Thursday, August 20, 2020

JOE BIDEN | KAMALA HARRIS 2020: And Strategies for Building Strength and Determination to Demand Dignity and Democracy ... The "Trumpster to the Dumpster" Edition ... (America's Vote Boat PT.8)

Biden - Harris Ticket - The Tennessee Tribune    Early/Absentee Voting for April 7th Election - Ledgeview

It's a beautiful day here on the Ranch (Dallas) considering it's August in Texas, and the last thing on my mind was a posting on politics, I'm seriously burned out on politics ... but, we are in a unique political situation. So this posting will serve as Part 8 of the "America's Vote Boat" series of this journal/ blog. It will be this blog's endorsement and support for Biden and Harris for President and Vice. I'm also posting this as a progressive, because so many progressives, and even non- progressives, are angry and dislike both Biden and Harris, and in some cases, for good reason. Frankly, politicians are going to have some controversial unpopular things they supported or were against in their past ... both left and right. I myself didn't even care to hear the Democratic Convention, or the Republican Convention, nor to hear the pointless bitch fighting and debates between these 2 parties, good and evil bullshit, repetitious platitudes, plastic prayers, etc, etc. The people need to be more engaged and determined to strengthen our stand ... if you don't apply pressure, and only allow corporate interests to be heard, without giving them Hell ... you can't expect to change a thing in Washington. I wanted to open below with a short video from former President Obama, because it's short, straight to the point, simple, and common sense. I will add some words/ views of my own below.

Barack Obama condemns Trump in powerful Democratic convention speech ...  Thanx to Guardian News 




Thomas Hudson Pickering (Ranch Chimp)

Right now, I feel the most importante thing the people of this country can do, is to get rid of this President, Trump, and all his selections for various importante positions in his cabinet and various departments, especially those he put in these positions to destroy the functioning of these departments, whether education, housing development, energy, consumer protections, etc. These departments, that were designed to help, balance, and strengthen our society, and have helped us across the board, need to be strengthened if anything, not weakened, and not politically biased, their functions are to serve the interests of the country, of all, business, workers, consumers, citizens, etc. President Trump is taking this country into a deeper hole than what it is, with leadership qualities you would expect in a banana republic. Other countries that are even allies and key business partners are becoming weary and worried what this President may do, he sends the stock markets into dives just from his Tweets alone, and then builds them up with welfare/ tax break giveaways and false hopes. He is putting some countries that are NOT very stable, and like him, on the edge, and making us more vulnerable for attacks. He has also tried his luck at pushing paramilitary and military forces into American cities, without talking it out with cities or anyone else, and disregard for the Constitution ... thinking his office gives him the right to just kill folks if he feels like it. Do we realize that his decisions, and lies, contributed to the deaths of thousands of Americans? ... by the intentional and inconsiderate way he handled this pandemic? Which is what really is the most damaging thing he done in my view, and he continues to do this ... I hardly hear anyone talking about it ... why? Do you realize if a doctor, for example, had even overprescribed a drug that ended up killing a patient, he/ she would be immediately removed, their license taken, and be facing criminal charges on their negligence that led to the death of the patient(s)? They (doctors) have went to prison for this ... President Trump should be prosecuted in my view ... he is responsible for misleading the people he took an oath to protect (especially if a pandemic, crisis, or war), and thousands have died and continue to die for his irresponsible orders, and failure to take any responsibility, nor care who is dying, because of his "chosen" actions. I have conversed with what are called notorious convicted murderers, in particular, Rick Ramirez, and Charlie Manson, who had shown more regard for people in casual talk, than President Trump has.

Much of the politically progressive media sites that I enjoy following, are focusing too much on the records of Biden and Harris, on issues like drafting the 1990's crime bill during President Clinton's term, or prosecution of pot cases or related petty offenses of Harris as a former prosecutor ... what's done, is in the past, we need to fix it now. I appreciate these sites pointing out these things and their work, it's importante. But too much focus is on some past mistakes, and not focused enough on the challenge we face now, if Trump gets reelected ... besides saying he's bad ..."bad" is putting it lightly. Frankly, I don't care about the platform of the DNC, or if they didn't even have one, or their hours of speeches, or whatever. I myself, as one can see in this journal, would like to see a third party that is competitive in strength to these two parties ... but thinking that not voting or voting for Green Party (a party that has internal problems and unstable, at this point) will do us no good between now and November, and only work to Trump's advantage ... it will do progressives, not one bit of good. The logical simple objective at this point, should be to vote in every Democrat you can, to have a majority in the House and Senate, and Oval Office. No, it's not going to fix the political mess we have in this country, that took decades to get where it is ... but this is the only chance available right now, of getting rid of Trump and the far right of the GOP. If you can get a Democrat majority in control, right now ... it will be better for balance, and negotiating for the people, and better for dealing with this pandemic, most importantly. Democrats will have a little more consideration for people, and what they are going through as a result of COVID, and we need that. Don't worry about too left, or too right ... they are way more balanced between the two than the GOP ... and importantly having a growing membership of more progressives getting voted in to office. Having this, will make them have to negotiate within the party, their own sort of left and right. Right now the only reason why establishment Dems are so gung- ho on leaning right, choosing the picks they do, is because they owe to their big money donors, and they have to do and say whatever, to continue to get that money, too. Or the wealthy donors, will use their money to try to destroy them ... and spend more on Trump ... the big money is what controls much politics and legislation. If we can get a majority of Dems ... we can start day one, 2021, to stay vigilant, and apply pressure to them.

