Saturday, May 23, 2020

From LOSS of PERMAFROST & The Time Travelling Viruses ... to The Warmth & Feeding The BREEDING of The Infectious ... The "Crud in the Mud" Edition ... (GLOBAL WAR'N'ING PT.64)


This posting will be a Part 64 for the "Global War'n'ing" series of this journal/ blog. I mentioned in this series in previous postings, such as Part 63, about another threat from global warming, but never really devoted a posting to this threat, so this will take a look at it. Being that, most of the focus has been on the destructive parts to/of the air, land, water, infrastructure, etc, that results from the climate change and severe weather events. Then other postings that show how we can change this, and the wayz to do it, while building a new robust and sustainable future energy transition, economy, etc. So this will focus a bit more on the things like a virus, that can cause more harm to humans/ animals directly ... and the timing I figure is appropriate, since we are smack dab in this COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, we are still deep in this pandemic, don't fool yourself, even though you will hear folks saying that we defeated it, or we're stronger than it, time to go back to normal, or related thought and talk. Some may ask "what does the Arctic or Antarctic have to do with us? ... who the fuck lives there?", and that the north and south poles are on complete opposite sides of the globe. These poles have been critical to our ecosystem and our evolution, is why ... you may wonder what is the difference between a couple degrees increase in temps? ... after all, we live through heat waves. What seems like a couple degrees not meaning much, is as critical as if your body temperature rises a few degrees ... if you're okay at 98 degrees "body" temp, if you just go a few degrees over that, you're not going to be well, and likely sick ... that's how critical temps are to "life" as we know it. You may say that thawing and refreezing are just the normal cycles, it alwayz happens year after year, what's the big deal? The problem is, that it's losing its "balance", because not only the slight temp increases, but the length of that warming ... look at it like when your car engine starts showing gradual increases overheating, you know something ain't right, and you do something about it ... we depend on our environment, just as you may depend on your vehicle for a "living". These are the kind of questions, though ... that I heard folks ask, is why I mention this.

Listening to these scientists over the years, and their findings, had really caught my interest in this. Seeing that now, we have went so far into this warming as a result of our actions and industries, that we have some real problems ... just as if you neglect your car, you're going to have problems. This thawing is causing waters to flow into others, with all kinds of crud in it, including ancient bacteria, that been frozen solid for thousands of years ... they are now running into streams, lakes, seas. This means that we have increased amounts, and even more dangerous amounts of things like mercury feeding the fish populations, that we feed from, which also feeds our fishing industries. We now have new formed lakes/ ponds all over this arctic region, that are bubbling with methane ... we are looking at increases in carbon dioxide going into the atmosphere, at levels higher than our carbon output, at that. On top of all that, what infrastucture we have in these regions, even for industry, as well as forests are falling apart from the ground movement, even in Canada, massive sinkholes, etc ... which also is damaging to industry of any kind, including oil/ gas, not only the environment ... we are fucking ourselves and everything else, by our actions. We are also seeing an explosion of mosquito populations, and chances of them carrying infectious diseases ... and this is no longer limited to the usual known mosquito regions ... they been having a growing problem in areas like the Toronto/ Buffalo region for example, so many new areas, that are not hot and humid hotbeds like the U.S. gulf coast. And these areas that are hot humid areas, will probably see increases in infections from things like ticks and mosquitoes, and then they transmit to the human/ animals/ pets, and that travels to the cities. Example, for those who fish or hunt in a place like southeast Texas, Lousiana ... such as I did quite a bit, if when you get something, you bring it home. I would hunt in southeast Texas, which I know first hand how full it was with mosquitoes, ticks and snakes at certain times of the year ... and go home after, into central Houston where I lived, mosquito bites and all. So the idea that what happens in these remote areas, whether in the woods, or at the pole areas, are far from us, is wrong ... things spread, and quickly, by us, and through us.

And it's NOT too late to do anything about this, we've just been too damn slow at addressing this, we already have all the tools we need to change this, and stay on top of anything that comes, and need to, because things are moving quicker and more than we've had to deal with in the past. We wouldn't even be here, if we just listened before, years back. We already have the ability and technology to even carbon capture, it's been done all over, and proven ... just a simple thing like that in industry could have already made a difference. Even without shutting down industries, we could have softened the blow ... but we have been so consumed with being so cheap and thinking "market" only ... even environmental disasters from accidents could have been prevented, time and again, just a matter of spending a few more bucks! They're still gonna drill, because of the global petrodollar dominance, which gives a sense of confidence to the financial and national security sector (U.S.) ... but we don't have to be as reckless as we've been, nor do we need to use more and more fossil fuels, especially when we are globally spending $5 to $6 trillion a year to subsidize that, that isn't even renewable, we may use oil for much, but it's not needed for energy, or even to run cars, we are way past that. It's sickening having to hear some of these folks who have more money/ capital than they literally know what to do with, moan and whine about spending a dime extra ... and it's stupid, even from a business perspective. Even if you're a working class person from the economically challenged rural area, to folks that make their living on fishing on the U.S. gulf coast, or the person with a small business who depends on such ... you should be supporting these folks that are environmentalists, not criticizing them, what they are doing is in everyones interest, especially yours and your families. And this is global, and even those with the most wealth are very concerned about this, or else this and all related wouldn't be the hottest topics of concern at places like the World Economic Forum, year after year. The ripple effect of this and our actions, and inaction of addressing this more, has an impact on every single thing that is part of our lives, from social order to industry, to survival. Some read and video below to browse through, first part looks at the arctic region, the 2nd part below that on things like mosquitoes and ticks transmission. Try to have a fun Memorial Day weekend, and stay safe.

Word Out ....

***** BBC FUTURE | Tim Smedley: The poisons released by melting Arctic Ice ... (newsread)

***** SCIENCE DAILY | UC Davis: Melting Arctic sea ice linked to emergence of deadly virus in marine mammals ... (newsread)

Could thawing permafrost unleash long-gone dedaly viruses? ... Thanx to FRANCE 24 English

Thawing permafrost and the prehistoric mud


***** PD | RCJ: "GLOBAL WAR'N'ING" ... PART'S 63 THRU 1


***** MASSIVE SCIENCE | Max Levy: Mosquito-borne diseases get a boost from climate change ... (newsread)

***** MEDICAL NEWS TODAY | James Kingsland: How might climate change affect the spread of viruses? ... (newsread)

How global warming is causing more cases of mosquito-born diseases ... Thanx to Your Morning




***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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