Thursday, August 27, 2020

JACOB BLAKE: Black & Shot in the BACK, WITHOUT looking Back ... & The POLITICS of U.S. Policing Policies ... The "Protest in Detest" Edition ... (POLICE BRUTALITY PT.36)- (THINKING OF THE KIDS? PT.11)

Jacob and his kidz

This posting will be for 2 series of this journal/ blog, "Police Brutality" & "Thinking of the Kids?". I started this posting, got interrupted, came back to finish post a couple dayz later. It's to look at the recent shooting of Jacob Blake by police in Kenosha, WI ... who was shot in the back at point blank range multiple times by police, after a woman called police on him, cops arrived at scene to question him, also found Jacob had an active felony warrant. But nothing, whether warrant, past, or this call/ stop, gives any reason for this officer to use this kind of force, and attempt to murder Jacob. It's remarkable that Jacob pulled through, but the damage to his body, arm, kidney, spinal cord, liver, etc, will be some challenge. And this is America, which means even a health insurance company may likely refuse to pay, if he is insured, using like an excuse of happening in a criminal offense or related ... because care, rehab, treatment, etc, would be most expensive in U.S. costs. This guy is only 29 years old and father of young children, 3 of which that were in the vehicle that their dad was shot in. And despite his condition, to where he can't even move the bottom half of his body, he is shackled to his hospital bed. Now unshackled, since bond was posted for Jacob's outstanding warrant, so without new charges, he cannot be shackled/ cuffed, and under guard/ watch. It's common to have a guard, if a person has charges against them, considered a flight risk, and even handcuffed to their bed. But in Jacob's case, considering his immobility, charges/ warrant, or whatever ... this is just insulting and disrespectful to his family and community. This is another reason why I posted this piece on what to do if being stopped by police in America ... because in America, especially if you're black, it's easier to get killed, or hurt bad. Not all officers are the same, but there are some out there, that no matter what training you try to give them, they may feel differently about how they treat people of colour, ethnicity, class, etc ... it's just something embedded in them, and with some probably goes back to childhood. These type officers, should be dismissed from their duties/ job ASAP, when made/ discovered, because several have many red flags, from previous encounters they had with civilians/ suspects. The opening video below, from family, is 2 minutes, summed up perfectly by Jacob's older sister, Letetra ... hear the woman out. Some news links below of overall events through the shooting. At the bottom, I'll add my input.

'I don't want pity, I wan't change': Jacob Blake's sister gives emotional testimony ... Thanx to Guardian News

***** WBAY2 ABC | GREEN BAY: Police association: Jacob Blake physically struggled with officers before shooting ... (newsread)

***** ABC NEWS: Authorities identify Kenosha cop who shot Jacob Blake, say Blake had knife ... (newsread/ vdeo)

      Best Quotes Today » I don't even call it violence when it's in self defense;  I call it intelligence. — Malcolm X




Thomas Hudson Pickering (Ranch Chimp)

There is still much that will unfold in this, so this is changing by the day, because of the lengthy investigation, and who will be charged with what. This is not to jump the gun either, because of that ... but to take a look at what there is so far. I have watched these videos several times, I zoomed in as much as I could and slowed the speed. And hearing different stories about this "knife", as far as where it was, either in his hand, possession, under drivers side front floor mat, side of drivers side seat on floor, in the hand of Jacob as officers were trying to apprehend him, etc. Official report sayz it was on drivers side floor, yet officers say it was in his hand, and Jacob admitted to having a knife. I can't seem to see any knife in his hand so far, maybe it was small?, or the angle I was looking at?, and several witnesses at scene, said that he was not displaying any knife when officers confronted him, there was not much physical threat by Jacob that I could see in the other video, besides resisting, before he went to the drivers side to get in the SUV. All I see is a couple officers with guns pointed directly at him while he walked away refusing to comply with officers requests, Jacob didn't even turn around at that point, so he was not even facing them, not once as he walked to the drivers side door did he even look back. When he started to get in the vehicle, the officer held and pulled Jacob's shirt to perhaps stop him from getting in, while also shooting into his back at the same time. There was no regard from the officers for Jacob's little kids in the car, or the scene, because you never carelessly/ recklessly discharge your weapon with civilians and kids in striking distance (except in maybe a rare life/ death situation, like this), and this was only a few feet, and bullets ricochet, miss, etc ... there was also civilians and children within feet outside the vehicle. His children in vehicle will need trauma counseling, this should be also included filing for compensation for the kids. If this was mostly white people, in the same situation/ scene ... I doubt this would even happen, the cops would most likely handled it differently ... I mean, one of the reasons why I started this series years back, is because I witnessed this type of brutality and recklessness a few times over the years, first when I was a child myself. But of course, time after time in these cases, officers are going to say they felt threatened, a suspect can being lying face down, cuffed/ restrained, get shot point blank range in the back of the head, and the officer will say they felt threatened.

