Saturday, July 11, 2020

MELISSA REIN | QANON KAREN: Don't SCREW with a White Blonde $40,000 Rolex wearing JEW ... The "Pumped on Trump" Edition ... (LADIES a Lil on the HOT & SPICY side PT.11)- (DON'T BE ALARMED PT.22 ... "You're in Trump Country")

This posting will be for 2 series of this journal/ blog ... "LADIES a Lil on the HOT & SPICY side" and "Don't Be Alarmed" ... I had no idea what a "Karen" was, or what "QAnon" meant, I had to look it up. Just a little humour here, because I kept laughing when I seen this video the other day of Melissa Rein in front of a Target store in Arizona saying "Baaaaaaa ... Baaaaaaa" to customers coming out of the store wearing masks, referring to them as sheep! {:-) She also went into Target and started taking all of the face masks off the racks and throwing them around, angry as Hell over masks. Then she gets questioned by police at her hotel later, that was unrelated to the Target incident ... who her husband (ex), Jared Lively, called on her, to do a wellness check, she ends up getting busted for something or another, etc. She said Target was only harassing her, because she is a blonde white woman wearing a $40,000 Rolex watch ... and told the cops at her hotel that she was a spokesperson for the White House and Trump, and that the cops were some Nazi gestapo deep state shit, harassing her because she is Jewish ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh {:-) The first link below is a article she wrote in the Scottsdale Independent, she was very concerned with the coronavirus, and not enough being done about it ... which is interesting, because it's like a complete opposite view. The 2nd link is how this all led to her getting dumped by hubby Jared ... who is so in love with her and worried about her mental health, that he gave her the boot ... a "very american" trait ... kind of like apartment complexes, telling you they are concerned about you not being able to pay your rent on time, because of lay off or hours cut, etc, so they tell you, you have 72 hours to get out, call the cops on you, and throw you in the fucken street. The 3rd link, is a look at some trouble she been having with a PR firm before all this.

Melissa has been really a go getter, she had her own PR firm, she was CEO and founder of, a fairly successful husband, hung out at all the right places and social circles, knew the right people to make good business, etc, etc ... she does pretty well, in my view. So what in Hell happened? I think it was just all the shit she been going through, and with the restraining orders against her, hubby, etc ... like the perfect storm ... and then getting pumped on Trump, which you shouldn't listen to much of anything he sayz, because it's all just garbage, and can make you miserable, if you don't let it go in one ear and out the other ... face it, he's (Trump) just a miserable guy. I included the videos below that had me laughing ... and included a video I want to dedicate to Melissa below, called "Dust Devil" ... concerning "BAAAAAAA ... BAAAAAAA" {:-) Hope she gets well, and gets past this, and has some fun for a change. And for you guyz out there like me, that likes them galz a little on the edge and the hot and spicy side ... Melissa is now single, she's beautiful, full of fire, and ready to go ... you go grrrrlll !!

Word Out ....

***** SCOTTSDALE INDEPENDENT | Melissa Rein Lively: Lively: Mayor Lane needs to protect Scottsdale residents now before it's too late ... (opinion/ newread)

***** 2OCEANSVIBE NEWS | Carrie: This US Mask Meltdown Video Ends In Divorce ... (newsread) *** and Jared Lively Facebook post

***** PHOENIX NEW TIMES | Elizabeth Whitman: Jason Rose's PR Firm Feud Escaltes From YouTube to Restraining Orders ... (newsread)

Insane Karen with '$40,000 Rolex' trashes Target face mask display And Plays Jew Card ... Thanx to Content Wealth


***** PD | RCJ: "LADIES a Lil on the HOT & SPICY side" ... PART'S 10 THRU 1

***** PD | RCJ: "DON'T BE ALARMED" ... PART'S 21 THRU 1


Butthole Surfers Dust Devil ... Thanx to hutrputr **** I wanted to dedicate this ol' favourite song of mine to Melissa, with love from the Ranch, from the Butthole Surfers out of San Antonio (TX) ... the LYRICS HERE are fitting to help understand and ease your frustration, Dear .... BAAAAAAA .... BAAAAAAA {:-) ..... XOXO Ranchy




***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. Good afternoon, how are you? I am Brazilian, from Rio de Janeiro and looking for new followers for my blog. And I will follow yours with pleasure. New friends are also welcome, no matter the distance.

  2. Hey Luiz! ... Thanks for stopping by ... not sure how much pleasure you can get from my blog, but welcome. I been going through your blog, and some of your blog list of associates. I have to say you do have some remarkable looking photos of your country ... I can see why you love it ... it's awesome, indeed. I have a few friends over the years, that been to Brazil, and have told me how cool it was, a few were musicians who also toured there, so I have heard many cool things about it for probably 40 years or so. I also heard good things about neighbouring Ecuador ... dated a lady once when I was younger that was from neighbouring Peru, as well. Take care of the coronavirus and stay safe.
