Thursday, June 17, 2010

2010 SHOW, PART 4: .... Oil Spill Hearing's .... and the "Greatest Show in America" ....

What inspire's this particular posting is a couple fella's that are neighbor's (Rick and Tony) that I was just having some after work chat with out back. They were both kind of excited about the hearing's today going on, on the Hill (Capitalism Hill) where Mr.Tony Hayward, CEO of Brit Petro was getting drilled about his and the companies part in this Gulf oil spill. They said they both were able to catch part's of this today at work on the tele, and asked if I been watching it? I havent watched it ... no .... but I can tell you what it was about anywayz ... okay(?), as I explained to Rick and Tony briefly ... I will after this short video clip I included here I got off CNN a few minute's ago. ("2010 Show" part's 3, 2, and 1 here)

BP CEO Tony Hayward Denies BP Recklessness ... Thanx to DEMOCRACY NOW! ARCHIVES

Here's a lil bonus article as well that I'll toss in, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. :)

Let me just get to the job here and be Devil's advocate, and explain the reality of thing's. This is great .... no doubt ... okay? But it is importante to focus on "substance", the "show" .... you should value for the entertainment value, but not as anything it isnt. Substance being thing's like when the President met yesterday and hustled up a deal to get BP to front $20 billion for starter's .... that is substance .... because it was a good score, okay? Rick asked how much of that though will be "wrote off" some how or whatever? .... and that's a damn good question ... that show's Rick is sharp .... however, that isnt the importante part .... the importante part was getting the money fronted and the account's in motion and getting an outside inde 3rd party to oversee it and divi it up, okay? Getting the fund's dispersement is priority over this fella (Hayward) getting drilled by this Congressional Panel .... it put's food on the table ...heh? Other importante item's is the contracting done to get to cleaning up this mess, which will be a long and tough job ... that wont get done overnight.

Understand that whatever you see in these hearing's, whether it's the tough question's, the evasion of answer's to the panel, or Mr.Hayward displaying remorse for his action's .... it's all great for democracy and show, but doesnt really amount to squat. It had to be done ... for everybody that was in that room. You have mid term election's right around the corner ... this give's politician's who are pretty low rated as far as trust from the American people as it is, a steroid shot .... it allow's them to come in gun's blazing and verbally drill and attack Hayward .... and Hayward know's the score and does his best to be submissive to them because his ball's are in a vise, heh? Rick and Tony both brought up how he was avoiding answering question's and everything he said was ... he didnt know this, cant answer that, doesnt do this, is not that, etc, etc. Understand he is only saying what he "has" to, it is the only way to answer without directly taking the 5th amendment, or outright self incriminate (which is civil suicide), if you plea the "5th", you'll get "made" quicker than rat dropping's in a punchbowl. He cant answer all them question's .... not unless he want's to tighten the noose around his neck .... anything he say's here on record can and will be used later in any possible legal action's to come. So .... basically .... much he wont know, many in his own company he will not even know, decision's that were made, he will not be aware of, and he isnt a scientist, an engineer, an advisor ... or pretty much anything for that matter ..... by the time he's done ... assuming he's sharp, and has the best legal counsel money can buy ... and you can bet your ass he has both, his job will sound like the best paid job in America .... cause he does nothing, see's no one, talk's to no one, or know's no one .... or even does anything .... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. :)

But this is all psychologically great for the majority of American people, because people are about fed up with all the shit that has been going on .... and now they are more hip/ keen than ever more each day because of communication's technologies mainly, for year's these folk's had it made .... it took so long for anyone to "make" them and their scam's .... today their exposed like a $2.00 buck peep show, and it spread's quick as lightning. But again .... what the people get is the most importante, not these show's .... these show's come a dime a dozen these day's, their just more elaborate and well engineered now. Everyone of our rep's drilling Hayward on both side's, even folk's in this video like Waxman of California acting amazed, or acting frustrated over Hayward's action's or throwing their hand's in the air as if they feel they are pissing in the wind, knew and expected every single answer that Hayward give's them and the evasion .... no one is shocked, and even Hayward was briefed and given script's of the question's which he rehearsed with his legal team before he even shaved and showered for this hearing.

Everybody know's the score here, okay? .... and how the law's work, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh .... who do you think write's them?, and what is going to happen at these hearing's before it happen's better than a psychic, it's a formality, a show, and a form of entertainment that give's us a sense that we are really drilling this guy hard. The only thing that would really shock any of our politician's, is if Hayward actually "did talk" and directly answer most of their question's. And what do you expect .... heh? To see Hayward break down in tear's and tell it all? To just tighten the noose and pull the lever himself to hang? To get born again? He's saying what he has to say, to at least keep his head slightly above water .... because he is the villian now .... and even BP shareholder's fear associating with this guy .... he'd be lucky to be trusted from now on ... changing the oil on car's, in an oil/ lube joint. He not only know's anyone .... no one want's to know him either. Also our representative's are doing what they have to do, to get vote's this year, the real battle in these hearing's will be to see which politician's drill's Hayward with the best question's .... and is most forceful (verbally of course), because that will get you vote's. So they both need this .... the rep's and the corporate folk's, without this show, they would be all squeezed harder in between that rock and a hard place ... one hand washes the other ... get my drift, heh?