Yes, the use of force was way excessive of officer Sheskey, and remarkable it didn't end up a homicide. If the SUV that Jacob was trying to get into, was not his vehicle, as reports say, and he didn't arrive there with his 3 kids in back seat, that will change this case view quick, in a court ...or a district attorney assessing it, to decide what charges to bring against Sheskey. What I mean, is that, the initial report said that Jacob arrived at scene, and was breaking up a fight between 2 people. The police were called by a woman (said he was her boyfriend) that said he wasn't supposed to be on her property (restraining order?), and trying to take her vehicle keys. After this report/ complaint is called in, Jacob also gets a want/ warrant check that comes back flagged ... so the officer(s) responding to call, are told that the woman is being harassed and an attempt to take her keys, then find Jacob has outstanding warrant(s) for 3rd degree felony sexual assault, etc ... this is all that the officer(s) know that they're responding to. Officers on scene, get into squabble with subject/ Jacob, he refuses to comply, and argues with officers, they taser him twice, he doesn't go down from it, and walks around the vehicle that has the kids in it, which Jacob said was to check on kids. The defense for the officer in a court, may argue that his client (officer Sheskey) was acting in good faith of the children and following protocol, and worried that kids were going to be kidnapped, and Jacob told them he has a knife, was angry, etc ... just one of a few examples of how a defense team for Sheskey may present this. In a case like that, defense will say that officer also had no idea, because of the erratic behaviour of Jacob, outstanding felony warrant, and that Jacob may endanger the children, if Jacob drives off with them in that state of mind. After officers tased on 2 attempts and failed, they had approximately 7 seconds to make decision, of how to detain/ stop Jacob, as Jacob made his way around SUV ... that was the most importante seconds, and Sheskey being the veteran officer of the 3, made that decision to fire the shots, by himself only. It was intentional, and even as far as killing Jacob at that range, if that would have happened, but the circumstances, video, and all witnesses are going to decide what that District Attorney will charge Sheskey with ... and there's a chance that it may not be what the family of Jacob and community wants, or believe is fair, based on what you have at this point. But you have also outside investigations, and also possible civil rights violations.

The continuous protests are alwayz in order, and the only way you will get any decent action to begin with ... there was even a couple more police shootings going on, that isn't getting much media atencion ... this kind of thing is frequent in the U.S. The 17 year old Rittenhouse militia kid (NPR) that shot and killed 2 protesters, and injuring 1, most likely will use self defense. His defense already called it, but watching the video of that incident, I already knew how they were going to play that case, as far as his defense. I heard in the news that democrats and republicans in this election season, are blaming each other equally for the problems in America, as far as race, injustice, and these shootings, protests, etc ... this is where I agree with both parties at the same time ... because y'all both are part of the biggest problem in these policing policies and most of the other crap pushed upon people in this country. Much credit to the professional athletes, from Football, to Basketball, etc ... I'm a big fan of NFL Football, but this is more importante than missing some games. And this is the reason for continuing protests across the country week after week after week ... it's importante, just like the other day in front of Lincoln Memorial (Washington Post) ... taking it to the importante areas. Again, as I pointed out in earlier postings, you just don't want to protest in your community, or tear up your community, this is how they keep you contained ... you go to popular areas too, or you won't be heard. Example, last protests for George Floyd ... in Los Angeles this time, protesters didn't look much to South or East LA for getting their message out, they went up in to nicer sections of Beverly Hills and Santa Monica ... that's how you do it, in their face, of those with the power, money, and politics, and most importantly, make sure big business feels it. NBA or NFL players are importante, because it's a multi- billion industry, and when the big money gets disrupted and business as usual ... that's when you will get heard. Plus, it is those in big industries who will also pressure politicians when push comes to shove, because politicians won't do a bloody damn thing without being told to by their daddy (big business/ Wall Street). When you ask Washington "only", to act, they will talk, but nothing else, even though there is much they can do, to help get change. And when attempts are made on the floor in Congress, and bill drafts, they will make some lame last minute excuse, like the 10th Amendment, saying it's up to the states and local government's to make the change, although while campaigning, they all whine about criminal justice reform, and police brutality, inequality, etc, etc

Word Out ....




***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )


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