Friday, April 10, 2020

THE VISIBLE ENEMY- TRUMP & THE GOP: Reckless Endangerment & Crimes Pertinent ... The "Democracy's Demise" Edition ... (POLITICAL CORRUPTION & ETHICS PT.16)- (COVID-19 | 2020 PT.3)


George W. Bush Urged Us to Prepare for Future Pandemics in 2005 | NowThis ... Thanx to NowThis News

This posting will be for the "Political Corruption & Ethics", and "Covid-19 2020" series of this journal/ blog ... a quick opening video above of what President George W. Bush warned Americans of in 2005, as far as preparing for the next pandemic, which was importante. The first video below, is 15 years after President Bush was pointing this out ... of President Trump, and his response to the pandemic, as it is infecting his city of New York, with hundreds dying daily. This posting is to have a quick update on some of the events, and particularly looking at the corruption that is increasingly clearer, not an "invisible enemy", as President Trump would put it ... but the "visible enemy" that we're at war with ... which is him and his administration. You have people with much wealth, like our President, some in politics, even the corporate/ banking world, that make decisions that kill many, and killed millions over the years ... they're your enemy. They chose to be our/ your enemy, and they started it all, they attacked us, we didn't attack them ... we should defend ourselves, as if they're a virus, because they are. They should be tried, imprisoned, and/ or executed by the majority, and replaced ... the last paragraph here explains this clearly. Some media folks on the left or even late night mainstream tele shows, make jokes about Trump and his moves, I don't find anything funny, cute, or entertaining about his handling of this crisis, or ripping us off ... he has took our country further into a hole, than what it already has been. While browsing through some newsread and videos, I selected a few below that inspired this update posting. At the bottom, I will add to it.

Donald Trump's coronavirus timeline: how the President's message has changed ... Thanx to Channel 4 News

***** AXIOS | Jonathan Swan, Margaret Talev: Peter Navarro memos warning of mass coronavirus death circulated in January ... (newsread/ memos)

***** ABC NEWS | Josh Margolin, James Gordon Meek: Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November: Sources ... (newsread/ video)

***** THE INTERCEPT | Mehdi Hasan: After Coronavirus, Let's Never Forget: Republicans Recklessly Put Our Lives in Danger ... (newsread/ article)

***** LOS ANGELES TIMES | Evan Halper, Janet Hook: After chaos in Wisconsin, fight intensifies over how to carry out presidential election amid pandemic ... (newsread)

People crowd Wisconsin polling stations during pandemic ... Thanx to CBC News: The National

***** MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL | Devi Shastri: In- person voting was likely a 'disaster' for Wisconsin's efforts to flatten coronavirus curve, national experts say ... (newsread)

***** THE JERUSALEM POST | REUTERS: Coronavirus: A holdout of US churches defy warnings for Easter ... (newsread)


Voters stand in long line in the pouring rain outside Marshall High School in Milwaukee on Tuesday. The city cut its polling places from 180 to five citing lack of workers willing to staff the polls during the coronavirus pandemic. (Coburn Dukehart photo for Wisconsin Watch)



***** PD | RCJ: "COVID-19 | CORONAVIRUS 2020" ... PART'S 2 & 1


Thomas Hudson Pickering/ Ranch Chimp         

Some may say that this is not the President's fault, some actually think he's doing a great job ... but the way he chose to deal with this, is entirely his fault. He knew much more about this than what he claims, but chose to focus more on his political ratings and the stock markets, over doing everything in his power to defend his country and citizens, he contributed to thousands of deaths because of his inaction, as well. President Trump lacks integrity, or even any type loyalty to the people and country that he took an oath to serve, yet expects loyalty from everyone else. He's doing more damage because of his neglect, to the economy and stock market, that will likely stall recovery, and bring more misery and suffering. Frankly, the reason we have people in charge like Trump, and they get away with everything they do, including all kinds of crimes, is because we have a system that allows it, controlled by markets only, and insanity, saturated in pipe dreams, corporatocracy and theocracy, with legalized corruption. Any other people that are not part of this cesspool of aristocracy, would be criminally charged and tried for the crimes that people like Trump commit. In a country like communist China, he and even many of those in the corporate world that rob our country blind, would be imprisoned at least, and probably in Trump's case, be executed swiftly ... even in the underworld of organized crime, he would have been executed quickly ... and of course, it would be justified and in order, not because of incompetence, but his intentional disregard and reckless endangerment of everyone, and everything that we depend on to survive. I feel he's done a terrible job, and I'm going on performance and record, not on politics. Trump took a position and failed this country terribly in the worst crisis in my lifetime (I'm 64). He has the power and has all the top people and advisors whether science or finance to utilize, he has executive powers that can change things in a heartbeat. I hear all the time out of him, only about business and his fantastic handling of this and his approval ratings ... he is not of any value to this country, or even the wartime leader or whatever kind of leader he claims to be ... he's nothing but a two bit charlatan. We should learn from this, and do everything possible to make sure no one like this guy ever gets the Presidency again. He is probably the most unethical person in a top position of government that I have seen, and compulsive liar.