You are better off with having the next term under a majority of Democrats, and even Biden and Harris, than having to deal with a GOP majority, driven and dictated to by Trump. Otherwise more and more of your dignity and democracy will go down the drain. Folks that may say that Democrats are going back on Medicare for All, public option, or related ... some Democrats were not even sincere about pushing for M4A to begin with, the lobbies and funding are controlling their decisions. But thinking you will even get any kind of health care worth anything out of Trump and Republicans, is even worse chances, you'd be lucky to get a scaled down shitty version of ObamaCare (aka RomneyCare) out of Trump/ GOP ... they're more likely to set up voucher health clinics at a 7- Eleven store, Walmart, McDonald's, or with volunteers at faith based tents. Not only health care issues ... but the economy ... thinking that Trump will be able to tackle jobs losses in this post COVID era, and miraculously/ quickly, as he states, fix the economy, is ill thinking. COVID destroyed so much ... the figures you hear in the news about a strong economy is only talking about stocks and the "financial economy" ... the average worker/ consumer lives in the "real economy". Trump only moved to extend unemployment through executive means, because of elections, he's worried that the Congress is taking too much time reaching an agreement, which they are ... but only because the Republicans are trying to force Democrats into giving them most of what they want. Trump's looking out only for himself, in fact, if he gets another term, that's likely the last you'll hear about unemployment help ... just like what he promised with his simple, fair "postcard" tax filing, if you support his tax plan. Democrats, even corporate Democrats, will be more considerate and willing to help more with folks that lost their jobs, homes, or folks needing temporary help ... they will also do more to try to curb and deal with this pandemic, and help small business more. The way Trump is dealing with this pandemic, has been way more detrimental to the real economy and jobs ... in fact ... if he would have dealt with this early on, instead of trying to hide it ... our real economy would be better off now, being already 8 months into COVID and when he first learned of it. What do we have after 8 months of this COVID in this so called good economy? ... more homelessness, food lines, soup kitchens on wheels, unemployed, etc ... he didn't do one damn thing with all his power to deal with this and our problems, right. And this is why, Trumpster should be tossed in the dumpster.

Word Out ....



***** RCJ MUSIC/ ART'S HONOUR ROLL SOCIETY (my hand- selected music/ arts picks)

***** "THE RESISTANCE | PERILS OF THE POWER POSSE" ... ( a 2 part futuristic Ranch Chimp Journal dream to dream on )



  1. "Medicare for all" is generally used to mean implementing universal Medicare by fiat, abolishing private health insurance. Biden is running on expanding access to Medicare so people have the choice of opting in to it, but leaving the private insurance companies in operation as well. If he gets elected and implements that, people will have a choice, and private insurance will probably decline over time as people see that the government plan is better. If Biden were to run on "Medicare for all", that is, on abolishing private insurance, very likely he wouldn't get to implement it because Trump would be re-elected. People don't want to get rid of private insurance. Maybe they should want that, but they don't.

    Yes, getting rid of Trump is the #1 priority. we need to resist the temptation of running too far out ahead of where the center of gravity of the country and the party is. That's how you lose winnable elections.

  2. Many folks have never experienced government health care in U.S. or elsewhere, or even been to a county hospital, many feel they have a more personal relationship and choice with private industries, many get scared with propaganda, that the government will create death panels to depopulate, there are many reasons that many want to stay with what they have, because that's all they know and experienced, and fear change, too. I can understand, because it's their bodies and health. I'm not sure what Biden's proposals are for heath care yet, because I haven't been following much ... but, what you mention of Biden's plan is reasonable, the challenge is, getting it in action. I myself have posted so many posting in this blog's heath care reform series, with all kinds of links and experts, that have various wayz to improve and expand health care. President Obama put forth a plan, back in 2009 to implement a 20% public option, a great idea, without collapsing the industries, and widening coverage, choice, and creating more competition. A small group/ gang of key democrats and republicans threw it out in a bipartisan agreement, because of the industries lobbies. It has got to the point in America, where these industries want NO competition, NO price negotiating, and only plans that include government subsidies that go to them only. They liked ObamaCare, only because they would be collecting premiums and medicaid money for over 30 million new customers not insured, and locked by law, which kept prices and premiums high, and not much control by us for our taxes and payments, but being controlled by their lobbies drafting all the rules. The other issue is that these industries have got so large, and health care being 18% of GDP, which is why I say, that a sudden M4A would be tough on the economy at first, and as you said, many folks wouldn't want it. The partial option, or way to buy in to a goverment plan, whether Medicare, Medicaid, or a new plan ... would be more soft for the markets/ industries to handle ... and, it would truly be "free market", which all these SOBs alwayz whine about ... which shows you they don't want free market any more than a communist government, or competition. I recommend this myself, since this will let the consumer "choose" what they want, and these industries will have to "compete" for business, something they haven't done in years. Let the people/ consumer have options and choices to choose what they want, free market will take it's course, and the person with the best offer will expand their business, government or private. Even though many want their insurance and existing care ... a growing majority of the population as a whole (at least over three quarters, consisting of both left and right), do want better options and prices. With all the experts we have in Washington, you know they can create a plan that all business and patients can agree with ... the lobbyists are the only thing stopping it. Thanx for you input here, Infidel

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