Wednesday, April 22, 2020

EARTH DAY 2020 | 50TH ANNIVERSARY: A Picture PERFECT Fair Solution to AIR and WATER Pollution ... The "Eyes on the Skies" Edition ... (GLOBAL WAR'N'ING PT.63)- (THE AWAKENING PT.57)

Beautiful clear view of Downtown Los Angeles, post coronavirus shutdown ... LA's longest stretch of clean air on record

This posting will serve the "Global War'n'ing" and "The Awakening" series of this journal/ blog, in recognition of the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, and to salute all those folks that busted ass over the years to push environmental protections. I also wanted to have this event we are experiencing recorded in this journal, because it is such a rare event ... I mean, we have millennials these dayz, that live in large cities, that never had the opportunity to even witness skies this clear ... imagine that ... it's the truth. Even LA's mountains can be clearly seen all around town, amateur astronomers that can see moon crater details from their home, parts of India, folks can see the Himalayas from up to 125 miles away, not seen in 30 years, and folks noticing they can breathe better. Sadly it took a global lockdown due to a pandemic to awaken us and put our eye to the sky ... to see what we been missing. It's remarkable how in only a couple months we see such drastic improvement environmentally, with air and waters cleaning up so quickly ... can you imagine what it would be like after a couple years of not trashing the earth? The speedy cleansing and recovery from this illness of nature getting over this sickness that we imposed on it, shows us just how destructive we are, not just to the planet, but to ourselves. Just imagine, if we acted as quick as nature, we'd be in paradise right now, instead of this cesspool of misery. And right now, we are in such a hurry to get back to killing ourselves and environment ASAP, which is a solution of lunacy, even to the economies, that political mouthpieces say they want to preserve for our children's future ... which makes you wonder, what kind of future are they talking about at the rate we been going? ... a continuation of what we been doing?

We are and have been at a point, to where we have all the resources to go entirely green energy, right now. As a matter of fact, by doing so, it would not just be a major boost to the environment and health, it would be a such a huge project, that it would feed the economies across the board for years to come, because of the magnitude of transition. Over the last decade, I have posted and compiled in this "global war'n'ing" series many projects from engineers, to scientists, to entrepreneurs and investors ... from converting our vehicles, electric power, heating/ cooling, and replacing all we have, which is past due ... because we have everything that we need right now, and much already in motion. The only reason we are where we are, is because of a handful of industries who don't want anything to change, trying to squeeze every last breath and nickel they can out of the earth and people. 50 years ago, we didn't have yet what it takes to make such a transition, today we have it all and more ... but, we are starting to go backwards by increasingly funding these fossil fuels giants ... we (our Congress) are actually now, not just subsidizing these industries, but bailing them out during this pandemic, that are already swimming in profits, because they took a slight dip in profits. Frankly, they (big oil) don't need a bailout, they're already subsidized, gains and losses, here and there, are part of business and markets. If they want to stay in the energies/ fuels business, they need to learn to keep up with technologies and the times, be competitive, or else go out of business ... you know, like business meets consumer demand? We should be making policies for these mega industries to invest in a more sustainable energy model, that serves the times, environment, needs, and consumers ... while creating a robust future economy much improved from what we have ... you know ... for our children (as they say).

Some read and views below ... and I wanted to close out with a Bill McKibben interview with Democracy Now.

Word Out ....

Blue skies and clean air in Los Angeles after coronavirus lockdown ... Thanx to CBS This Morning

***** CNN | Helen Regan: Air pollution falls by unprecedented levels in major global cities during coronavirus lockdowns ... (newread/ video)

***** DAILY MAIL | Chris Pleasance: Before and after images show how coronavirus lockdown is ridding cities of their air pollution and clearing the earth's skies ... (photos/ video)

Bill McKibben on Earth Day at 50: We Must Stop Subsidizing Fossil Fuel Industry Wrecking the Planet ... Thanx to Democracy Now!


***** PD | RCJ: "GLOBAL WAR'N'ING" ... PART'S 62 THRU 1

***** PD | RCJ: "THE AWAKENING" ... PART'S 56 THRU 1




***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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