The longer this President is in power, the worse he will get, unless he miraculously changes overnight, which is not likely ... and he is willing to put millions more in harms way, just to keep power. He is really not much different, than most of the worst well known dictators of the world over the last couple hundred years. And he has not done a thing for all his supporters in states that so strongly support him ... they are no better off with him as President, nor did they get any of what he promised of any worth and substance that could be beneficial to their lives. His boldness and irresponsibility is unprecedented in U.S. presidents of past. He has publicly stated that he don't take responsibility for anything in this crisis, and instead of admitting any fault on anything, he blames the previous Obama Administration, the Democrats, and everyone from the World Health Organization, down to his own intell network and people he appointed in his own administration, if needed ... all the qualities of any fascist dictator. He'll hire you and love you, and just as quickly fire you and hate you, in short time ... he has so many afraid to even tell him things that need to be done, out of fear of being fired. He runs his office like a business selling fast food franchises, with a day trader mentality as far as strategies to invest ... and when you put someone like that in charge, especially as disorganized as he is, and giving him anything close to a blank check on spending ... you're asking for trouble. The reason the Republicans support him, is because they feel they're losing favour, not because they like him, they like that he is good at conning people. This is also why Republicans needed to do so much as far as gerrymandering, they will support and do whatever, including destroying whatever democracy we still have, to maintain power. They're also trying to rush through another stimulus, without adequate consideration and help to those millions who can't work, while wanting very minimal oversight of any stimulus money distribution to small businesses through banks or anyone they enrich ... cloaking it in "free market" or related nonsense. They are also responsible for voter suppression, and encouraging folks to go out and vote even in a pandemic, instead of delaying the vote or supporting alternative methods ... or telling folks to go to church gatherings, knowing of the danger they are putting people in, or to work before it is safe, all in the name of freedom, or sacrificing their lives for the stock market/ Wall Street. A closing video below of pandemics history.

Word Out ....

Spanish Flu: a warning from history ... Thanx to Cambridge University **** this video is from 30 november 2018



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. He knew much more about this than what he claims, but chose to focus more on his political ratings and the stock markets

    Well, that and playing golf.

    I think you've got his character right. It was sheer luck that the country went three and a half years without a really major crisis that would turn Trump's incompetence into a real disaster. That luck has run out now, big time.

    And he certainly isn't helping his supporters. They're going to get hit harder than anyone else once the virus gets really entrenched in the red states, because they listened to his bullshit instead of to the doctors and scientists, and didn't take precautions.

  2. Infidel: Absolutely, whatever state, red or blue, listening to the science is critical, because frankly, this can repeat itself more than once, and easily. I know this is driving some folks nuts, and folks want to work, mingle, etc ... but there is an easier way or a harder way to get a handle on this. I woke this morning, turned on the tele news, and Trump said he was starting some new task force, like "Operation Back to Normal" or "Back to Work" (similar wording) or whatever, he said he will decide when we need to get back to work, basically, get the economy back, etc ... he also said he will get some kind of help through spiritualism/ prayer of some kind, to make his decision ... geeeezzz, at this point, I have no trust whatsoever in any decisions he makes, and neither should anyone else ... he's playing a gamble, and the risks for everyone on his bets are too high, with bad odds. But he also said he will listen to medical/ science experts (meaning, he didn't the first time) ... but he said that staying at home kills people too. Yeah, staying at home can kill too, in America, because people can't afford to do nothing, pay living expenses, or rents/ mortgages, or even get healthcare, if they can't earn any money. Incredible, that when the big banks feel even slight tension (what was called investment banks, are now bank holding companies to sugarcoat them, and they get a blank Fed check with new legislation made after the last 08 recession), they get filled up with money presto! from the Fed at the click of a mouse, just comes out of nowhere, and is unlimited, no debate, no Congressional intervention, etc ... of course that makes the financial economy safer. When it comes to stimulus for workers/ public (and workers been waiting for weeks for that $1200 stimulus check, at that), and the real econonomy we live in, our Congress has to fight tooth and claw between the left and right, then has to "borrow" the money, we even borrow from communist China, for that matter. And the oversight of money that we feed to banks, is mainly done by the banks, themselves. Hopefully, Trump will be out of office soon as possible, and a new administration can handle this. Even Democrats, if they controlled the Congress and Oval Office, would have been way more considerate and sensible at handling this crisis, than Trump and Republicans are ... no doubt, just looking at both their actions. Thank You for your input here.