So .... how do the people benefit from this? Because we are getting these folk's to take action's that they rarely have to take .... we are not getting to take over .... but at least get more of what we should in the longrun, okay? It make's the ride a lil smoother, heh? As far as the show were seeing .... it's just a more elaborate form of "good cop/ bad cop" basically.

Enough said .............

POST NOTE: An additional piece here to show the actual "legal" significance that I must add, after all .... I dont want to shortchange anyone who may read this on the truth. Significance or Importance = "0". If any of our Congressional member's were really serious about being tough, they would have NOT presented Hayward previous to hearing with questionaire's,they would have also immediately issued "subpoena's" to all the folk's they asked about in their so called "investigative inquiries". Understand .... most politician's .... are full of shit period and good actor's only, many with law degree's, screw all this left/ right, good/ evil nonsense, you cant see the picture clearly if you think like that, you must block that out, or your party favourite while viewing and clear your mind. What you see is a bunch of knee-jerk millionaire's marching a bunch more millionaire's down to the Hill, ranting to show how "tough" they can be is all. No different than when they did this with the big banker's if you recall .... and "cracked down" on them, yet gave them billion's of our tax dollar's. Or about as stupid as the other scam Olympia Snowe pulled that I wrote so much about in my Healthcare "SNOWEjob" series .... when she introduced this silly "Trigger Plan" (part 1 of 7), telling insurer's they will give them 5 year's to clean up their practice's "or else", heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, which I explained in detail how that scam work's. Significant step's would be like when the President walked away with a $20 billion fund from a few hour meeting. What you see otherwise .... is the best bullshit money can buy.



  1. RC
    Here's how I see it...what a great opportunity to see the republicans go on Record. That was the funniest shit I've seen in a while. They had that douchebag from Texas (sorry)Joe Barton publicly and on the record apologize to BP. He said basically, I'm sorry that mean old President is making you pay all that money....
    Butt holes puckered on the right as they scrambled to take back what joey said. So I loved it,cause I'm a sick bastard...

  2. Mr. Tim: Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, .... so that's for real? Ole Barton apologized, heh? I'm sure there were some good part's to catch, and maybe I can catch some of those a lil later. :)

    Thanx Guy ...........

  3. Okay Mr. Tim .... I actually just caught Barton on the video I postred, I know .... how rude for me to post a video I didnt watch, but I was a tad pressed for time, before midnight.... but yeah .... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh .... what barton pulled is just a Limbaugh or Beck job is all .... Hell ... he probably picked that one up off the show himself .... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, .... nonetheless .... it's all in good fun and show! :)

    I wouldnt be able to stop laughing if I had to hear all these hearing's! :)

  4. That was actually hilarious Mr.Tim, I had to watch it again .... I bet ole Hayward felt embarrassed and low, as Barton said that. And I understand what Barton's pro- business point is, or any of the pro- business crowd, I am actually very conservative when it comes to business and free market. However .... as sad and unfair as they make it sound to those who suck up this, those in business lost touch with reality these day's .... it's alway's now "Whoa is me" ..." The government is picking on us" ... "Boo-Hoo, etc, etc". The bottom line is in any free market in democracy is .... If you snooze, ya loose, period. And BP made the wrong move's just like all these hedgefund manuever's I posted about. I mean .... what happened to that spirit of rugged individualism, being responsible for your action's, and accepting that you fucked up and owning up when you fail? The so called elite of today as I pointed out time and again, have became too soft, they even ask for welfare when they loose now .... they are downright shameful, they dont even have a red hair of integrity or credibilty, their not even competitive anymore with this neo monopoly of today .... that IS WHAT truely is shameful. :)

  5. RC
    You know, I think the very essence of conservatism has over the years been altered. When one of those politicians start spewing their nonsense,I shake my head cause they don't know from which they speak.

  6. Indeed Mr.Tim .... for year's .... I was like a lifelong straight conservative voter, I been voting democrat now since 2004 I reckon, simply because the republican party just totally lost touch with what actual conservatism is, basically selling out for the "vote", and letting neo monopoly corporate cut throat's just take total control and bringing in every religious fanatacism group both side's of the Mississippi .... as odd as this may sound .... the liberal's are acting more Amnerican and conservative than conservative's. I am still very conservative on gun right's, business (all business, not a selected few), and defense/ military (kind of libertarian on defense I reckon).... but I am more left than a leftist on issue's like a woman's choice, same sex marriage, liberal art's etc. On healthcare I'm like a socialist actually or even on energy for that matter .... I dont feel like these thing's should be strictly profit driven or enviromental/eco issue's. So as you can see Guy .... I truely cant identify with any party, but I vote straight democrat these day's.

    BTW .... I updated this post with a "POST NOTE", since you seen it.

    Thanx Guy .........
