Thursday, July 22, 2010

SAIQA AKHTER: (KILLER PARENT'S PART 2) .... "Thinking of the Kid's" .... and Planning your DEFENSE STRATEGY ....

UPDATE: Suicide watch for Texas mom jailed in kids' strangling deaths -  Beaumont Enterprise

Saiqa Akhter

This Part 2 of the "KILLER PARENT'S" series will take a look at Mrs. Saiqa Akhter , who is the most recent here in the Dallas/ Fort Worth Metroplex to murder her two children. First below is a video/audio clip that has no video, but the 911 call recording after the murder, that Mrs. Akhter clearly admit's to. An ARTICLE HERE (CBS News) on this .... then some word's I will add after.

Saiqa Akhter "I Want Normal Kids" Woman Kills Her Two Children ... Thanx to EXCLUSIVE MEDIA NEWS




This of course is the most recent case here, and a result this time according to what I read, because the two children were autistic, and I also heard that several autistic children have been killed/ harmed by their parent's nationwide , even by parent's connected to politic's ... so this reason seem's to be more popular or fashionable I reckon with these type's. I would also investigate the husband who she called first at the office and thoroughly, just to make sure this wasnt conspired in some way by both having her as the "fall" guy/ gal ... because they know that the defense can manipulate the case better based on gender, and make it easier to find "her" not guilty.

Mrs. Akhter is now charged with two seperate count's of capital murder by Texas law, which qualifies for the death penalty. To qualify for death penalty in Texas you must have at least one capital murder charge "with" one additional felony, such as rape/ murder or like armed robbery/ murder etc. But having two seperate capital murder's here will fix you up for that lethal dose as well (lethal injection is the method of execution in Texas). The prosecutor's are not sure if they will seek the death penalty they say here ... and this is political ... I can assure you, because of gender and ethnicity/ culture and politically correct BS. As for me ... I believe in equal treatment regardless of the pop culture nonsense about why a person should be exempt from the penalties everyone else would get. The fact of the matter in Texas is already several mother's have received non guilty verdict's strictly based on hearing voice's .... usually from God, or postpartum psychosis and depression, or some other diagnosis that make's the guilty not responsible based basically on not guilty by reason of insanity, temporary or otherwise .... but ... that's how it work's here in Texas ... or has been now for several year's ... and these folk's are doing a couple year's in the mental health ward's/ institution's then cut loose ... and told they can walk as long as they continue their outpatient therapy and continue to use birth control, and not have contact with any children there on without supervision, and other related condition's. So this also just show's these parent's what legally work's and how, and how to beat the case, using another past case as for defense precedent/ motion.

And Mrs. Akhter has requested state legal representation, being not able to afford her own ... which is fair, this IS A DEMOCRACY ... and she should have a fair trial. I dont know yet what defense will use as strategy and approach to this, but my guess would be what has a history of working such as above. She admitted, and it's on tape ... that she killed them and even gave reason to motive because in this case the disabilities of her children. Which in my opinion solidifies "sanity", however additonal team's/ voice's, political as well, as happened in the Mrs. Andrea Yates case in Houston who drowned 5 of her children and got off, as well as the Mrs. Dena Schlosser case here in the Metroplex .... will appear to testify in her defense also of what trauma she is going through as a mom of kid's like this ... and of course usually then the whining and sympathy start's to wet the eye's of the juror's, prosecution and court. But for me .... she is as guilty as they come and admit's it, and it's just cut and dry ... My deliberation would only take minute's on a case this clear, and I would ask for the death penalty as well, only because it is standard punishment in this state ... not because I actually think the death penalty work's ... I feel the death penalty in Texas should be put on hold as a matter of fact , because I believe that too many innocent's have been executed here, period. But this case is not questionable to me in one bit, this is clear self confessed murder simply. Plus her additional admission of trying to kill the children even prior to the murder by having them drink bathroom cleanser, but they refused to drink it, solidifies it even further as far as "sanity", based on self admission in that testimony of pre- meditation.

