks very difficult to get. They were confident back in 08- 09 too ... and saying we would have a universal system or whatever ... I called that one right on the money ... this time it even looks harder, because it is that much bigger and deeper of a problem than a decade ago. And health care prices are climbing fast ... it cannot sustain itself as a viable industry without some kind of control or intervention from the government, and they can't make it only with a smaller percentage who can afford it. The whole reason they (corporations) drafted ObamaCare/ ACA the way they did ... was to be able to get that 30- 40 million or so poor folks to be paying premiums to the industries ... and to be able to get Medicaid pouring money into the industries more. Too long story ....