It doesnt really matter to me if people hear voice's from God or Satan or any other archetype/ deity ... or inspired by a piece of literature, or if they were temporarily insane, or intoxicated, or if Charlie Manson sent them message's via telepathy. If they claim to me that a voice such as God or Satan for instance told them to do it, then I would as a judge/ prosecution, subpoena God/ Satan or whoever, and if they didnt show to testify, then that is the defendant's/ defense's problemo, not mine or the court's. These two children of her's also had mental disabilities and paid the ultimate penalty for such which was death, willingly and knowingly executed/ murdered by their mother.

Enough said ....



  1. Very interesting piece, RC. I think to kill one's child(ren) is the most dispicable and unforgiveable act there is. I can hardly stand to read about these cases. I just wish there were a clear cut answer to such a perplexing problem.

  2. RC
    Sorry I'm late getting around and to you yo tnlib. I'm writing in between outages in internet service from good old time warner.
    This creepy woman in my opinion should she be convicted be jailed for Life. Incarceration in the general populous I hope. They know what to do with her. Forgive all mistakes here typing a mile a minute.....

  3. The lack of emotion in the mothers voice is eerie, she must either be insane or there is much more to the story then we know. Sometimes people become disconnected to reality because of severe pressures. I feel the whole thing is tragic & sad. I don't even want to pass judgment. :(

  4. Hi Ms.Leslie(TNlib) .... I realize it can be a tad difficult to listen to, and it is sad there is no across the board answer, but it's an issue that exist's, and can be dealt with. This is also one reason why I have been pro choice ... and very strong on advocating birth control especially. Birth control should not only be instructed either to the female gender, but especially to the male gender, there is simply too many irresponsible father's as well, that are running around just with no consideration and getting gal's pregnant left and right as if it's fashionable or a game ... with children come responsibilties. I was very strict and careful about this, and many guy's were not, didnt think until it was too late, then some were opposed to abortion strictly based on some moral code when they were raised, that havent a thing to do with the reality of the current, and asking the woman to have the child for some selfish reason, not based on any logic. In the near future we will also have better method's for determining and altering the fetal stages to know whether or not there will be disabilities or such to deal with it before birth.

    Thanx for your voice here ....

  5. Mr. Tim: .... Actually life in prison is more penalty than death, I mean ... spending many year's incarcerated is more punsihment than being put to sleep. As far as general population and the reaction from inmate's to those who injure, molest or kill children ... it was that way at a time of past ... today in prison population it is different, because prison's are saturated with offender's that have harmed children, and the general population in prison these day's is far more desensitized to it than say 40 year's back or so, and there are many who frankly dont care one way or the other. Then many inmate's also may have a different way of viewing thing's, than the person in the freeworld who has never been incarcerated, and they simply dont react the same way whether it's morally or socially, politically, or even psychologically, because the enviroment and reality of incarceration will over time change your view on some thing's as well as desensitize you in a way to thing's that other's would be more sensitive to, if that make's any sense.

    But Thanx for droppin in and adding your opinion here Guy ....

  6. Good Evening Ms.Rita!

    The voice sound's eerie? There may me more to it? Insanity? Some good observation's and thought. First place ... also after one act's out this type offense, they may be in somewhat of a daze as far as thought, which can also make the person seem to have a lack of emotion, which they will get back later once they are locked away in a cell and have time to think about what they done, they operator asking what she felt is standard proceedure. Also notice that Mrs. Ahkter when asked her address by the operator, she instructed the operator, that she had the address on the call ID, meaning that Ahkter at that time wasnt too psychologically deficient, and sharp enough to know this. Also notice that she said she called her husband first at work .... this is also why I would thoroughly investigate him to see if there was conspiracy here, because it seem's smooth enough to assume this based on emotion as well as you pointed out, then you have to look into finance, insurance policies, bank record's, etc. But those are good observation's.

    Law is a game, and is complex, and it's a matter of evidence, testimony, etc. Despite whatever other motive's or reason's, this woman admitted willingly without any type coercion/ interrogation voluntarily what she had done, which is very solid prosecution presentation in court.

    Thank you for your input Ms. Rita ....
